
frontal bone cranioplasty

Due to the lesion of the frontal bone, it is necessary to surgically remove the frontal bone and re-implant or reshape the frontal bone. Treatment of diseases: chronic frontal sinusitis Indication 1. Chronic frontal sinusitis. 2. Frontal cysts and tumors. 3. Frontal sinus trauma, anterior wall collapse. Preoperative preparation Preoperative X-ray and CT were used to determine the extent of the lesion. X-ray or cardboard was cut according to the size of the frontal sinus X-frontal sinus. Cut hair and eyebrows, prepare skin. Surgical procedure 1. Generally, the hairline is connected by the two sides of the hairline, making an arc-shaped incision. 2. Keep the periosteum and turn the coronal flap down until the edge of the eyebrow. 3. Remove the poisonous frontal sinus film and use the pen to trace the frontal sinus border along its edge. 4. Cut the periosteum outside the boundary, open the frontal sinus boundary with a chisel or electric drill, and use the bone to lift the anterior wall to fully expose the sinus cavity. 5. If the tumor, inflammation, the lesion is cleared, and scrape the frontal sinus opening, abdominal fat filling the sinus cavity, returning the bone flap and flap, suture layer by layer, bandage. The forehead of the operation is intact and scar free.

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