early pregnancy


Introduction to early pregnancy Early pregnancy (early pregnancy) refers to the time of pregnancy before the 13th week of pregnancy. The embryo will change dramatically at this time. About half of women have chills, dizziness, runny, fatigue, lethargy, loss of appetite, aversion to greasy, nausea, morning vomiting and other symptoms during the 6 weeks of menopause, called early pregnancy response. This early pregnancy reaction disappeared on its own in about 12 weeks. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 5-10% Susceptible population: women of childbearing age Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: anemia, abortion


Cause of early pregnancy

In the female ovulation period, sexual behavior without safety measures may lead to early pregnancy.


Early pregnancy prevention

Most pregnant women in early pregnancy have symptoms such as eating, loss of appetite, mild nausea and vomiting, dizziness, and burnout, which are called early pregnancy reactions. It usually begins 6 weeks after amenorrhea and disappears around 12 weeks without special treatment. Occasionally, a small number of pregnant women have serious reactions. If nausea and vomiting are frequent and can not be eaten, which affects work and life, they should come to the hospital for treatment.


Early pregnancy complications Complications anemia abortion

Most pregnant women in early pregnancy have symptoms such as eating, loss of appetite, mild nausea and vomiting, dizziness, and burnout, which are called early pregnancy reactions.


Early pregnancy symptoms common symptoms fatigue dizziness nausea and vomiting stomach pain in pregnant women

1, menstruation did not come

If your menstrual period has always been regular, but this time the menstruation has not arrived on time, you may have done a self-test for early pregnancy before you notice the above symptoms. But if your menstruation is irregular, or if you don't remember your menstrual cycle, nausea, chest tenderness, and frequent early pregnancy reactions, you may be pregnant before you realize that your menstruation has not come.

2, the basic body temperature is high

Physical symptoms are not obvious at the beginning of pregnancy, but one thing is that the basal body temperature is high. If you record the basal body temperature and find that your basal body temperature is high for 18 consecutive days, you are likely to become pregnant.

3, the breast becomes bigger and becomes more sensitive

One of the early signs of pregnancy is breast sensitivity and pain, which is caused by an increase in your hormone levels. This feeling of pain is very similar to your premenstrual feeling, but it is more intense. This discomfort will improve significantly after 3 months of pregnancy, when your body has adapted to the changes in hormones during pregnancy.

4, tired

Will you suddenly feel tired and even feel exhausted? No one knows exactly what is causing fatigue in early pregnancy, but a rapidly increasing level of progesterone (also known as progesterone) may make you feel particularly sleepy. .

Once in the middle of pregnancy, you will begin to feel more energetic than in the first trimester, but by the end of pregnancy, fatigue usually reappears. Because, at this time your weight will increase significantly, and the common discomfort during pregnancy will also affect your sleep quality in the evening.

5, nausea or vomiting

If you are like most women, morning sickness will not appear until a month after you are pregnant. A few lucky women do not have this symptom throughout pregnancy. However, some women will start to feel sick before this. Morning sickness, not only in the morning, but also at noon or at night.

Almost half of women with signs of morning sickness do not experience nausea or vomiting at the beginning of the second trimester. Most of the rest of the women may still need to continue for about 1 month, and the symptoms of morning sickness will be alleviated.

6, more sensitive to odor

If you are just pregnant, you may not be able to stand the smell of cooking smoke or tea, and some fragrances will make you sick. Although no one can be sure, this may be due to the rapid increase in estrogen in your body. You may also find something that you usually like to eat, and suddenly it will make you feel sick.

7, bloating

Changes in hormones during early pregnancy may make you feel flatulent, and some women will feel this way before the menstrual period. That's why in the early stages of pregnancy, when your uterus is still small, you will feel the waist of your clothes tight.

8, frequent urination

Shortly after pregnancy, you may find yourself running into the bathroom. Why is this? The main reason is that during pregnancy, the amount of blood and other fluids in your body increases, causing more fluid to pass through the kidneys and drain into the bladder and become urine.

This symptom may have begun to appear as early as 6 weeks of your pregnancy. As you progress during pregnancy, your growing baby will put more pressure on your bladder, and the frequency of urination may continue or even worse.

9, hunger

After pregnancy, the mother's taste and appetite will change somewhat. In the early pregnancy, many moms become "love", which doesn't matter much. If you want to eat, you don't need to suppress your appetite in the early stages of pregnancy.

10, increased vaginal secretions

At the beginning of pregnancy, due to the sharp increase in hormones, increased vaginal discharge is a symptom of normal early pregnancy. If the vulva is not itchy and the vaginal discharge is odorless, don't worry.

11, early pregnancy abortion symptoms

Early pregnancy is the most critical period of pregnancy. At this time, we must pay attention to it. It is recommended to go to the hospital for regular inspections to avoid accidents and timely discovery. For women, in general, the main symptoms are vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain, you need to pay attention in time, which usually occurs within 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Abortion in the early stages of pregnancy is often characterized by abdominal pain first, followed by vaginal bleeding. At the beginning of abortion, the villi are separated from the aponeurosis, and the sinusoids are open, so that bleeding begins. If the embryo is completely separated and discharged, the uterus will contract and bleeding will stop.

In the early stage of early pregnancy, there is vaginal bleeding in the whole process of abortion. At the beginning of early pregnancy, the placenta is formed at this time, so the symptoms are similar to those of premature birth. The placenta is discharged after the baby is delivered. Under normal circumstances, there is not much bleeding.

Early pregnancy symptoms of abortion and abdominal pain: abdominal pain during the early pregnancy is paroxysmal uterine contraction pain, early pregnancy, abortion symptoms, vaginal bleeding, embryo separation and blood clots in the uterine cavity stimulate uterine contractions, paroxysmal lower abdomen Pain is characterized by vaginal bleeding often before abdominal pain. Early abortion symptoms of abortion are first paroxysmal uterine contractions, and then the placenta is stripped, so vaginal bleeding occurs after abdominal pain.


Early pregnancy check

Gynecological speculum examination

Understand the vaginal and cervix conditions, exclude the abnormal development of the reproductive organs of pregnant women, provide a channel for the baby to be born smoothly; observe whether the vaginal mucosa is congested, whether the color and quantity of vaginal secretions are normal, whether there is odor; see if the cervix is erosive, if there is no cervix Polyps exist; especially during bleeding during early pregnancy, the cause of bleeding is related to the vagina and cervix, providing a basis for treatment.

Leucorrhea examination

Understand whether there are trichomoniasis and mold in the vagina, and if necessary, check for chlamydia, mycoplasma and gonococcal bacteria. If the above microorganisms are present, it is easy to cause ascending infection, affecting embryonic development and inducing abortion.

Cervical scraping

As the blood volume increases during pregnancy, the blood supply is abundant. If the tumor occurs in the cervix, timely treatment can improve the survival rate. Therefore, this examination is mainly to understand the morphology of cervical epidermal cells and rule out the occurrence of cervical tumors. Of course, cervical smear examination is a more primary examination method, when the suspected point can be further confirmed by colposcopy or cervical biopsy pathological section.

Gynecological triad examination

Mainly understand whether the size of the uterus is consistent with the menopause month, and whether the embryo is developing normally. When the size of the uterus does not coincide with the menopause month, a B-ultrasound is needed to rule out uterine fibroids, uterine dysplasia, and abnormal embryonic development. If there is uterine fibroids, it is necessary to estimate the size, growth site and whether it affects the growth and development of the embryo, and it is necessary to terminate the pregnancy in time and estimate the nature of the fibroids as much as possible. At the same time, the contents of the doctor's examination also include whether the bilateral attachments are normal. When the ovaries are enlarged, it is necessary to identify whether the functional increase caused by pregnancy is increased or not. If the function is increased, it will naturally subside after three months of pregnancy. If the organic quality is increased, it should be operated as much as possible after three months of pregnancy to reduce the abortion rate.


Ultrasound examination was performed for 40 days and 60 days of menopause to understand the embryo implantation site and germ development. After 4 months of pregnancy, the obstetrics registration check was performed and ultrasound follow-up was performed according to the obstetric requirements.

Other inspection

Choose according to your own situation. If you have heart, liver, kidney, thyroid and other diseases, you need to consult a physician to see if continuing pregnancy will increase the risk. If repeated spontaneous abortions are repeated, a comprehensive examination of both couples during early pregnancy is necessary.


Early pregnancy diagnosis

The first 3 months of pregnancy is called early pregnancy. At this stage, the physical and mental changes of pregnant women are very large. The diagnosis and treatment are correct. It plays a key role in the growth and development of the baby and whether the pregnant woman can successfully pass the pregnancy and childbirth. In recent years, with the development of perinatal medicine, the importance of early pregnancy examination has gradually been taken seriously.

Early pregnancy examinations usually require a first examination about 40 days after menopause. The doctor should consult the medical history, perform a gynaecological examination, and determine the pregnancy. If necessary, through prenatal counseling and genetic counseling, determine whether the pregnant woman can continue to conceive. Early pregnancy examination can determine whether the size of the uterus is consistent with the menstrual time, so as to understand the development of the embryonic table, and can find abnormalities of the reproductive organs and gynecological diseases.

Another component of early pregnancy testing is to perform tests such as blood, urine, and liver function to detect various diseases that affect pregnancy.

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