Double eyelid repair

Double eyelid repair is mainly for related operations caused by failure of double eyelid surgery or serious complications, so that the unsatisfactory double eyelids can be improved and the appearance becomes more natural. For a single eyelid, heavy surgery is undoubtedly the first choice to change the shape and look of the eye. However, there are many cases of double eyelids that are too wide and too narrow, and the scars of the incision are obvious, and the eyelid depression is unsatisfactory, which brings great pain and inconvenience to the beauty. Best time: postoperative recovery according to individual circumstances: 3-7 days of suture removal treatment: Indication 1. When the double eyelid lines are blurred or disappear. 2. When the double eyelids are multi-layered. 3. Double eyelids are too thin and low. 4. When the tangent appears thin. 5. Similar to or earlier than before surgery. Contraindications 1, the eye crack is small, the distance between the two eyes is too wide. Or the eye cracks are already wide, the eye is short, and the eyeball is prominent. 2, there are scars, or mentally ill patients. 3, the ptosis of the person who can perform double eyelid surgery at the same time as the correction surgery. 4, there are serious medical diseases, such as strabismus, facial paralysis patients or coagulation disorders. 5. There are rashes, bloated or other sources of infection on the skin or adjacent areas of the upper jaw. 6, the eyelids are everted, the eyes are not closed. And after the skin grafting. Preoperative preparation 1. Two weeks before surgery, smoking, alcohol, and oral administration such as aspirin or aspirin-containing drugs, and Chinese medicines with blood circulation function. 2 Try to understand the risks of surgery and possible symptoms, and be prepared for the onset of these diseases. 3. Prepare sunglasses (covering scars) and ice packs (for post-ice ice wounds) before surgery. 4. Do not apply makeup before surgery. Surgical procedure Cut double eyelid repair: 1. The subject is placed in bed, disinfected in the operating area and surrounding areas. 2. Anesthesia, usually with local anesthesia. 3. Use appropriate surgical methods depending on the specific condition. a) After the incision, the double eyelids are too wide: under normal circumstances, if the mild double eyelids are too wide, the skin of the upper eyelids will be pulled for 2-3 months, so that the skin is sagging and sagging, so as to cover the wide eyelids as the standard. Cut and repair again; if the double eyelids are too wide, it can often lead to incomplete eye closure, which can be corrected by skin grafting. The donor site often chooses the contralateral eyelid, the posterior ear and the supraclavicular region, as well as the upper limb and the inner thigh. . The operation requires an incision along the sacral line or eyelashes to pull the upper iliac crest downward. The skin is peeled off as needed, the defected tissue is loosened, and the skin is sutured to the repair incision with tissue gel or suture. b) After the incision, the double eyelids are too narrow: for those who have too narrow double eyelids, the original double eyelid line can be cut by the incision method to separate the upper eyelid skin, and when the seesaw is sutured, the upper edge of the incision is selected, so that The double eyelids are wider. c) Asymmetry of double eyelids after incision: For those with double eyelid asymmetry, the incision method can generally be used to adjust the narrow double eyelid trimming to the contralateral double eyelid. d) After the incision, three eyelids are formed: only those who cut the double eyelids in the incision method can gently pull the upper eyelid skin to loosen the adhesion; in severe cases, the skin should be cut according to the original double eyelid line and peeled upward to make the adhesion The wrinkles were loosened, and the lower edge of the incision was sutured to the suture with the suture in the suture; the suture was tied with the upper edge of the incision and the suture was removed after 7 days. e) Forming a triangular eye after cutting: When the double eyelid line is designed, the inner segment is too wide. The double eyelid line can be redesigned to widen the width of the middle and outer sides of the double eyelid line. The surgical method is to cut the skin according to the original double eyelid line, and remove a part of the upper part of the upper edge of the incision and the upper part of the skin of the upper side, so that the inner, middle and outer parts are as wide or narrow inside and outside, and then sutured, and finally a parallel double eyelid can be formed. Or wide tail type double eyelids. Embedding double eyelid repair: 1. The subject is placed in bed, disinfected in the operating area and surrounding areas. 2. Anesthesia, usually with local anesthesia. 3. Use appropriate surgical methods according to the specific conditions. a. The double eyelid line is not obvious after embedding: if the eyelid is thin or the part of the double eyelid line is not obvious, it can be repaired by embedding method or suture method; such as swollen eyelid, internal suede, and slender skin The incision method can be used to repair excess skin, orbicularis muscle or sacral fat. b. Subcutaneous nodules formed after embedding: only those who have double eyelids in the embedding method. Some of the thread ends are close to the epidermis, and the knot can be removed after the double eyelid line is formed, or the subcutaneous knot can be removed by the incision method, and the double eyelids can be re-cut according to the incision method. complication 1, subcutaneous tissue congestion, swelling: more common, generally no special treatment, about a week or so can absorb. 2, local hematoma: If there is a hematoma, it is necessary to go to the hospital in time. 3, infection: the same as double eyelid surgery, failure of double eyelid repair also has the possibility of infection, once found, it should be treated in time.

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