Gastrointestinal disease


Introduction to gastrointestinal diseases Gastrointestinal diseases are common diseases, and the total incidence rate is about 20% of the population. The older the age, the higher the incidence rate, especially in the middle-aged and older people over 50 years old. Men are higher than women. If they are not treated in time, they will be recurrent and recurrent and easily converted into cancer. Common gastritis, enteritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer and so on. Gastrointestinal diseases have always been regarded as a testimony of the doctors. Once they get sick, they should be treated promptly and taken for a long time before they can be controlled or cured. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.02% Susceptible people: no specific population Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: gastrointestinal fistula, acute perforation of stomach and duodenal ulcer, gastric injury


Causes of gastrointestinal diseases


First, gastritis (50%) :

1, Hp infection has been identified as the most important cause of chronic gastritis, some people call it Hp-related gastritis. However, other physical, chemical and biological harmful factors can cause the disease in a long-term repeated action on susceptible human body. Salmonella, halophilic bacteria, pathogenic E. coli, etc. can cause acute gastritis.

2, the older the age, the gastric mucosal function, the "resistance" is also worse, easily affected by external adverse factors and cause damage.

3. Cold and overheated foods and beverages, strong tea, coffee, spirits, irritating condiments, too rough foods, drugs (especially non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as spirulina, indomethacin, etc.) Both can stimulate the gastric mucosa and destroy the mucosal barrier.

Foreign body gas or stomach stone, stomach area radiation therapy can be used as an exogenous stimulus, leading to this disease. Allergic reactions caused by mood swings, stress states and various factors in the body can cause disease as endogenous stimuli.

Second, enteritis (30%) :

1. Viral enteritis:

Viral enteritis is seen in enteritis caused by canine distemper virus, canine parvovirus, canine and cat coronavirus. In viral enteritis, rotavirus is the main cause of infantile diarrhea, and Norwalk virus is the main cause of epidemic viral gastroenteritis in adults and older children.

2, bacterial enteritis:

Bacterial enteritis see enteritis caused by Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Yersinia (causing enterocolitis), Bacillus licheniformis, Campylobacter jejuni, Clostridia (Canine hemorrhagic gastroenteritis). Pathogenic bacteria of bacterial enteritis are most common with dysentery bacilli, followed by Campylobacter jejuni and Salmonella.

3, fungal enteritis:

Fungal enteritis see enteritis caused by histoplasma, algal bacteria, aspergillus, Candida albicans. Fungal enteritis is most caused by Candida albicans.

4, parasitic intestines:

Parasitic enteritis see enteritis caused by flagellates, coccidia, toxoplasma, aphids, hookworms, etc. Enteritis caused by parasites is more common in E. histolytica.

5. Enteritis caused by diet:

Contaminated or spoiled foods, irritating chemicals, certain heavy metal poisoning, and certain allergies can cause enteritis.

6, enteritis caused by antibiotics:

Abuse of antibiotics, resulting in intestinal flora imbalance, or enteritis caused by antibiotic-resistant strains.

Third, gastric ulcer (10%):

1, genetic factors gastric ulcer sometimes has a family history, especially children with ulcers family history can account for 25% to 60%. In addition, people with type A blood are more susceptible to this disease than people with other blood types.

2, chemical factors long-term consumption of alcohol or long-term use of aspirin, corticosteroids and other drugs are likely to cause this disease, in addition to long-term smoking and drinking tea seems to have a certain relationship.

3, living factors ulcer patients seem to be more common in some occupations such as drivers and doctors, may be related to the law of diet. Work too much can also induce the disease.

Four, duodenal ulcer (10%) :

The pathogenic factors of duodenal ulcer are complicated. In the past 20 years, duodenal ulcer has been considered as a multifactorial disease. Or a variety of harmful damage to the mucous membrane exceeds its ability to withstand damage and repair. Until recently, duodenal ulcers were still considered a lifelong disease. However, the recent belief that multiple biological and environmental factors only have a detrimental effect on susceptible individuals has gradually been replaced by the following recognition.


Gastrointestinal disease prevention

The weather is hot in summer and the germs are growing fast. Beware of "illness from the mouth." "Its not wrong to eat and not eat," and "eyes are not clean" is extremely wrong. Bacteria are invisible to the naked eye, and as long as they are hygienic, they can prevent bacterial attack.

(1) a little raw water

A drop of raw water is very clean with the naked eye. But under the microscope, you will see thousands of bacteria and parasites. One milliliter of so-called "clean" well water contains more than 2,600 coliforms. Some bacteria, such as typhoid bacillus, dysentery bacilli, hepatitis virus and parasites, can live in water for more than a month.

(2) one hand

Everyone's hands always take things every day, and when they touch things, they inevitably get dust and dirt, and there will be many bacteria. After inspection and testing, there are about 40,000 to 400,000 bacteria in each hand that have not been washed. In a gram of nail smudge, there are 3.8 billion bacteria, including many parasite eggs. When people grab food with their hands, they bring the bacteria to the food. If they eat it, they may get sick. . Therefore, it is necessary to develop the habit of cutting nails, washing hands before and after eating.

(3) A bowl and a pair of chopsticks

The health departments test of common tableware showed that there were 3,100 bacteria on each bowl and more than 1,700 bacteria on one chopstick. The bacteria stained on the tableware is still alive after twenty-four hours. Disinfected at a temperature above 90 ° C, or immersed in bleach disinfectant, can die quickly. It can be seen that the disinfection of the tableware can not be sloppy.

(4) One bite

is a secretion produced from the respiratory tract. May attach pathogens and viruses. From the road to take the test, 20% of the cockroaches have pathogenic bacteria. The sputum spit out of the tuberculosis population contains 40 to 50 million tuberculosis bacteria, allowing it to drift in the wind, and the virus will invade the human body.

(5) A batch of melons

There are often bacteria and eggs on the fruit. Of the 2,500 pears and melons, 2,230 have E. coli. Of the eighty-six cucumbers and tomatoes, fifty-seven have locust eggs. Eat fruit must be washed.

(6) a fly

According to the inspection, a fly has five or six million bacteria on its feet and can hold between 25 and 30 million in the belly. Under the microscope, the flies' feet are stuffed with bacteria brushes. They like to lick food, crawl, eat, pull, and spread a lot of bacteria on food. If people eat and fly over the fly, they will climb over it. The food may be sick.


Gastrointestinal complications Complications, gastrointestinal extragastric, duodenal ulcer, acute perforated gastric injury

1, stomach bleeding :

Mucosal atrophy and thinning, vascular exposure, coarse food smashing, mucosal erosion and bleeding, with black stool as the main performance, if the amount of bleeding can suddenly vomit blood, severe dizziness, palpitation, black sleep, sweat, and even shock.

2, gastric ulcer perforation:

Peptic ulcer perforation can be divided into three types: acute, subacute and chronic, and the incidence rate is 5% to 10%. The incidence of duodenal ulcers is higher than that of gastric ulcers. Based on domestic and foreign literatures, the ratio of the former to the latter is about 6-15:1 in China, 12-19:1 in the Western countries before 1953, and 6-8:1 in the 1960s. Ulcer perforation can occur at any age, more common in 30 to 50 years old, duodenal ulcer perforation is more common in young adults under 40 years of age, and gastric ulcer perforation is mostly in middle-aged and older people over 50 years old.

3, pyloric obstruction:

About 10% of patients with ulcer disease may have pyloric obstruction, 80% of which occur in duodenal ulcer, followed by pyloric or pyloric ulcer. Ulcer disease complicated by pyloric obstruction is more common in the elderly, mainly male. In recent years, due to the widespread use of various effective antiulcer drugs, such complications have been significantly reduced. Pyloric obstruction has two kinds of organic and functional. The former is caused by chronic ulceration caused by submucosal fibrosis, resulting in scarring stenosis, medical treatment is ineffective, often requires surgical treatment; the latter due to inflammation around the ulcer caused by congestion and edema and pyloric reflex sputum, medical treatment is effective.

4, cancer:

Whether it will become cancerous is still controversial. Most scholars believe that cancer is present, and its cancer rate is estimated to be 1% to 7%. Gastric ulcer cancer often occurs on the edge of ulcers. Cancer cells can infiltrate the connective tissue of ulcer scars. Duodenal ulcers generally do not undergo cancer.


Symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases Common symptoms Gastrointestinal motility poor gastrointestinal function is not good Gastrointestinal dysfunction stool black green gastrointestinal symptoms stool color deep gastrointestinal flatulence

First, gastritis:

Acute gastritis manifests as upper abdominal discomfort, pain, anorexia and nausea, vomiting, and black feces. The course of chronic gastritis is prolonged, and most of them have no obvious symptoms and signs. Generally, they only see symptoms of dyspepsia such as fullness after meals, pantothenic acid, hernia, and irregular abdominal pain. The diagnosis depends mainly on gastroscopy and gastric mucosal biopsy.

Second, enteritis:

Acute enteritis is an acute inflammatory change of the gastrointestinal mucosa caused by eating foods containing pathogenic bacteria and their toxins, or improper diet, such as excessive irritating, non-digestible foods. Its pathological manifestations include hyperemia, edema, and mucus secretion in the gastrointestinal mucosa, sometimes accompanied by bleeding and erosion. In China, the incidence rate is higher in summer and autumn, and there is no gender difference. The general incubation period is 12-36 hours.

Third, stomach ulcers:

The clinical manifestations of gastric ulcer have three characteristics: 1 chronic process. From a few years to more than 10 years or more. 2 periodicity. The onset of the attack and the remission period often occur in the course of the disease. 3 rhythm: Pain manifests as postprandial pain, pain starts half an hour after a meal, disappears until the next meal, and begins again and again. Symptoms of gastric ulcer are mainly abdominal pain; with or without vomiting, nausea, acid reflux, belching and other symptoms. However, many patients have the first symptoms of various complications of gastric ulcer such as perforation, hemorrhage, and pyloric obstruction.

Four, duodenal ulcer:

Pain is a prominent symptom of duodenal ulcer disease. Pain manifestations in at least 90% of cases. Some patients do not have pain, but feel upper abdominal discomfort. A small number of patients can be completely asymptomatic, the so-called asymptomatic ulcer disease. About 10% of patients, the first indication of ulcer disease is hematemesis, black feces or both. In very few patients, the first symptom of ulcer disease is acute perforation.


Gastrointestinal disease examination

Generally for gastro-intestinal diseases, gastroscope, colonoscopy, gastrointestinal angiography and other related examinations can be performed.


Diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases

First, gastritis:

1, acute gastritis: clinical can be divided into simple, erosive, corrosive and suppurative, the most common simple.

2, chronic gastritis: the disease is very common, accounting for 80 to 90% of patients undergoing gastroscopy, more men than women, with increasing morbidity with age.

3, after the operation of reflux gastritis: stomach surgery after the patient's upper abdomen burning pain, nausea, vomiting mixed bile food.

4, bile reflux gastritis: due to bile reflux into the stomach caused by upper abdominal pain, vomiting bile, bloating, weight loss and other manifestations of a syndrome.

Second, enteritis:

It varies with the pathogen. Generally judged based on medical history and clinical manifestations. Further diagnosis depends on laboratory tests. Bacterial enteritis can be used for vomiting and stool culture, and pathogens can be diagnosed. Some pathogens such as Salmonella infection can be used for blood culture. Viral enteritis can be detected by electron microscopy, immunoelectron microscopy, immunofluorescence, and serological tests such as complement binding assay, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and radioimmunoassay. Parasitic enteritis can be directly microscopically examined for pathogens and their eggs. Fungal enteritis can be smeared directly from the stool, examined under a microscope for fungal or stool culture.

Third, stomach ulcers:

Gastric ulcers were found by gastroscopy.

Four, duodenal ulcer:

Line barium meal examination can be used as a basis for the diagnosis of duodenal ulcer. Endoscopy is the most important diagnostic method. Biopsy of gastric antrum mucosa can be used for HP examination. Gastric acid determination is meaningful in diagnosing gastric tumors, but has little diagnostic effect on duodenal ulcers.

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