Ovarian disease


Introduction to ovarian disease Ovarian diseases include ovarian inflammation, ovarian cysts, polycystic ovary syndrome, ovarian rupture, premature ovarian failure, benign ovarian tumors, and ovarian cancer. Ovarian inflammation is caused by an inflammatory change in the ovaries when the ovaries are infected by the pathogen. Ovarian tumors are common tumors of female genitalia. They have various properties and forms, namely: one side or two sides, cystic or solid, benign or malignant. Among them, cystic is more common and there is a certain proportion of malignant. These ovarian diseases can lead to female ovarian function decline, endocrine disorders, premature aging, and an important cause of female infertility. basic knowledge Proportion of disease: according to the proportion of different diseases Susceptible people: women Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: acute abdomen


Cause of ovarian disease

(1) Environmental factors: Women in industrialized countries have a high incidence of ovarian disease, which may be related to high cholesterol in the diet. Industrial ionizing radiation and asbestos and talc powder can affect oocytes and increase the chance of inducing ovarian tumors. Smoking and vitamin A, C, and E deficiency may also be associated with the disease.

(2) Genetic factors: About 20 to 25 percent of Orthopaedic patients with ovarian cancer have ovarian cancer.

(3) Endocrine factors: Most of ovarian cancer occurs in women who have no fertility. It is medically believed that pregnancy has an antagonistic effect on ovarian tumors. It is believed that repeated rupture of ovarian epithelial cells caused by daily ovulation is associated with ovarian tumors.

(4) Personal factors: Usually pay attention to personal hygiene and reduce the incidence of inflammation.


Ovarian disease prevention

1, the most important thing in daily life is to pay attention to personal hygiene, especially during menstruation, after childbirth and after abortion, underwear should be changed frequently, do not suffer from cold, but also pay attention to not overwork during menstruation.

2, carry out health publicity and education, high protein, rich in vitamin A diet, avoid high cholesterol food. High-risk women can be prevented by oral contraceptives.

3, should pay attention to daily diet, eat more light, nutritious food, try to eat less raw, cold, spicy and more irritating food.

4, it is best to avoid unnecessary gynecological examinations, because some gynecological examination equipment improper disinfection, can lead to infection, trigger inflammation, can also lead to the spread of inflammation, aggravating the condition.

5, do not have sex during menstruation, because during the menstrual period, women's body immunity and resistance are relatively weak, if sexual life during this period, it is easy to lead to bacterial invasion, leading to gynecological inflammation, causing infertility.


Ovarian complications Complications

1, ovarian pedicle torsion: pedicle torsion is a common gynecological acute abdomen. About 10% of ovarian tumors were twitched. Occasionally occurs in tumors with long, medium, good mobility and a center of gravity (such as teratoma). Often when the patient suddenly changes position, or the size of the uterus during pregnancy and puerperium, the pedicle is twisted when the position changes. The pedicle of the ovarian tumor is composed of a pelvic funnel ligament, an ovarian intrinsic ligament, and a fallopian tube. After acute torsion, the venous return is blocked, the tumor is extremely hyperemic or the rupture of the vascular rupture, resulting in a rapid increase of the tumor. After the arterial blood flow is blocked, the tumor necrosis becomes purple-black, which can be ruptured and secondary infection. Sometimes the incomplete twist can be naturally reset, and the abdominal pain is relieved. Once the diagnosis is reversed, a laparotomy should be performed as soon as possible.

2, pelvic inflammatory disease: bacteria in the attachment inflammation can be retrograde infection, through the uterus, fallopian tubes and reach the pelvic cavity.

3, anemia: too much bleeding when the pedicle is reversed can cause anemia.

4, female infertility: attachment inflammation can lead to blockage of the fallopian tube and lead to infertility.


Symptoms of ovarian disease Common symptoms Female abdominal pain Menstrual cycle changes leucorrhea abnormalities

During the gynecological examination, it can be seen that the vagina lacks estrogen. When the disease is long, the vagina and cervix are atrophic, and the uterus can also shrink and become smaller. details as follows:

Abdominal discomfort is the initial symptom before the patient has not touched the lower abdominal mass. Due to the weight of the tumor itself and the influence of intestinal peristalsis and body position changes, the tumor is moved in the pelvic cavity to involve the pedicle and the pelvic funnel ligament, so that the patient has a lower abdomen or olfactory insult and a sense of falling. If the tumor has no complications, there is very little pain.

1, ovarian cyst symptoms: ovarian cysts have no obvious clinical manifestations in the early stage, patients are often found in other gynecological examinations for gynecological examinations. For the problems of ovarian diseases, experts from Shenzhen Far East Women and Children Hospital said that with the growth of tumors, patients have feelings, and their symptoms and signs are different due to the nature, size, development, presence or absence of secondary degeneration or complications.

2, ovarian benign tumor symptoms: abdominal distension, pelvic pain, urgency may be an early manifestation of ovarian tumors. Especially when these symptoms are severe, frequent and simultaneous, women are more likely to have ovarian tumors. Women who later developed ovarian cancer developed varying degrees of bloating, pelvic pain, and urgency, which occurred more frequently than healthy women. These symptoms often appeared suddenly or simultaneously. This is also an introduction to the symptoms of ovarian disease.

3, attachment inflammation: abdominal pain, increased vaginal secretions, dysmenorrhea and so on.

4, ovarian cancer:

(1) Most women with perimenopausal age, more than 35 years old, more ovarian epithelial cancer, and more than 35 years old, germ cell malignant tumors.

(2) Painful malignant ovarian tumor may cause a considerable degree of persistent pain due to changes in the tumor, such as hemorrhage and necrosis, which are found to have local tenderness at the time of examination.

(3) Irregular menstruation, irregular uterine bleeding, postmenopausal bleeding.

(4) Progressive wasting in the late stage of wasting.


Ovarian examination

1. routine gynecological examination;

2, gynecological ultrasound examination;

3. CT examination.


Diagnosis and diagnosis of ovarian disease

According to the specific medical history and physical signs, the initial diagnosis is based on the corresponding examination:

1, gynecological routine examination, check the attachment for tenderness and mass, the situation of the cervix.

2, gynecological ultrasound examination, you can view the location of the disease, ovarian cysts can be diagnosed.

3, CT examination can basically confirm the diagnosis.

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