Vulvar inclusion cyst


Introduction to vulvar inclusion cyst The growth site of the vulvar inclusion cyst is more common in the labia majora and perineum, which occurs in the deep tissue under the skin of the vulva or the epidermis. Cysts are single or multiple. However, it is often misdiagnosed as a sebaceous gland cyst. In fact, the sebaceous cyst of the vulva is rare, and most of them are epidermal cysts, which are called keratin. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.02%-0.05% Susceptible people: good for women Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: sepsis


Vulvar inclusion cyst


There are several possibilities for the occurrence of cysts in the vulva:

1. Residual tissue from ectoderm differentiated into epidermis.

2. Blockage of the hair follicle sebaceous gland duct.

3. Surgical trauma caused the small epidermis to be implanted into the dermis tissue. This situation is more common in places where there have been surgery, such as perineal incision and suture, and perineal repair.


The vulvar inclusion cyst is composed of the epidermis and its outer wall is also seen in the outer layer of the spinous cell layer including the epidermis, the granulocyte layer and the keratinocyte wall. The superficial keratinocytes are often aggregated in the sac, and the wall of the sac is cut open. It is grayish white bean dregs filled with keratin protein. If it is long, the squamous epithelium is pressed into a very thin layer. Flat epithelium. Sometimes a foreign body giant cell reaction is seen in the adjacent tissue of the capsule wall, which is caused by keratinization.


Vulvar inclusion cyst prevention

The disease is mainly caused by bacterial infection, causing necrosis and dissolution of the inflamed tissue to form a abscess. The key to this disease: First, prevention, second, early detection, early diagnosis, and timely treatment, which can often avoid the deterioration of the disease.


Vulvar inclusion cyst complications Complications sepsis

May cause sepsis, sepsis and life-threatening. Such as high fever and long-term fever, can affect the body's metabolic process, causing damage and dysfunction of various systems, especially the central nervous system, causing harm to the body. Bacteria can spread from the abscess, infecting surrounding tissues to cause cellulitis, bacteria can also infect adjacent lymph nodes and drain their lymphatics leading to swollen lymph nodes, and patients can have fever.


Vulvar inclusion cyst symptoms Common symptoms Cyst fatigue

Slow growth, generally no special symptoms. In the perineal or subcutaneous, a round mass of about 1cm in diameter is single or multiple, the texture is hard, and the micro-lift is on the surface of the skin, but the surface of the skin is non-porous and can move with the skin.


Vulvar inclusion cyst examination

Blood routine blood culture: white blood cells and neutrophils increased, especially bacterial liver abscess can reach 20-30X109 / L, amebic liver abscess can even find amoeba cysts or trophozoites, enzyme association Immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the determination of anti-amebic antibodies in blood can help determine the nature of abscesses, with a positive rate of 85-95%. Liver puncture amebic liver abscess can extract chocolate pus, bacterial can extract yellow-green or yellow-white pus, culture can obtain pathogenic bacteria.


Diagnosis and differentiation of vulvar inclusion cyst

Diagnosis :

Diagnostics can be made based on clinical manifestations and experimental examinations, and keratinized exfoliation is the basis of diagnosis.

Differential diagnosis:

1. Vulvar labia minora: This disease is connected with the inguinal ring. When the abdominal pressure of the reversible mass increases, the mass may appear. The extruded mass may disappear into the disease.

2. Vulvar cysts in the vulva: The cysts are usually located at the lateral anterior part of the vestibule of the hymen, which is rarely infected and is asymptomatic. Pathological examination can confirm the diagnosis.

3. Vulvar sebaceous cyst: easy to occur in the labia majora due to obstruction of sebaceous glands. The cyst adheres to the epidermis, and the hard and non-obvious capsule can be squeezed out of sebum.

4. Vulvar dermoid cyst: located in the epidermis of the epidermis or subcutaneous, the texture of the soft capsule contains sebum or hair, cartilage, bronchial tissue.

5. Vulvar sweat gland cyst: due to epidermal hair follicle horny embolism and obstruction of apocrine gland pores caused by retention cysts. Generally, asymptomatic growth is slow and no treatment is required.

6. Vulvar cysts of the vulva: located in the vestibule of the vagina or the inside of the labia minora. Due to obstruction of the small mucous gland duct in the vestibule of the vagina, the inner wall of the capsule is a high columnar or cubular glandular epithelial cell.

7. Paraurethral cysts: mostly located around the urethral urethra of the vagina, small in size. Microscopically, the cystic wall covering the epithelium is often a metastatic epithelium, and the residual paraurethral gland is visible in the wall.

8. Perineal round ligament peritoneal sheath cyst: located in the anterior side of the vulva and the inner surface of the labia majora. The cyst is derived from the peritoneum and contains a clear peritoneal fluid.

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