Embedding double eyelid surgery

Embedding double eyelid surgery refers to a procedure in which sutures (or polymer sutures) are directly buried between the skin and the tarsal plate by suturing, so that the upper sac skin adheres to the tarsal plate and forms a sputum. The method is simple in operation, small in trauma, no scarring, rapid swelling, no need to remove the thread, and is suitable for young people, thin eyelids, long eye cracks, and no skin slack. It is not suitable for people with thicker eyelids, loose skin and older age, and there is a possibility that the sputum will disappear. Best time: no special time required for postoperative recovery: generally better treatment of diseases: Indication 1, want to do double eyelids, but do not dare to use the method of cutting the law. 2. People with thin or thin eyes. 3. People who use double eyelid tape to form lines. 4. People who repeatedly form lines with many double eyelid lines. 5, people with less drooping eyelids. Contraindications 1. Patients with eye diseases should not be treated. After curing eye diseases, they can be considered. 2. Women should avoid menstrual periods. 3, out, coagulation disorders can not be done. 4. Patients with heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes or other organ diseases should not do it. 5. Patients with infectious diseases cannot do it. 6, serious scars are not advocated. 7, cold, fever is not suitable for doing. 8, mentally unhealthy, mentally ill should not do, otherwise it may cause conflicts between surgery and imaging. Preoperative preparation 1, the general situation of the understanding, the general condition is good, no cold, diarrhea, fever, etc., whether there is a history of drug allergy, whether it is scar physique. Have a history of high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. What kind of medicine is usually taken orally, and the operation is considered after stopping the anticoagulant for 1 week. 2, women should not be operated during menstruation. 3, the face, around the eyelids, the trunk has a large abscess should not be operated. 4, check blood, urine, stool routine. Surgical procedure treatment method: Embedding double eyelid surgery refers to a procedure in which sutures (or polymer sutures) are directly buried between the skin and the tarsal plate by suturing, so that the upper sac skin adheres to the tarsal plate and forms a sputum. Therapy process: 1. Design the size of the double eyelid for each person's different conditions, and draw the line with the marker line according to the design line. 2. Stop partial anesthesia or painless anesthesia. 3. Cut the upper skin layer and make 6 small dots, each about 1 mm. 4. Take 3 points on the incision and use the thread to suture the upper eye levator and subcutaneous suture together. The operation time is approximately 30 minutes. complication Infection or corneal damage.

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