neurogenic impotence


Introduction to neurological impotence Among the many causes of impotence, neuropathological changes are also one of them if neuropathological changes result in damage to neurotransmitter release at the neuromuscular junction between the pelvic cavernous nerve and the smooth muscle surrounding the sinusoid and the spiral artery. It can cause neurological impotence. basic knowledge The proportion of sickness: 0.01% Susceptible people: male Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: premature ejaculation erectile dysfunction


Causes of neurological impotence

Hypothalamic-pituitary tumor or other parts of the tumor, local brain damage, such as localized epilepsy, encephalitis, brain blood pressure, spinal cord injury, spinal cord tumor, chronic alcoholism, multiple sclerosis, pelvic surgery injury surrounding autonomic nerves, etc. Impotence can occur.


Neurological impotence prevention

1. Eliminate psychological factors, have a full understanding of sexual knowledge, fully understand the influence of spiritual factors on sexual function, correctly treat "sexual desire", can not be seen as a disgusting thing and disgust and fear; can not be because of one or two times Frustration and frustration, lack of confidence; husband and wife should increase emotional exchanges, eliminate disharmony factors, tacit cooperation, the woman should care, caress, encourage her husband, try to avoid dissatisfaction, avoid stress on her husband; Concentration; especially when reaching the peak of sexual pleasure, when ejaculation, it is more concentrated.

2, house sex, long-term sexual intercourse, immersed in pornography, excessive masturbation leads to mental fatigue, is one of the reasons for impotence, practice has proved that couples bed, stop sex for a period of time, avoid all types of sexual stimulation, let The central nervous system and sexual organs are fully rested and are effective measures to prevent impotence.

3, diet nursed back to health.


Neurological impotence complications Complications premature ejaculation erectile dysfunction

1. Influencing male fertility: Most genital patients have difficulty in erectile genital dysfunction, unable to perform normal sexual life, and cannot allow sperm to be exported to women's cervix. Obviously, they cannot give birth to the next generation. In patients with milder conditions, the common symptom is that the erection is not strong and can barely complete sex life. However, at this time, the patient's physiological function is in an unhealthy state, and the sperm quality is poor, and it is impossible to ensure a healthy small life. It can be seen that ED conditions can seriously affect the fertility of patients. Fertility is a big problem for male compatriots, so this problem is quite serious and patients must pay attention to it.

2, triggering related mental illness: a large number of clinical cases show that male impotence is easy to lead to the emergence of depression. Many patients suffer from anxiety, inferiority, and marijuana loss due to impotence, which can lead to depression; in addition, depression and many treatments of yao can cause impotence. Impotence and depression have become two common diseases in modern men, and they are accompanied by each other, causing a vicious circle. Depression affects the normal life and work of patients and, in severe cases, endangers life.


Neurological impotence symptoms common symptoms erection time short anxiety fatigue depression

1. The penis cannot be fully erect or erect, so that it cannot be satisfactorily carried out for normal sexual life.

2. Young people are anxious and impatient with impotence due to inadequate communication with their sexual partners or inconsistent sexual behaviors.


Neurological impotence check

The content of neurological impotence should include examination of the sensory center (such as the ability to judge time, place, and characters); examination of cranial nerves, motor nerves, and sensory nerves (including the feeling of the back); Examination of cavernosal muscle reflex and anal reflex; examination of gait and cerebellar function. For example, the integrity of the sacral reflex arc (2-4) can be detected by the ball sponge body muscle reflection, and the muscle contraction can be felt by placing the glans in one hand and the perineum or anus in the other hand. In clinical examinations, SP70% of normal men have this body reflex. Clinical examinations of penile sensations are also useful, such as acupuncture tests and alcohol-cotton temperature sensing tests to confirm whether the sensory components of the dorsal nerve of the penis are damaged.


Diagnosis and differentiation of neurological impotence

The traditional concept holds that premature ejaculation and impotence are only different in severity. Premature ejaculation is a mild or early manifestation of impotence. Yangshuo is the result of the evolution of premature ejaculation. Some people refer to premature ejaculation and impotence as a pair of brothers and sisters. Modern medicine believes that premature ejaculation and impotence are two different diseases, and there are obvious differences between the two. Although premature ejaculation and impotence have the same attribute dysfunction, sexual dysfunction has sexual dysfunction, erectile dysfunction, sexual intercourse disorder, orgasm disorder, ejaculation disorder and so on.

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