male disease


Introduction to male diseases Male disease is a general term for male diseases, but male diseases are not representative diseases, but only some unique diseases occur because of the different physiological anatomy of men and women. Common diseases include: impotence, premature ejaculation, nocturnal emission, foreskin phimosis, kidney deficiency, prostate disease and so on. The health status of men in China is worrying. For a variety of reasons, men often lack awareness of their own reproductive system diseases, and little is known about self-care knowledge. Men are 28% less likely to see doctors than women. Erectile dysfunction, short penis, ejaculation dysfunction, male infertility, male genital diseases, male breast disease, and susceptibility to diseases in middle-aged and elderly men are concerned with male friends. With the development of society, people's requirements for quality of life are getting higher and higher, and the pursuit of excellence for men's social occasions increases, various pressures increase, long hours of office, driving, staying up late, anxiety, so that the incidence of prostate disease is rapid increase. basic knowledge Sickness ratio: 0.05%-0.08% Susceptible people: male Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: infertility, sexual intercourse, pain


Male disease cause

Stress factor (65%)

With the development of society, people's requirements for quality of life are getting higher and higher, and the pursuit of excellence for men's social occasions increases, various pressures increase, long hours of office, driving, staying up late, anxiety, so that the incidence of prostate disease is rapid increase.

Disease factor (30%)

Irregular abuse of some sexual health care, gradually ageing the onset of prostate disease; prostate disease brings you and your partner: sleep disturbance (more frequent nocturia), fear of surgery (late surgery), cancerous weight Strike (late stage leading to cancer), the decline in the quality of sexual life (causing impotence, premature ejaculation) the impact of social life.


Male disease prevention

In prevention, the most important thing is to develop a good habit. As the saying goes, the best doctor is himself. The best medical model is self-care, and the most important thing is to establish a scientific habit.

1. Don't drink alcohol: Even if you are on holidays or when you have to socialize, don't drink alcohol, or just drink a small amount of low-alcohol.

Second, do not eat spicy food such as pepper.

Third, drink plenty of water: drink at least 7 glasses of water a day (about 2000 ml), get a cup of water (70 ml) after getting up every morning.

Fourth, sit soon: sit for about an hour to stand up and activities.

5. Moderate exercise: Five and three seven, five: exercise at least 5 times a week; three: 30 minutes or more for each exercise; 7: After each exercise, the actual number of heart beats plus age should reach 170 per minute. Times.

Sixth, pay attention to personal hygiene, wash the lower body every night.

Seven, do not overwork, avoid cold, adjust the work, life rhythm, work and rest, to avoid excessive fatigue. It is necessary to increase or decrease clothes according to changes in temperature to avoid cold.

Eight, keep the stool smooth, regular bowel movements every day, eat more vegetables in the daily diet. Eat moderate amounts of fruit and moderate activities, and treat them promptly when constipation occurs.

Nine, keep a good mood, be optimistic and open-minded, and promptly resolve their bad feelings.

Ten, a regular, responsible sexual life, should not be too frequent, but it is not necessary, generally in the second day of sexual life without fatigue is appropriate. The frequency of reference by age group is as follows: 30 years old or younger, 2~3 times a week; 31~50 years old, 1~2 times a week; 51~60 years old, 2~3 times a month; 60 years old or older, once a month Or 2 times every 3 months.


Male complication Complications, infertility, sexual intercourse, pain

Many male diseases can cause sexual dysfunction. In the five stages of sexual activity, penile erection, sexual intercourse, orgasm, ejaculation and other sexual activities, the abnormality occurs in one stage or several stages or the whole stage. . The most common male sexual dysfunction is penile erection and ejaculation abnormalities. For example, acute inflammation, prostate congestion, edema or small abscess formation, may have ejaculation pain, painful erection, loss of libido, sexual pain, impotence, blood essence and so on. Another important point is that many male diseases of inflammation cause infertility and affect sperm quality.


Male disease symptoms Common symptoms Urinary frequency low back pain with frequent urination, urine... Male sexual dysfunction urinary tract infection libido hematuria bladder stones pearl pimples

First, infertility:

Infertility refers to the normal sexual life of a couple of normal childbearing age after marriage. In 1 year or more, there is no contraception and no childbirth. 15% of married couples have infertility, and the incidence of male infertility accounts for 30%. %. The basic conditions for childbirth are normal sexual function and possessing normal sperm that can bind to the egg. Therefore, whether it is sexual organ anatomy or physiological defects, or hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis regulation disorders, can lead to infertility.

Second, prostate hyperplasia:

Prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is one of the common diseases in the elderly in men, and it is increasing with the ageing of the global population. The incidence of benign prostatic hyperplasia increases with age, but there are not necessarily clinical symptoms when there is hyperplastic lesions. Beijing Medical University research found that towns are higher than rural areas, and ethnicity also affects the degree of hyperplasia. Studies have shown that the US population proliferates 6 ml per 10 years, compared with 3 ml in the Japanese population.

Third, balanitis:

Balanitis refers to mucosal inflammation caused by trauma, irritation or infection.

Fourth, prostatitis:

Prostatitis is a common disease in the male reproductive system. Among the male patients in urology, the group under 50 years old is the first, and the group older than 51 is the second. Its incidence rate is as high as 6%. Prostatitis accounts for 8% of the population. Its etiology and pathogenesis have not been fully elucidated. Only a small number of pathogens are detected by conventional methods, and it is not easy to determine which patients are suffering from non-bacterial prostatitis. Some patients can find evidence related to autoimmunity, but it is difficult to perform accurate clinical typing. The clinical manifestations of this disease are complex symptom groups. The commonly used diagnostic methods in the past are not detailed enough. The treatment has certain blindness and tends to be treated with antibiotic drugs.

Five, Yangshuo:

Impotence, also known as erectile dysfunction (referred to as ED in the international community), means that when the sexual desire is required, the penis can not be erect or erect, or if there is erection and a certain degree of hardness, but can not maintain enough time for sexual intercourse, thus hindering Sexual intercourse or inability to complete sexual intercourse. Impotence is divided into two types: congenital and pathological. The former is rare and difficult to cure; the latter is more common and the cure rate is high.

Six, premature ejaculation:

Premature ejaculation is the most common ejaculation dysfunction, accounting for more than 1/3 of adult men. The definition of premature ejaculation is still controversial. It is usually evaluated by the male ejaculation latency or the frequency with which women reach orgasm during sexual intercourse. For example, when a man loses the ability to control ejaculation during sexual intercourse, the penis is inserted into the vagina or just inserted into the ejaculation. Standards; or premature ejaculation is defined as the frequency with which women reach orgasm during sexual intercourse is less than 50%, but these are not universally accepted. Because men's ejaculation latency is affected by factors such as age, length of abstinence, physical condition, emotional psychology, etc., the frequency of female orgasm is also affected by factors such as physical state, emotional changes, and the surrounding environment. In addition, there are individual differences in the length of the ejaculation incubation period. It is generally believed that a healthy male is ejaculated 2 to 6 minutes after the penis is inserted into the vagina, which is normal.

Seven, the foreskin is too long:

Too long foreskin means that the foreskin covers the urethral opening, but can be turned up to expose the urethral opening and the penis head, often accompanied by phimosis. The disease is related to heredity and can be divided into a true foreskin and a false foreskin. Patients with too long prepuce should be treated early. For the inflammation-free foreskin is too long, as long as the foreskin is often turned upside down, it is not necessary to operate.


Male disease check

Male check:

For male patients, the only tests that should be accepted are: genitourinary examinations, and mainly visual inspection and palpation.

1. Check the penile coronal sulcus, the external urethra, the inside of the foreskin, the edge of the foreskin, the glans ligament, the scrotum, etc., with or without rash, ulceration, and secretions. A fine cotton swab can be used to extract secretions for pathogen examination. .

2, for testicular, epididymis, spermatic cord for palpation examination, should be carefully examined testicular, epididymis head and spermatic cord, and compare the situation on both sides.

3, male sexually transmitted diseases check items: a variety of sexually transmitted diseases, such as gonorrhea, non-leaching urethritis, genital warts, genital herpes, syphilis and so on. Different diseases require different tests and their costs are different. It is recommended to go to the hospital first. After the doctor knows your condition in detail, and then conduct targeted inspections, all items are not required to be inspected.

Because there are many types of sexually transmitted diseases, each has a different incubation period, AIDS has a window period, so when the test results vary from pathogen, see which pathogen you have the chance to infect, from days to weeks, months Even longer. If you have genital herpes, you need to take time to treat, do not have sex during treatment.

4, the best inspection time: syphilis 4 to 8 weeks; soft chancred 2 to 5 days; gonorrhea 2 to 10 days; non-leaching 1 to 3 weeks; condyloma acuminata 1 to 8 months; genital herpes 4-5 days; AIDS 6 Months to 8 to 10 years or longer.


Male disease diagnosis

The main manifestation of urethritis is urinary pain and urethral discharge within about 1 week after unclean sexual intercourse. Urethritis caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae (gonorrhea), urethral discharge is yellow-white in the early stage, but not gonococcal urethritis (the pathogen is often Chlamydia trachomatis), the urethral discharge is generally transparent mucus.

1, pearly penile papules This disease is more common, is a physiological developmental variation, occurs in young or middle-aged men. The rash is a pearl-like shape with a diameter of 1 to 3 mm. The white, yellow or red translucent papules are arranged in a row or rows along the coronary sulcus, which is similar in color to the surrounding skin and does not itch. Although it has no effect on life, patients often mistakenly believe that it is a sexually transmitted disease and cause greater psychological stress.

2, proliferative erythema appears as single or several erythema at the glans, can be round, ring or irregular shape, the boundary is clear, slightly higher than the leather surface and the texture is hard, the surface is bright. Sometimes there may be erosion, crusting or papillary hyperplasia. The disease can be unchanged for many years, and cancer can also occur. The cause is unknown, but it occurs mostly in those with too long foreskin. Some people think that it is related to the long-term stimulation of smegma.

3. The leukoplakia is a white spot or plaque with different shapes and sizes at the glans. It is not painful and has a smooth surface. The surrounding pigments are often deeper than normal skin color. There is no special treatment for this disease. Because the glans leukoplakia is related to chronic stimuli such as smegma, and the white spot has the possibility of malignant transformation.

4. The leather corner is a horn-shaped bulge with a matchstick or chopsticks that grows on the glans. It is brown or brownish gray and has a hard texture. This is a neoplasm formed by the proliferation of epidermal keratinocytes based on the inflammation of the glans.

5, patients with angioedema due to taking food, drugs, or insect bites, etc., caused by local acute allergic reactions to the glans. The disease can also occur in the loose parts of other subcutaneous tissues of the body. It is a pale red or pale edematous skin lesion, and the edema is intense and the state is unclear.

6, fixed drug eruption often after oral administration of sulfonamides, barbiturates, antipyretic and other painkillers and other drugs suddenly. It appears that there is a round or elliptical plaque at the head of the glans. The size is different. The center is purple-red and swollen. The surrounding color is red, and the area may have itching or burning sensation. In severe cases, the central part of the body rapidly develops into a blister. After the rupture, it forms a smashed surface. After healing, there is more pigmentation.

7, glans dermatitis This is a high incidence of glans foreskin disease, patients often have phimosis or foreskin is too long. Between the glans and the long foreskin. The detached epithelial cells, glandular secretions and smegma form a warm and humid environment, and bacteria can form inflammation and become non-specific infection. At the beginning of the disease, the surface of the glans and foreskin is edematous and congested. The area around the urethra is red and there is wound and erosion. It can develop into superficial ulcers and purulent secretions. The patient feels itchy, hot or painful at the glans of the penis.

8, femoral hernia is more common in the buttocks and inner thighs, but also often invade the glans of the penis. From the beginning, it is a small papule, and then it expands into a circular or pleomorphic lesion with an annular protrusion at the edge and a flat central shape. Common desquamation, and finding the fungal hyphae under the microscope can help to confirm the diagnosis.

Male diseases should be distinguished from male sexually transmitted diseases:

1. The pathogen of condyloma acuminata is human papillomavirus (HPV). There are many subtypes of HPV, and different subtypes have different infection sites and different hazards to humans. In addition, the impact of HPV on men and women is also different, men with HPV manifested as genital parts (penile head, coronary sulcus and urethra) skin hyperplasia (long burr), like "cockscomb", generally no serious consequences. Women infected with HPV may cause cervical cancer. Unlike urethritis, many patients with genital warts have no clear history of unclean sexual intercourse.

2. Genital herpes is a viral infection caused by herpes simplex virus type II. The virus invades the human body through the damaged skin, and lurks in the nerve roots of the spinal cord. When the body's resistance is reduced (fatigue, cold, etc.), it "winds and waves." The main manifestation of genital herpes is the appearance of flaky small blisters in the genital area with pain. After the blisters are broken, a small red smashed surface is formed. This disease is often self-limiting, and it usually heals in about 1 week, regardless of treatment. But the virus is not easy to remove completely and is prone to recurrence.

3. The pathogen of hard chancre is treponema pallidum, and the incubation period of the disease is about 2 weeks. The main manifestation of hard chancre is a single ulcer in the genital (most common in the coronary sulcus), with a hard base. At the same time, there may be a swollen lymph node in the groin (thigh root).

4, the haze is a parasitic infection that is parasitic on the roots of the pubic hair. The main manifestation is itchy pubic hair, small worms at the roots of the pubic hair, and needle-like small blood spots in the underwear.

5. In the identification of the above sexually transmitted diseases, it should be differentiated from the erythema of the penile sulcus of the penis, the small papules on both sides of the foreskin ligament and the ectopic sebaceous glands of the penis skin.

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