ear disease


Introduction to ear disease The disease of the ear is caused by the pathogenic changes caused by the normal physiological function of the body due to the invasion of pathogenic sin. When the body is full of vitality, the evil spirits are not easy to invade and become sick. Therefore, "Su Wen, Legacy, and Stinging Law" said: "In the righteousness, the evil can't be done." If the righteousness is qi, the evil will take advantage of it, then the disease will occur. Therefore, "Su Wen. Comments on fever" said: "The evil is made up, its qi will be empty." Therefore, the occurrence of ear disease is a reflection of the struggle of righteousness and evil, and is the result of dysfunction of the internal organs. basic knowledge Proportion of disease: according to different ear diseases, the proportion of illness is different Susceptible people: no specific population Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: deafness


Cause of ear disease

In the ear disease, the disease is more common in the wind, heat, and dampness; the viscera is dysfunctional, mostly liver, kidney, heart, and spleen. Different pathological changes and different visceral lesions have produced different pathological changes and disease syndromes, which are summarized in the following:

1. The sinister foreigner: the ear is empty, the evil is invaded, and it is easy to cause staying and sick. The evils that are committed are mostly evils of wind and heat. Often due to the loss of health and dysfunction of the liver and gallbladder, the sinister poison can take the opportunity to directly commit deafness, and the gathering will not disperse, causing qi and blood to stagnate. The card shows itching, swelling in the ear, blockage, slight pain in the ear, tinnitus, deafness, etc.

2. Liver and gallbladder dampness: the gallbladder meridians in the liver, the gallbladder attached to the liver, each other in the table, the two diseases affect each other. The liver is comfortable and smooth, and if it is dysfunctional, it is stagnation and heat; the biliary is strong, the evil guilt and the gallbladder, and the lesions are mostly hot and burning. When the evil spirits invade the deafness, the damp heat and evil spirits are rumored to be rumored, and the liver and gallbladder, the liver and gallbladder are hot and humid, and the rhythm is followed by the deafness. Internal and external moist heat fumigation, resulting in qi stagnation, meridian obstruction, sarcolemma rot, evidence of phlegm and heat, redness and swelling of the ear, and thick; if the damp heat is strong, the pus is multi-colored yellow; if the fire is flaming, burning After the ear is finished, there may be redness and swelling of the ear, and even wear it.


Ear disease prevention

1. Control the source of noise.

2. Reduce noise contact time.

3. Active and timely treatment of acute otitis media.

4. After the occurrence of acute mastoiditis, it will collapse and expand outward within a certain period of time. The simple mastoidectomy should be performed in time to remove the purulent material drainage in the ear and mastoid. External expansion, the formation of post-abdominal abscess, inward expansion to form intracranial complications such as meningitis.

5. It is necessary to improve the patient's physical health, strengthen nutrition, provide adequate protein and vitamin diet, and strengthen resistance.


Ear disease complications Complications

Ear disease can cause hearing loss or deafness if it is not treated and treated properly in time.


Symptoms of ear disease Common symptoms Ear spilled ear otitis vertigo ear pus hearing loss neurological deafness hearing loss ear canal obstruction deafness ear canal pus

Common ear problems and symptoms:

Embolization: Embolization refers to the excessive secretion or discharge of sputum in the external auditory canal, so that the sputum gathers in the external auditory canal and blocks the external auditory canal. After the formation of sputum embolism, it can affect hearing or induce inflammation, which is one of the common diseases in otolaryngology.

Otitis media: It is an inflammatory lesion involving all or part of the structure of the middle ear (including the eustachian tube, tympanic cavity, sinus sinus and mastoid air chamber), which occurs in children. Can be divided into two categories of non-suppurative and suppurative. The main symptoms are earache and pus. The systemic symptoms of children are more obvious than adults, and there may be fever and vomiting.

Tympanic membrane perforation: Tympanic membrane perforation is a middle ear trauma caused by violence, traffic accidents, or changes in air pressure. Clinical manifestations: 1. Hearing from normal to moderate deafness, conscious occlusion, and even earache. 2. After a few hours, the symptoms of earache are alleviated due to the exudate. 3. There are signs of tinnitus. 4. At the beginning, only the tympanic membrane was completely congested. With the tympanic membrane invagination, spotted hemorrhage occurred, causing sensorineural deafness. 5. Explosive tympanic membrane perforation, due to squamous epithelial varus into the tympanic cavity to form squamous epithelial cysts, easy to secondary infection.

Mastoiditis is an acute suppurative inflammation of the mucosa and bone of the mastoid airway, which is often developed from acute suppurative otitis media. Although mastoid inflammatory lesions continue to develop, and the systemic and local symptoms are not obvious, so that they are not found, called recessive mastoiditis. If acute mastoiditis cannot be controlled, the inflammation continues to develop and can penetrate the wall of the mastoid, causing intracranial and extracranial complications.

Meniere's disease is an idiopathic inner ear disease that was first proposed by the French physician Prosper Ménière in 1861. The main pathological change of the disease is hydrocephalus, and the clinical manifestations are recurrent spine vertigo, fluctuating hearing loss, tinnitus and ear swell. The disease occurs mostly in middle and young people between the ages of 30 and 50, and children are rare. There is no significant difference between men and women. About 8-10% of patients with binaural disease.

Deafness refers to the qualitative or functional abnormalities of the nerve center generators of the various levels of sound transmission, sensory sound and comprehensive analysis of the sound in the auditory system, resulting in different degrees of hearing loss. It is customary to call deafness. It is called sputum only if the hearing is severely degraded, and it is manifested that the patient cannot hear any words in both ears. If the hearing loss does not reach this severity, it is called hearing loss.


Ear disease examination

Tympanic membrane

The slack or the full tympanic membrane is invaded, which is characterized by shortening, deforming or disappearing of the light cone. The hammer stem is displaced backwards and upwards, and the short bone of the humerus is obviously protruding, and the angle between the front and the back fold becomes smaller. When the tympanic effusion is effusion, the tympanic membrane loses its normal luster and is single yellow, orange red or amber, and the cone is deformed or displaced. In chronic cases, it may be grayish blue or milky white. The tympanic membrane has dilated microvessels in the tension zone. The short protrusion is more smeared than the sacral color, and the humeral stem is embossed. If the liquid is serous and does not fill the tympanic cavity, the liquid level can be seen through the tympanic membrane. This liquid surface is like a curved hair, called a hairline, with the concave surface facing up. When the head position changes, its relationship with the ground is unchanged. Bubbles are visible through the tympanic membrane, and the air bubbles can be increased after the eustachian tube is blown. Air otoscopy has limited tympanic membrane activity.

2. Pulling the cork

After pressing the tragus and then releasing the amps separately, the ears were tested separately, and the patient consciously had ears that sounded like a cork.

3. Hearing test

Tuning fork test and pure music listening valve test results show conductivity . Hearing loss is different, and the weight can be as high as 40dB HL. If the hearing impairment is significant, auditory brainstem response and otoacoustic emission examination should be performed to determine whether it affects the inner ear.

4.CT scan

It can be seen that the air cavity of the middle ear system has different degrees of density increase.


Diagnosis of ear disease

The syndrome differentiation of ear disease is based on the four diagnoses of observation, smell, question, and cut. It combines the local symptoms of the whole body and the ear, and conducts comprehensive analysis on the basis of the syndrome differentiation of the eight classes and the syndrome differentiation of the organs.

Distinguish the tinnitus and deafness

(1) The tinnitus is outbreaks, the sound is loud, the hearing is declining, and most of the fires of the liver and gallbladder are reversed, or the smoldering stagnation is disturbed.

(2) tinnitus gradually, the sound is fine, the hearing gradually declines, mostly for liver and kidney yin deficiency, virtual fire on the inflammation, or qi and blood loss, ear loss support.

(3) tinnitus such as snoring, mostly liver and kidney or heart and kidney deficiency, qi and blood deficiency syndrome; tinnitus such as tidal sounds, wind sounds, mostly liver and gallbladder heat, evil spirits to stop deafness.

(4) The violent temper is mostly caused by wind, heat, and dampness, or it is obsessed with cockroaches or foreign bodies. The gradual phlegm is mainly caused by liver, kidney, spleen and other viscera.

(5) Old-aged hearing is not working, no history of pus, mostly liver and kidney loss, lack of blood, can not be caused by glory.

(6) Those who suffer from tinnitus and deafness due to pus in the ear are mainly based on syndrome differentiation of pus.

Ear pus

(1) New disease ear pus thick yellow, mostly for the liver and gallbladder hot steaming deafness, burning musculature. Yellow and more, most of them are hot and humid fumigation. The blood in the pus, mostly for the liver through the heat, heat damage blood.

(2) long-term illness pus is thin and the amount is large, or the wire is like glue, mostly spleen and wet. If the pus is thin and the amount is not much, most of them are kidney deficiency and inflammation on the virtual fire.

(3) There are tofu slag samples in the pus, with odor, mostly kidney deficiency, dampness and heat stagnation, steaming sarcolemma, erosion and bone, is a true deficiency.

As the auditory organ of the human body, the ear has a pivotal position. Like other parts of the body, the ear is also prone to some diseases. If you don't treat it properly and use it in time, maybe the wonderful sound will really disappear in your ear forever. Specifically, the goal of ear disease treatment is to eliminate clinical symptoms and restore hearing and normal vestibular function to the affected ear. Ear infections are generally based on topical medications. Some drugs such as aminoglycoside antibiotics (streptomycin, gentamicin, kanamycin, etc.) have toxic effects on the inner ear and should be used with caution. Systemic treatment should be supplemented with acute inflammation.

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