ethmoid sinusitis


Introduction to ethmoiditis Ethmoid sinusitis can be divided into acute and chronic. Acute ethmoid sinusitis is an acute suppurative infection of the sinus mucosa in acute suppurative sinusitis. Acute ethmoid sinusitis is not treated or treated improperly, causing severe damage to the mucosa, loss of normal function, and can be chronic inflammation. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.03% Susceptible people: no special people Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: headache


Cause of ethmoid sinusitis

Sinus infection

The sinus sinus is small, and once stenosis or obstruction occurs, the sinus ventilation is affected and prone to purulent or chronic inflammation. And the sinus sinus wall of each sinus is adjacent to each other, and an sinus inflammation is easy to cause adjacent sinus involvement, especially the inflammation of the maxillary sinus is prone to ethmoid sinusitis.

2, nasal infection

(1) Acute rhinitis: It is a common cause of sinusitis, which may be due to the continuous adhesion of the mucous membranes to the sinus.

(2) other diseases of the nasal cavity: nasal septum deviation, turbinate hypertrophy, mucosal hypertrophy, nasal tumor and foreign body and nasal allergic reaction can block the sinus ostium, so that the sinus ventilation drainage is blocked and inflamed.

(3) Contaminants enter the sinuses through the nasal cavity: such as swimming, diving, diving, improper methods, or vigorously snoring after swimming, so that sewage into the sinus inflammation. This type of infection is mostly caused by anaerobic bacteria, and the clinical symptoms are generally heavier.

(4) The indwelling time of the nasal cavity is too long; local irritation and pollution, as well as ventilatory drainage of the sinus mouth are blocked and cause inflammation.

3, adjacent tissue infection

4, blood-borne infection

5, traumatic infection

Trauma such as fractures, foreign body retention and blood clot infection.

6, systemic factors

Such as reduced immune function, diabetes, malnutrition, vitamin deficiency and so on.


Ethmoid sinusitis prevention

1, usually pay attention to nasal hygiene, develop a good health habit of washing your nose in the morning and evening.

2, pay attention to the method. Those with more nasal congestion should press the nostrils on one side and apply a little force to the outside. Then alternate and linger. When the nose is too thick, wash the nose with salt water to avoid injury to the nasal mucosa.

3, the posture should be correct when swimming, try to make the head out of the water.

4, people with dental problems, to be completely treated.

5. When you have an acute attack, take more rest. The bedroom should be bright to keep indoor air flowing. But avoid direct blowing and direct sunlight.

6, in accordance with the doctor's advice and timely use of drugs.

7, chronic sinusitis, treatment should have confidence and perseverance, pay attention to strengthen exercise to enhance physical fitness.

8. Smoke, alcohol and spicy food are strictly prohibited.


Traumatic sinusitis complications Complications

The ethmoid sinusitis is accompanied by a mild headache. The painful part is in the eyelid or the base of the nose. Local tenderness is obvious. Sometimes the back of the eyeball is painful. When the eyeball is rotated, it can be radiated to the top of the head or the occiput. This kind of mild headache will also affect people's life, study and work without interruption, so the treatment of ethmoid sinusitis can not be delayed.


Symptoms of ethmoid sinus common symptoms nasal congestion runny nose headache

1, systemic symptoms

There may be symptoms such as loss of appetite, irritability, chills, fever, constipation, insomnia, and apathy.

2, local symptoms

(1) Nasal symptoms:

Nasal congestion: continuous nasal congestion on the affected side, which may be caused by swelling of the nasal mucosa or accumulation of nasal secretions in the nasal cavity;

Rogue: nasal secretions are mucopurulent or purulent. The anterior group of ethmoid sinus inflammation is often sputum out. The posterior group of ethmoid sinus is more inhaled into the pharynx and then spit out; olfactory sensation, especially ethmoid sinus and sphenoid sinus. The patient has mixed blood in his nose or a snoring smell on his nose.

(2) headache: generally lighter, but in various forms, sometimes for sputum and deep nasal swelling or slight pain; sometimes for frontal headache, also often periodic episodes, especially in the former group of ethmoid sinusitis Acute frontal sinusitis is similar, but to a lesser extent. Sometimes for occipital headache, similar to sphenoid sinusitis, this is mostly posterior group ethmoid sinusitis. Sometimes it is pain in the back of the eyeball, the pain is aggravated when the eyeball is turned or the eyeball is pressed; sometimes the headache is limited to the ankle. Generally, it gets heavy in the morning and turns light in the afternoon.


Examination of ethmoid sinusitis

1, local redness

More often in children, the internal hemorrhoids appear red and swollen.

2, tenderness and pain

Localized severe pain can be caused by oppression of the affected sinus wall or slamming.

3, front nose examination

Mucosal congestion can be seen, and there is a lot of swelling and congestion in the middle nail and the mesh. In the whole group of ethmoid sinusitis, there are purulent secretions in the middle nasal passage and the olfactory fissure.

4, frontal sinus X-ray film

The nasal position and lateral position were taken, and the bilateral transmittance was compared to determine the lesion.

5, CT scan

Coronal and axial scans are used to show ethmoid sinus and range and pus in the sinus cavity.


Diagnosis and differentiation of ethmoid sinus

Detailed medical history and careful analysis of the condition. Children may have redness and swelling. The ethmoid sinus of the affected side has tenderness and sputum pain. The nasal examination may have a hyperthyroidism in the middle armor and the sieving sinus. The sinus sinus in the anterior group may have purulent secretions, and the posterior group may have purulent secretions. The source of the pus was observed by microscopy, and the sinus X-ray or CT examination was performed by imaging. CT examination makes the diagnosis of sinusitis more convenient and direct.

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