Seborrheic alopecia


Introduction to seborrheic alopecia Seborrheic alopecia has been called early baldness, male pattern baldness, male alopecia, diffuse alopecia, general alopecia, etc., and its disease is related to heredity, male hormone, and seborrhea. Generally, the hair loss caused by seborrheic dermatitis is called skin fat, and the symptoms are excessive secretion of oil in the scalp and greasy hair. The clinical manifestation is that the patient's scalp fat overflows excessively, causing the scalp to be greasy and damp, plus dust and dander. It is dirty and does not wash your hair for a few days, and it smells bad, especially when the temperature is high; sometimes it is accompanied by scalp. Itching inflammation, mainly due to moist scalp, bacterial infection caused by seborrheic dermatitis. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.005% Susceptible people: no specific population Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: alopecia folliculitis


Seborrheic detachment

The main cause of seborrheic alopecia is that excessive sebum secretion accumulates around the hair follicles, even compressing or clogging the hair follicle pores, creating obstacles to the normal growth of the hair. In addition, oleic acid, linoleic acid, etc. in the sebum secretions are excessive to the hair follicles. It has toxic effects, causing hair poisoning, withering and falling off. Seborrheic alopecia occurs mostly in young adults with strong secretion of sebaceous glands. It gradually begins to lose hair from the top of the head and spreads to the forehead. The scalp is greasy and bright red, and it is yellowish and oily.

1, androgen

Modern medicine has confirmed that seborrheic alopecia has more male hormones, which is mainly caused by the testosterone-derived androgen into the blood circulation, reaching the scalp through transformation to form toxic substances to stimulate hair follicles, hair follicle energy metabolism and protein metabolism disorders. Causes hair to fall off.

2, genetic factors

The genetics of seborrheic alopecia are dominantly inherited in men, and the causative factors can be directly inherited from the previous generation to the next generation, so male alopecia are more common.

Men with a hair loss gene will cause hair loss, while women with alopecia gene are recessive, so there will be no appearance of hair loss and hair loss, unless there are two hair loss genes at the same time. Even if there are two hair loss genes, it will only become thinner for women, and it will not become a big hair loss or leave only marginal hair and a baldness in the middle.

3. Age increases with the age of men

The incidence of liposuction is gradually increasing. The baldness is often found in young men aged 17-20 years. The peak incidence is around 30 years old. Later, with the increase of age, although the incidence rate is reduced, the symptoms are aggravated and eventually become bald.

4. People who are engaged in intense and complicated mental work

The mental stress is high and the brain consumes a lot of energy, which stimulates the adaptation of the body's autonomic nerves and hormones to maintain the normal physiological balance of body temperature, metabolism and immune function, and secrete more androgen, which makes people's analysis and judgment. Power is enhanced, alert and intelligent, and at the same time makes people's temperament more impetuous, sebaceous gland secretion is strong. The sebaceous glands on the scalp are the most developed compared to other parts, and in this case, the secretion is more, which provides conditions for the massive reproduction of the scalp on the fat-rich fungus and head lice. The lipophilic fungus on the scalp is multiplied under the premise of a large amount of sebaceous gland secretion. The catastrophic fungus produces nutrients from the hair follicle and discharges the metabolites there, stimulating chronic inflammation of the hair follicles and scalp - seborrheic dermatitis, lipid If the dermatitis is not treated in time, the roots will grow and reproduce to produce a lytic enzyme, which will dissolve the hair root into incompleteness, loosening the hair roots, gradually shrinking the hair follicles, gradually reducing the hair growth function, and gradually reducing the hair until baldness.

5, head lice is a tiny parasite

It is invisible to the naked eye, and hair experts have found that this fat-loving tiny animal, like the genetic or hormonal imbalance, is also the culprit of hair loss. It is parasitic in human hair follicles. It uses sebum as a food. After eating it, it helps to digest. It secretes a lipase, which further decomposes and erodes the sebaceous glands in the scalp, blocks hair follicles, and makes hair follicles. Lack of nutrients and shrink, causing hair loss or baldness.


Seborrheic alopecia prevention

In fact, it is not difficult to treat hair loss, it is related to mood. And to a certain extent, it is also related to the imbalance of certain nutrients in the diet. Therefore, in order to protect the hair, prevent hair loss, small life details should be noted.

First, adjust the mood

Although the discovery of the image does not bring any pain to the physical constitution, it will not cause difficulties for life and work, but its occurrence often increases mental invisible pressure, sleep is not stable, and the diet is uninterested. Happening. First of all, if you find yourself having hair loss, don't panic. The most important step is to adjust your mind and eliminate unnecessary tension. We know that hair loss can be treated well. In order to temporarily unpleasantly lead to aggravating the condition. The most important and most important factor in hair loss is also related to work and study fatigue. Turn off the lights early, drink a cup of hot milk, and reward yourself with a sweet dream. Why not?

Second, reasonable intake of nutrients

The occurrence of hair loss is also related to the imbalance of certain nutrients in the diet to some extent. Through long-term practice, it has been recognized that no natural food can contain all the nutrients the body needs, and no single nutrient has a comprehensive nutritional function. For example, milk and eggs are well-known high-quality proteins, but the former lacks iron and the latter lacks vitamin C. Therefore, only through the coordinated cooperation of multiple nutrients can each play its unique nutritional function. In principle, as long as the daily diet includes the following five categories of food:

1, cereals, potatoes, dried beans

2, animal foods such as meat, poultry, eggs, fish, milk, etc.

3. Soybeans and their soy products

4, vegetables, fruits

5, animal and vegetable oils, edible sugar.

And taking turns to use a variety of foods in the same category, you can achieve a complementary role in the nutritional content of various foods.

Third, hair care methods

Careful care of your hair can prevent hair loss. When the hair is wet, the hair is more fragile, can not be combed hard, and it is very popular to dye, burn, and roll the hair, which will damage the hair.

1, less Internet access

Excessive online games are also one of the factors that cause male hair loss to become younger. The longer the average computer use per day, the easier it is for men to lose hair. This is related to excessive nervousness. After playing online for a long time, the central nervous system is always in a state of tension, causing autonomic dysfunction, dysfunction of skin vasoconstriction, local vasoconstriction of the scalp, and reduced blood supply, which may cause hair follicle malnutrition and cause hair loss.

2, avoid long swimming

A large amount of bleaching powder is used in the public swimming pool for sterilization, but the bleaching powder has a stimulating effect on the skin. Prolonged contact causes the scalp hair to dry up, and the hair of the seborrheic alopecia is more likely to fall off. Therefore, you should wear a silicone swimming cap for swimming in the public swimming pool, and it is not suitable for long time and damage the hair.

3. Avoid using the computer for a long time

The radiation of electronic products is also one of the causes of hair loss. Modern people generally use computers for a long time. Computer monitors, keyboards and mice all have different degrees of radiation, which will lead to weakening of human body's resistance, further affecting skin and hair, and serious Causes hair loss. Therefore, you should drink more tea every day to resist the adverse effects of electronic radiation, and also make the skin and hair not easy to age, to prevent hair loss.

4, avoid smoking

Smoking is also a risk factor for hair loss. Experts have found that nearly 70% of people who have hair loss have smoked. However, it is still necessary to further scientifically verify what harmful substances in cigarettes have a destructive effect on hair follicles.

5, pay attention to ventilation

The hair is not sultry, and people wearing hats and helmets will make the hair airtight for a long time and easily suffocate the hair. In particular, the pores of the pores that are pressed by the hat or helmet at the hairline are prone to slack and cause hair loss. Therefore, the ventilation of the hat and helmet should be done well, such as the hollow cap lining on the pad or adding small holes.

6, avoid exposure

Ultraviolet rays in the sun can cause damage to the hair and make the hair dry and yellow. Therefore, avoid sun exposure in summer, and pay attention to protection when swimming outdoors or sunbathing.

7, avoid eating spicy food

Often eat spicy food, the capillaries of our scalp easily think that the greasy things in the food hinder the metabolism of the capillaries, so that they can not exchange with the nutrients in the body, the blood circulation is seriously hindered, this is The reason for hair loss.

8, avoid drinking alcohol

Drinking a lot of alcohol can also cause hair loss, especially spicy white wine, which can cause heat and moisture in the scalp and damage the hair follicles. Even beer and wine, after all, contain alcohol and should be consumed in moderation.


Seborrheic alopecia complications Complications, alopecia folliculitis

1. Affecting the image: After suffering from seborrheic alopecia, the patient's hair will show symptoms such as oily and dandruff, and will form bright greasy hair on the top of the head, so the image will be greatly discounted, giving the impression that it does not pay attention to hygiene. Like.

2, affecting interpersonal relationships: affected by the symptoms of seborrheic alopecia, the patient brought a bad impression to everyone, so everyone is not willing to contact such people, thus causing difficulties in communication, so that patients have a feeling of inferiority, It will even affect important life parts such as marriage and career.

3, the impact of psychology: due to hair loss, the patient can not withstand the reality of hair loss, so psychologically led to bad mood, the emergence of negative treatment of life, loss of self-confidence, resulting in depressed and irritated patients, etc., not Treatment for hair loss, which ultimately leads to the development of mental illness, is harmful to the patient.


Seborrheic alopecia symptoms common symptoms scaly itching hair is alopecia, pathological alopecia, blood deficiency, hair loss

In the early stage: the oil is too much, and the hair is not greasy after a day. At this time, the symptoms of hair loss are not obvious. The hair is getting thicker and softer.

Mid-term: more oil, hair is not greasy all day, and the symptoms of hair loss are obvious. The hair starts to become noticeably fine.

Later: the scalp oil production increased exponentially, and the scalp was greasy and shiny. At this time, there were obvious local hair loss areas, such as the top of the head or forehead. The hair is slender and long, and the tail is clearly pointed. Only young is like a mane. This stage is the last chance of treatment.

Late: The top of the head has been exposed to oily light, the subcutaneous muscle layer has disappeared or replaced by the fat layer, and the scalp tissue has been transformed into a pore skin area. Therefore, we can only claim that it is not a birth and cannot be called a grass. Because most people can see very young hair with a magnifying glass. At this time, it can be called "permanent hair loss". The soil scalp tissue on which it lives has become thorough and cannot be reversed.


Seborrheic alopecia examination

The symptoms of hair loss are obvious, and the examination is based on the selection of an appropriate examination according to the relevant disease.


Diagnosis of seborrheic alopecia

All along, medical textbooks believe that a normal person's daily hair loss is 50-100, which is normal. In fact, a person who does not suffer from hair loss will never happen. According to our study of the number of hair loss, a normal person has a total hair of about 100,000, and about 10% of a person's hair is falling off every year. 365 days a year, the average number of hair loss per day is (100,000 × 10%) ÷ 365 days is about 27, so the average person loses about 20-30 hair per day, and the hair loss season in the fall doubles to 40-50. If someone has more than 50-100 hair loss in a quarter, then your hair is out of order.

The key to the treatment of hair loss is that the active treatment or early treatment will recover quickly. If you wait until it is lost, then it is late. When we encounter the following conditions, we should pay attention to:

1. More oil, more dandruff, itchy head, three months of continuous hair loss, more than 50 hair loss per day.

2, the amount of hair increased.

3, hair loss in more than 100 for three consecutive months, the hair is gradually thinning.

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