Anal membranous atresia surgery

Anal membranous atresia for surgical treatment of low rectal anal deformities. Congenital rectal anus deformity is the first in congenital digestive tract malformation. Due to the wide variety of malformations, and often combined with the deformity of other systems, the treatment is more complicated and the mortality rate is higher. In the early years, the operation was not well understood due to the anatomy of the control of bowel movements. The surgical results were not good, and the defecation dysfunction was often left after the operation. In recent years, due to the great progress in the study of rectal anus anatomy, combined with the appropriate surgical age and different surgical methods for different types of malformations, try to make the reconstructed anus close to normal anatomy and physiology. The surgical technique has been continuously updated, and the results have significantly improved the surgical results. At the same time, the cure rate has been further improved due to advances in pediatric surgical techniques and advances in neonatal surgery. Treatment of diseases: anal atresia Indication Low anal atresia, such as complicated small fistula or anal membranous atresia, can be performed after the perineal anusplasty. Preoperative preparation 1. Conduct a comprehensive physical examination to determine whether there are other system malformations. In particular, attention should be paid to whether congenital malformations such as congenital heart disease, esophageal atresia, and paralysis directly threaten the life of sick children. 2. Preoperative infusion to correct water and electrolyte disorders. For those who have no vomiting without digestive tract obstruction, it is not necessary to infusion. 3. Prophylactic antibiotics. At the same time, vitamin K1110mg was given, intramuscular injection, 2/d to improve coagulation function. Surgical procedure Make a "T" shaped incision in the anal membranous atresia. If there is a fat tissue protruding between the intestinal mucosa and the skin, it should be removed. After the mucous membrane is combined with the skin, it is sutured intermittently with a gut or other absorbable suture. complication 1. Low anal atresia is rare, mainly seen in the urinary system and cardiovascular system malformations. Anal incontinence rarely occurs in surgery, unless the anus is not fully extended after surgery, resulting in anal stenosis. 2. The wound is infected after being contaminated by feces, and the incision is split to form an anal stenosis and deformation. 3. After the anus is narrowed, the megacolon is secondary to the retention of feces.

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