glans cancer


Introduction to glans cancer In male urinary infections, foreskin glans cancer is one of them. It is very harmful to the body. You can find this disease early through the symptoms of foreskin glans cancer and treat it early. basic knowledge Sickness ratio: 0.0001% Susceptible people: male Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: constipation


Cause of glans cancer

The occurrence of glans cancer is closely related to the environment in which patients live. The environmental carcinogenesis theory believes that about 80-90% of the causes of human malignant tumors are caused by environmental factors. This theory has been made up of some geographical epidemiology and Supported by the Institute of Immigration Epidemiology. At present, there are many environmental factors related to tumorigenesis. According to their nature, there are three major categories of chemical, physical and biological, and chemical factors are dominant.

1. Occupational exposure: In the production environment, many kinds of chemical substances can be contacted, some of which are carcinogenic. Owing to long-term contact with workers, it can cause occupational cancer. However, in general, since the source of occupational cancer is clear, effective preventive measures can be used to achieve effective prevention. This is the most common cause of glans cancer.

2. Environmental pollution such as air and water: Water and air are the essential environmental factors for human survival. With the development of industry and agriculture, environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious. Many of the environmental pollutants are carcinogens or carcinogens, such as coal combustion, exhaust gas emitted by motor vehicles and industrial waste gas contain carcinogens, mainly polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, such as 3,4-benzopyrene, etc. . Therefore, many data prove that the mortality rate of lung cancer in industrial cities is higher than that in non-industrial cities and rural areas. This is also the causative factor of glans cancer.

3. Food: The relationship between food and tumor is very close. It is known that mycotoxins in food, food additives, nitrosamines, and toxic components of certain plants have carcinogenic and cancer-promoting effects.


Glaucoma prevention

Primary prevention, also known as causal prevention, aims to prevent cancer from occurring, rather than treating it to eliminate cancer. Prevention methods can be strictly regulated by administrative orders and legal provisions to protect individuals and society from carcinogenic factors. Radio, television, newspapers and periodicals can also be used to widely publicize cancer hazards, popularize cancer prevention knowledge, and enable the public to correctly understand cancer. Establish a correct concept of cancer to prevent and cure, and establish a safe and healthy lifestyle.

Secondary prevention: It is detected at the earliest stage of cancer, even in the precancerous stage (such as cervical exfoliative cytology, breast examination, X-ray examination), and given timely treatment to control its development. In this way, not only can reduce the cost of treatment, avoid the development of advanced cancer, but also significantly improve the cure rate and reduce the mortality rate. The most important method for early detection is the anti-cancer screening. In addition, regular physical examinations and self-examinations are recommended.

Tertiary prevention: also known as clinical prevention or rehabilitation prevention. It is aimed at preventing the deterioration of the disease and preventing disability. The method is to use a multidisciplinary comprehensive diagnosis and treatment, to correctly select a reasonable diagnosis and treatment plan, and to provide radical treatment for patients who can be cured, in order to achieve the purpose of cure: providing palliative treatment and dying treatment for patients who cannot be cured, in order to eliminate pain Restore physical strength, prolong survival time and improve quality of life.


Glaucoma cancer complications Complications constipation

1, nausea and vomiting: is a common symptom of patients with advanced glans cancer, often more painful than glans cancer pain. Nausea and vomiting can be a side effect of treatment; it can also be caused by glans cancer invading the digestive or nervous system; it may also be a psychological effect such as anxiety. It should generally be treated symptomatically for different reasons. This is a common point of glans cancer.

2, loss of appetite: may be related to general malaise or emotional depression, nervousness and anxiety, as well as gastrointestinal candidiasis, constipation, etc., can also be caused by the tumor itself, the patient is not interested in food, and even nausea when mentioning food. This is also the effect of glans cancer.

3, constipation: is a common side effect of morphine painkillers, the activity of patients with advanced glans cancer is reduced, eating less and too fine and lack of cellulose is also the cause of constipation; mental stress will increase constipation. This is also the effect of glans cancer.

4, diarrhea: chemotherapy, lower abdominal radiotherapy or intestinal malabsorption can cause diarrhea, bacterial infection, fat absorption difficulties, allergies to special foods, mental and psychological factors may be the cause of diarrhea.


Glare cancer symptoms Common symptoms Glans red dot foreskin edema glans itching foreskin pain foreskin cracking

The disease manifests as redness and burning of the foreskin, aggravation during urination, and purulent discharge from the foreskin. There are erythema on the head of the turtle, and there may be small pustules or small papules on the surface. It can also be expressed as local edema of the glans mucosa, mild desquamation at the edges, and the presence of papules and small pustules to expand around to form glans erosion. Repeated episodes of Candida glans cancer can cause local dry cracking, fibrosis and other changes. If the foreskin is turned over, it can be seen that the inner surface of the foreskin and the penis head are congested, swollen, and severe, and may have shallow ulcers or erosions, showing pus.


Glans cancer check

Blood tests for tumor markers.


Pathological examination.


Diagnosis and identification of glans cancer

Can be diagnosed based on clinical performance and laboratory tests.

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