mental illness


Introduction to mental illness Mental illness: refers to a person who has deviated from the norms and phenomena of social life due to mental tension and interference, and made himself ideological, emotional and behavioral. The more psychologically and behaviorally deviated from the standard of social life, the more serious the mental illness. Mental illness can be broadly classified into the following categories: stress response and maladaptive response. Mental illness is very common, but there is a degree of difference, and the development of modern civilization has made human beings more and more out of its natural attributes, pollution, fast pace of life, tension, unprecedented amount of information, complex social relations, changes in the way of work and rest, Differences in consumption orientation, unfair facts under the concept of fairness, and enlargement, love, etc., have gradually increased and worsened mental illness. There are many types of mental illness, different performances, and there may be more that have not been noticed before, or have been rationalized (not considered mental illness). There are also many new mental illnesses discovered with the changes of the times. basic knowledge Sickness ratio: 5% Susceptible people: no specific people Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: Psychiatry Anxiety Disorders Depression


Cause of mental illness

Overloaded working pressure (10%)

Many urban white-collar workers are trapped by high-intensity work pressure. They are in a state of high tension for a long time, and often do not get timely conditioning. Over time, they will develop symptoms such as anxiety and depression, and then induce psychological or mental illness.

Feelings and family changes (9%)

Losing love is undoubtedly a very painful emotional experience. The one who loses love will suffer from the difficulty of giving up the feelings. The sense of loss will increase the degree of psychological imbalance. Some people will have psychological obstacles or even irrational excessive behavior, causing the other party and themselves. Hard to make up for damage. In addition, the injured party after divorce, especially women, often cannot withstand the blow of family disintegration, causing psychological harm. A related survey shows that at present, about 70% of the divorced people in China feel psychological stress. This group needs psychological support and help very much.

Dependence on the network (5%)

It is beneficial to have a good online access to the Internet for a few major illnesses, but it is very likely to induce mental illness when you spend a lot of time online or on some unhealthy websites. Such as long-term online chat, games, online dating, it is very likely that the Internet users will be affected by their normal cognitive, emotional and psychological positioning due to long-term virtual state. In severe cases, personality splitting may occur.

Living poverty aggravates psychological stress (10%)

This group is mainly poor workers of laid-off workers and colleges and universities. The concept of some laid-off workers is difficult to change at one time, and they disregard the work of housekeeping and construction, thus forming an embarrassing situation of "high or no success." The dual role of psychological stress and life stress can easily lead to psychological disorders, and even cause family breakdown. For some poor students who have entered higher education institutions, on the one hand, the embarrassment of the economic situation, on the other hand, the vanity of the work, this reality will aggravate the ambivalence and increase the probability of psychological problems of these poor students.

The psychological tendency of quick success and quick profit, easy to get depression after promotion and house purchase (3%)

Some people have a tendency to make quick and profitable pursuits of their careers, and they often cannot withstand the blow of failure. Because they have high expectations for success and don't want to spend too much effort, they always want to be small and big, and hope to get twice the result with half the effort. It can be realistic and often does not change because of the subjective will of the person. Of course, it is easy to be disappointed and lost. Some people work hard because they are eager to seek success. They are constantly self-pressurizing and always demanding themselves. As a result, they often fail because of their lack of energy, and they induce psychological disorders such as depression and autism.

Learning tasks are too onerous, and the college entrance examination is not as good as how to adjust the mindset (5%)

Every day, students face unread books and incomprehensible review materials, and face the ardent expectations of their parents and teachers. At present, no matter whether it is a primary school student, a middle school student or a college student, there are not many people with various degrees of mental illness. The psychological symptoms caused by the test pressure are: slow response, restlessness, learning fear, depression and tired of learning.

Too much love for one child (8%)

The seven unhealthy psychology of boys and girls in the love of children, in addition to the development of self-willedness, selfishness and other bad habits, often manifested as unsociable character, poor resistance, social fear and even violent tendencies. The parent's love will cause the child's psychological lesions. This potential crisis is like a time bomb. The lethality after the detonation is huge.

Unbearable after investment damage (5%)

People's awareness of investment is constantly increasing, but when long-term investment does not receive the expected return or serious capital loss, it will inevitably lead to psychological imbalance. Strong frustration, violent fluctuations in emotions, and the loss of huge amounts of money are likely to destroy a person's psychological defense, and some people are even alive.

Difficult to adapt to social development (10%)

Modern society is developing rapidly and changing rapidly. Some people are difficult to adapt for various reasons. This kind of discomfort includes many aspects: it is unfamiliar to the unfairness of the society, and it is depressed and irritated because of its inability to change the status quo; it is not accustomed to the distribution in the unit, and is indignant for its low remuneration; Because of the paleness of faith, there is a sense of loss, no sense of belonging; anxious, helpless, etc. due to the gap between personal skills and modernization. These can lead to "heart disease".

Lack of spiritual care for the elderly (5%)

The material life of most of the elderly in China is basically met, but their spiritual and psychological needs may not be satisfactory. The old mans loss of love in his later years has become a problem that cannot be ignored. This is an important incentive for the psychological problems of the elderly.


Mental illness prevention

1. It is necessary to strengthen self-cultivation and take it easy: it is necessary to clearly understand that life always goes from strong to aging until it dies. This is a natural law that cannot be resisted. You should develop an optimistic, open-minded personality, calmly accept the various changes that occur in the physiology, and adjust your life and work rhythm, and actively avoid the psychological impact caused by physiological changes. In fact, those who have a broad mind and want to get things done will not be plagued by gray mental illness.

2, to rationally arrange life, cultivate a variety of interests: people often do things when they are doing nothing, so we must reasonably arrange work and life. Moderately and orderly work can avoid psychological loss and make life more fulfilling, and a fulfilling life can improve people's depression. At the same time, we must cultivate a variety of interests. Those who love a wide range of people always feel that time is not enough. The richness of life can dispel unhealthy emotions and enhance the vitality of life, making people more meaningful.

3, try to find opportunities for emotional experience: First, think more about the career you are engaged in, always remember innovation, make new achievements, and leap to a new level; and then care about others, with friends, colleagues, and friends, regardless of Sorrows and joys, clutches, are all psychological instigations, it will make people clear-headed, open-minded; third is to participate in public welfare activities, be good and good, for the benefit of future generations. It is best to learn an art, whether you play singing, writing, or collecting philatelic coins, you will enter a new realm, create new pursuits, and find fun in your hobbies.

4, protect the psychological tranquility: face a lot of information, do not be nervous, anxious and annoyed. Be detached, keep a quiet mood, learn to absorb modern scientific information, and improve your ability to respond. Finally, try to imagine as many possible ways to get them, and choose an optimal program to reduce the psychological burden of the individual and get twice the result with half the effort.

5, appropriate change of the environment: a person in a lack of competition in the environment is easy to breed inertia, not seeking merit but seeking nothing, too comfortable environment is more likely to cause psychological imbalance. The new environment, accepting challenging work and life, can stimulate people's potential and vitality, change the environment and change the state of mind, so that they can always maintain a healthy and upward mentality and avoid psychological imbalance.

6. Correctly understand the relationship between self-knowledge and society: According to the requirements of the society, we should adjust our own consciousness and behavior at any time to make it more in line with social norms. It is necessary to correct the relationship between individuals and groups, individuals and society, and correctly treat individual gains and losses, successes and failures. In this way, psychological imbalance can be reduced.


Psychological disease complications Complications, psychosis, anxiety, depression

1. Information anxiety

Once there is a network blockage in the home or the unit, the TV is powered off, and the electronic reading cannot be opened, some people will feel extremely uncomfortable, become anxious and upset, and always feel worried about missing important information and news, afraid to give work. Negative effects, and lead to mental and physical reactions, symptoms such as insomnia, headache, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting.

2. Post-successful depression

It is an enviable good thing to succeed in business, but more and more successful people are tired of success, suffering from depression, suffering from self-existence, and even wanting to die. The pressure for promotion is too high and there is not enough confidence in yourself. White-collar workers are struggling like robots because of the intensified social competition, fast work pace, and high expectations. If the psychological quality is poor or not good at self-dissolution, it is more likely to suffer from mental illness. If you have this symptom, you should sneak in, and temporarily lose all your work and troubles, completely relax your mind and body, and restore your energy in time.

3, crazy shopping

People who are suffering from cravings have a pathological possessive desire for goods. In the face of a dazzling array of goods, people often pay for their pockets without thinking, and there will be satisfaction and pleasure in possession. If the control is not to buy, there will be anxiety, discomfort, and uncontrollable control will only make the next shopping more crazy. But when reason takes the upper hand, regrets and distress will inevitably come. Such a cycle of recurrence naturally affects mood and work. Therefore, don't bring too much money when you go out. Before you go to the store, you want to know what you need and what you don't need. When you need to go shopping with your companion, you need to help the reminder. The most important thing is to find out what psychological problems are behind the desire to shop, whether there is dissatisfaction with reality and dissatisfaction with oneself. When a person dares to face problems and solve problems, the mind will be balanced.


Symptoms of mental illness, common symptoms, stolen or suspected, delusional, anxiety, depression, irritability, nervousness, eclipse

Common mental illness in children

Plucking, ADHD, habitual diapers, diapers (children's defecation), nocturia, autism, mental retardation, stuttering, speech skills developmental disorders, learning skills developmental disorders, child tic disorder, child withdrawal behavior, Asperger syndrome, Heller syndrome (infant dementia), Rett syndrome, conduct disorder, selective sedation of children, partial eclipse, bite nails, pica, and gender bias in children with child characteristics (including children's transvestites), Children with schizophrenia, child phobia, children with mood disorders (such as anxiety, depression).

Common mental illness in adolescents

Exam syndrome, rebellious anxiety caused by strict management, phobia, learning evasion, rickets, obsessive-compulsive disorder, teacher-student love (single-sex), love frustration syndrome, common psychological disorders of college students, network syndrome, etc. .

Common psychological problems in adults

Work adapts to the disease: excessive achievement of stress, improper relationship between material and money (such as emptiness, convulsions, etc. after getting rich).

Occupational mental illness: mental disorders of teachers, psychological disorders caused by monotonous work, noise and mental illness, night shifts and psychological problems, and neuropsychological effects of high temperature work.

Sexual mental illness: flower idiot (sexual madness), dew yin, voyeurism, voyeurism, transvestite, narcissism, sexual aversion, fetishism, impotence, premature ejaculation, excessive masturbation, etc. For middle-aged and older people: menopausal psychosis, menopausal syndrome, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, senile sputum, retreat syndrome.

In addition, it can be divided according to the nature of the disease and the cause of the disease:

Bad habits and hobbies: stealing, arson, neurological vomiting, material dependence, cleanliness.

Neurosis: neurasthenia, anxiety, suspected neurosis (suspected), rickets (sickness), obsessive-compulsive disorder, terror neurosis, depressive neurosis.

Physiological and mental illness

Somatoform disorders: somatization disorders, suspected neurosis (suspected), cardiac neurosis, gastrointestinal neuropathy, obesity, anorexia nervosa, premenstrual syndrome.

Brain organic disorders: Alzheimer's disease, mental disorders caused by acute cerebrovascular disease, multiple infarct dementia, mental disorders caused by subcortical vascular disease, mental disorders caused by cortical and subcortical mixed vascular disease, Huntington Mental disorders caused by illness, mental disorders caused by Wilson's disease (Wilson's disease), paralytic dementia (psychiatric disorders caused by brain neurosyphilis), mental disorders caused by viral encephalitis, mental disorders caused by cerebral cysticercosis, Mental disorders caused by craniocerebral injury, mental disorders caused by intracranial tumors, epilepsy and mental disorders.

Symptomatic (organic) psychosis: relationship between physiological diseases and psychology, infectious diseases and mental diseases, drug-induced mental disorders, alcoholism, toxic mental disorders, hepatic and brain syndrome, pulmonary and brain syndrome, uremia Mental disorders, mental disorders caused by hypoparathyroidism, mental disorders caused by hyperthyroidism, mental disorders caused by nutritional metabolic diseases, mental disorders caused by rheumatic infections, mental disorders caused by typhoid fever, spirits caused by systemic lupus erythematosus obstacle.

Psychological and physiological barrier

Psychogenic psychology (mental) disorders: adaptive disorders, reactive psychosis, inductive psychosis, qigong-induced mental disorders (qigong deviation), fear of contraction (constriction), superstition-induced mental disorders, depression, morbidity Nostalgia.

Personality disorder

Psychiatric and mental disorders: Schizophrenia, commonly used antipsychotic mood disorders: mania, depression.

Paranoid psychosis

Iatrogenic psychosis, travel mental illness.

Periodic psychosis

Mental disorders caused by family factors: widowed syndrome.


Mental illness check

The Symptom Checklist - SCL90 is one of the world's most famous mental health test scales and is currently the most widely used outpatient checklist for mental disorders and mental illnesses. The meter has 90 test items that list some of the problems that some people may have. Please read each one carefully, then select the appropriate answer based on the actual feeling of the patient within the last week, and finally calculate the score. According to the results of the Chinese norm, if the total score of SCL90 exceeds 160 points, the average score of more than 2 points should be further examined. The standard score of more than 200 points indicates that there are obvious psychological problems, which can be turned to psychological counseling. More serious, need to do a detailed medical examination, it is likely to do targeted psychotherapy or take medication under the guidance of a doctor.


Diagnosis and diagnosis of mental illness

Psychological disorders are almost everyone's possible encounters, such as loss of love, falling out of the list, emotional fluctuations caused by conflicts in interpersonal relationships, dissonance, loss of interest caused by bad mood during a period of time, disorder of life, even behavioral abnormalities, personality deviation, etc. Emotional disorders caused by real problems become psychological barriers. Most people like these problems often adjust themselves or ask for help from parents, relatives, teachers, etc. If you still have no effect through these adjustment methods, you need to ask a counseling doctor for help.

In addition, psychological counseling is also applicable to neurosis, including obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety disorder, phobia, suspected illness, neurasthenia, and personality problems. It is also applicable to psychophysiological disorders (ie, psychosomatic diseases) and neurological organic diseases. Psychological disorders, children's emotional disorders, learning disabilities, various intellectual developmental abnormalities.

Psychosis refers to a general term for diseases in which the incidence of brain function is disordered, leading to different levels of mental activity such as cognition, emotion, behavior, and will. There are many factors in the pathogenic factors: congenital inheritance, personality characteristics and physical factors, organic factors, and social environmental factors. Many mental patients have delusions, hallucinations, delusions, emotional disorders, crying and laughing, self-talk, strange behavior, and decreased will. Most patients lack self-awareness, do not admit that they are sick, and do not actively seek the help of doctors.

Common mental illnesses include schizophrenia, manic depressive psychosis, menopausal psychosis, paranoid psychosis, and psychosis associated with various organic diseases. Patients and their families should actively cooperate with psychiatrists and go to the hospital as soon as possible.

There are still many people who always like to say others in a mocking tone: "You have a neuropathy." In fact, neuropathy refers to organic diseases of the central nervous system and peripheral nerves. These lesions often have obvious symptoms such as pain, numbness, feelings of funeral, paralysis or/and nervous system localization, and can be passed through medical instruments such as brain CT. MRI found the location of the lesion. Common neurological diseases are: encephalitis, meningitis, cerebral cysticercosis, cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral infarction, epilepsy, brain tumor, myasthenia gravis and so on. Patients should seek treatment in neurology or neurosurgery.

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