

Profile of baldness Bald, the dictionary is interpreted as "the top of the hair that has fallen off a lot of hair." Hair growth, dormancy and shedding are a cyclical process. Hair loss is faster than growth, and it may be caused by male alopecia, which is often called baldness. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.02% Susceptible people: no specific population Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: hair loss during the growing season



1, mostly due to various reasons to reduce the blood supply of hair follicles, or local neuromodulation disorders, resulting in hair follicle malnutrition, but no hair follicle structure damage, so after treatment, new hair can also be regenerated and restored to its original state. This type of baldness is mostly temporary. And the cause of androgenetic alopecia may often be related to genetic and androgen. After male puberty, the level of androgen is increased in the body. The androgen testosterone causes the sebaceous glands to secrete sebum, which makes the hairy nipple nutrient-rich, and the hair grows for a long time and the hair grows well. In the human body, there is a 5-alpha reductase, which turns testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. Dihydrotestosterone shrinks the dermal papilla, and the nipple shrinks and becomes smaller, causing hair loss.

2. In addition to hair loss caused by certain diseases or drug factors, the main cause of baldness is that the secretion of androgen in the body is too strong. Because the sebaceous glands are mainly controlled by androgen, if the androgen secretion is too strong, the body's back and chest, especially the face and the top of the head will secrete too much oil. When the pores on the top of the head are blocked by grease, the nutrient supply of the hair will be impeded, eventually leading to gradual hair loss and eventually becoming bald.


Bald prevention

Baldness and white hair can be prevented and delayed. Everyone living in modern material civilization can live to a hundred years old, and he is a child. Of course, the cause of hair loss and hair whitening is also multi-faceted. If you don't want your hair to be white and bald, the most fundamental method is to properly manage your hair and raise your hair. There are a few points to note about hair care:

1, hair combing

Brush your hair early, mid, and evening. The scalp can be massaged while combing to enhance the blood supply to the roots and the nutrition of the hair. When combing the hair, do not use metal or plastic comb. It is best to use a wooden comb or a horn comb. When the hair is wet, do not comb it to avoid damage to the hair.

2, shampoo

Shampoo can remove dust and itching, which is good for the skin of the head. It is better to use shampoo 4-7 times a week. After the hot water is soaked, "Shenwu Run Hair" water temperature should not be too hot, preferably 38 degrees Celsius or so of warm water.

3, a reasonable diet

Hair loss and white hair are due to insufficient supply of viscera and blood. In general, exercise should be strengthened. You can eat more foods rich in iron, calcium and vitamin A and foods that have nourishing effects, such as fish with high protein content, lean meat, milk. And poultry and so on. Patients with excessive bleeding should be supplemented with qi and blood under the guidance of a doctor. Do not cause baldness and white hair due to lack of blood and nutrients.

4, eliminate the sense of depression

The mental state has a great relationship with baldness and white hair. The long-term mood is melancholy, and the faster the hair loss and white hair. "White hair is three thousand feet, and the fate is like a long one." Usually, life should be regular, maintain adequate rest and sleep, and a happy mood can eliminate mental tension and prevent hair from getting white and early.


Bald complication Complications, hair loss during growth

The disease mainly causes social and psychological problems in patients.


Baldness symptoms common symptoms pathological hair loss hair is hair loss

The hair on the top of the head fell off a lot.


Bald inspection

1. Detection of immune function of the body (including determination of interleukin 2 and its receptor levels, determination of T lymphocytes and their subpopulations, determination of NK cell levels, etc.).

2, trace elements.

3, endocrine detection (thyroid, adrenal gland, detection of pituitary secretion function).

4. Pathological section of the scalp.

5, head treatment skin microcirculation test.

6. Is there too much androgen?

7, cervical spine deviation (Orthopedics).


Bald diagnosis

Differential diagnosis

1, neurological alopecia - alopecia areata (commonly known as ghost shaved head)

Alopecia areara is also called round hair loss, commonly known as ghost shaving, and Chinese medicine is also called oil wind.

It is a kind of neurological hair loss. It is an organ-specific autoimmune disease with genetic quality and environmental triggering factors. It is a localized non-scarring inflammatory patchy alopecia. Patients with alopecia areata often have a mental impact before the onset.

In conclusion, alopecia areata may be an antigenic system in HLA that stimulates the autoimmune process, breaking the normal hair follicle dynamics, causing the hair follicle to enter the rest period prematurely, so that normal hair cannot be produced, but the hair follicles at the hair loss site are present. Since it is in a relatively static period, after the cause is removed, the hair follicle may re-grow normal hair.

Scarring hair loss: hair loss caused by infection, burns, burns, wounds and electric shocks, causing hair loss caused by damage to hair follicles.

2, other types of hair loss

Infectious hair loss: bacterial infection can cause hair loss, inflammation of the hair around the head and abscess hair follicles, keloid caused by folliculitis and alopecia folliculitis can lead to permanent scarring hair loss.

Drug-induced hair loss: Hair loss caused by drugs, the vast majority of hair can be regenerated, hair loss caused by chemotherapy drugs is the most common.

Neurological alopecia: alopecia areata, total baldness, trichomes, plucking ticks, etc. Most of them are temporary alopecia, and mental stress can cause excessive sweating and sebaceous gland secretion, resulting in severe scalp and hair survival. It deteriorates, causing diffuse hair loss.

Nutritional metabolic hair loss: excessive sugar, excessive salt, protein deficiency, iron deficiency, zinc deficiency and lack of B vitamins such as: B2 (riboflavin), B3 (pantothenic acid), B6 and biotin.

Endocrine alopecia: hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, hypopituitarism, hypoparathyroidism, estrogen deficiency, such as menopause, can also cause hair loss.

3, physical hair loss:

a, mechanical hair loss including hair loss and local friction irritant hair loss.

b. Radioactive hair loss factors include electromagnetic wave radiation, radioisotope and high energy radiation.

c. Ultraviolet rays: The direct effect of ultraviolet rays in sunlight on the hair is to break the keratin in the hair, and the fur is gradually weakened.

d, hot hair: hair dry contains a certain amount of water, is very important for the hair to stay healthy, the temperature is often as high as 120 ~ 180 degrees, so that the water content in the hair is reduced, keratin softens, easy to break.

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