artificial keratoplasty

Artificial cornea refers to the artificial corneal endothelium, which is an artificial corneal endothelial cell layer that can be used for transplantation. The tissue engineered human corneal endothelium (abbreviated as artificial corneal endothelium) developed by the Corneal Tissue Engineering Laboratory of Ocean University of China successfully completed the corneal transplantation experiment of rabbits, cats and monkeys. This is the first time in the world, indicating one of the important parts of the cornea. The corneal endothelium can be artificially manufactured and is expected to enter clinical trials by the end of 2010 or early 2011. This research will effectively alleviate the reality of corneal scarring in medical eyes. Treatment of diseases: eye disease, eye injury Indication Artificial Orthokeratology is suitable for: 1, nut bolt type (1) severe bullous keratopathy and severe corneal dystrophy. (2) The turbidity of the graft failed in penetrating keratoplasty. (3) Thick corneal scars caused by factors other than chemical burns. 2, through (1) severely vascularized cornea. (2) Chemical burns the cornea. (3) sequela of eye pemphigus (severe dry eye). Contraindications 1, active eye lesions, unsuitable for surgery. 2, accompanied by systemic diseases, can not tolerate surgery. Preoperative preparation 1, the patient 1 to 2 days before surgery 0, 3% norfloxacin eye drops. 2, before the operation of the night, 0, 25% ezrin eye ointment, or 1% of the first 1 hour of preoperative 1 eye pilocarpine eye drops 2 times. 3, infectious keratopathy as a pathogen test (smear test bacteria + culture). 4, chemical burns to check tear film rupture time and tear secretion test. 5, wear through the injury to do B-ultrasound or x-ray film. 6, 1 hour before surgery, acetaminophen 0, 5g and diazepam 5mg, pediatric 20% mannitol (4ml / kg) intravenous infusion. 7, anesthesia: adult ball, orbicularis muscle. Pediatric basic anesthesia plus local anesthesia, oppression of the eye for 10 minutes.

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