Flexor pollicis longus tendon stenosing tenosynovitis release

The tendon injury of the hand is mostly open, with more cuts, often with neurovascular injury or bone and joint damage, and a closed laceration can also occur. After the tendon breaks, the corresponding joint loses its function. For example, the shallow flexor tendon rupture refers to the proximal interphalangeal joint can not flex; the deep flexor tendon rupture, the distal interphalangeal joint can not flex; the deep and shallow flexor tendon rupture, the distal and proximal interphalangeal joints can not flex. Since the intramuscular muscle is still intact, the flexion of the metacarpophalangeal joint is not affected. The different parts of the extensor tendon are broken, and the corresponding joints cannot be stretched and deformed. Treatment of diseases: tenosynovitis, finger flexor tenosynovitis Indication Suitable for patients with tensor tenosynovitis of the flexor hallucis longus. Contraindications Pay attention to aseptic operation during operation, reduce the chance of infection, and complete the release of the tendon block with as few cuts as possible, completely loosen the adhesion between the tendon and the tendon sheath without causing unnecessary damage to the tendon and its surrounding tissues. The secondary damage. Preoperative preparation Using the "Hanzhang I-type needle knife", the needle length is 50 mm, the needle tip width is 2 mm, and it is carried out in the outpatient sterile operating room. The routine finger skin disinfection preparation is prepared, and the treating physician finds obvious tenderness points and touches one on the palmar side of the patient's metacarpal bone. Nodular, local infiltration anesthesia with 1% lidocaine, the drug should enter the tendon sheath, the therapist's left hand will fully extend the finger to stretch, so that the flexor tendon is fully stressed. Surgical procedure The distal end of the thumb is flexed and stretched, and there is an interlock. The metacarpophalangeal joint is a lateral transverse incision. The subcutaneous tissue is separated by blunt dissection, and the finger nerve is not damaged. Lumbar flexor tendon sheath is revealed. Cut and remove part of the tendon sheath, including the sheath wall between the two sesamoids, to completely release the tendon. Pull the tendon or the patient to bend the thumb to check if the relief is complete. Close the wound. complication This disease is often associated with neurovascular injury or bone and joint damage, and can also occur in closed lacerations, especially in patients with crush injuries. After the tendon is broken, the corresponding joint loses its active function. In addition, after the operation, the disease is also easy to have adhesions of the tendon. Tendon nutrition, tendon healing and tendon adhesion are a causal relationship. The more severe the tendon nutrition is destroyed, the slower the tendon heals, and the more severe the tendon adhesion. Even the collapse and atrophy of the tendon sheath can occur.

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