caesarean section

Certain fetal positions pose a risk of vaginal production. For example, the placenta previa will block the passage of fetal output, and placental abruption will seriously affect the supply of oxygen and nutrients in the fetus. In the case of risk of vaginal production, the implementation of caesarean section is beneficial to both mother and child. Treatment of diseases: dystocia, surgical procedures In non-emergency situations, surgery is usually done with a transverse incision above the genitals. In an emergency, the surgical incision is generally made by a longitudinal incision from below the umbilicus to above the genitals. Longitudinal incisions help the fetus to move away quickly. Longitudinal incision bleeding is relatively small, and the fetus can be delivered faster, but it is not conducive to the mother's attempt to vaginal production during a more pregnancy. Longitudinal incisions increase the risk of uterine rupture during the second fetus. Cut the amniotic sac and drain the amniotic fluid. Push the fetus out of the uterus and cut the cord.

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