night terrors


Introduction to Night Scream Night terror is a sudden awakening in sleep, direct eyes, two eyes, fear, shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, accompanied by loud shouts, turmoil, attacks lasting 1 to 2 points, after the attack, go back to sleep, wake up after morning The episode cannot be recalled. Night terrors are also called sleep. The patient suddenly sat up in sleep, screaming, accompanied by signs of autonomic nerves, such as heartbeat, rapid breathing, and sweating. There is a strong sense of fear, anxiety and suffocation, and occasional hallucinations, such as ghosts. Each episode takes about 1-2 minutes, and there is usually no memory after waking up in the morning. This is different from nightmares, and children are more common. basic knowledge The proportion of children: the incidence rate of children is about 0.3% - 0.4%, and there are many cases of calcium deficiency caused by improper diet. Susceptible people: more common in children. Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: insomnia depression


Night terror

Brain development is immature (56%):

The nerve and brain development during childhood is not yet complete. The inhibition of the central nervous system, especially the immature development of the cerebral cortex that controls sleep arousal, will have a certain impact on the child's sleep. This is a natural phenomenon of normal physiological development of the child. If the child's seizures are not obvious or occasionally, parents don't have to care too much. As the child grows, the development of various parts of the body gradually matures, and the symptoms gradually disappear. This condition is transient.

Psychological factors (20%):

Psychological factors account for a certain proportion. Some emotional stimuli are temporary or temporary. The children's language ability and thinking ability have greatly improved with their growth, and their imagination has become rich. Therefore, these stimuli will make them make all kinds of dreams, which may lead to children's night. Or night terrors in these few nights; there are some emotional stimuli, such as single-parent families, these psychological and emotional stimuli are often more subtle and deeper, giving children more emotional stress and tension. There are parents who are too demanding or fierce in their children's requirements, and they will make their children feel anxious and disturbed at night.

Disease factor (10%):

Sustained night terrors may be caused by some pathological factors. Such as insufficient supply of brain neurotrophic nutrients, abnormal brain development, poor coordination between brain organs such as cerebral cortex, thalamus, and pituitary, obesity caused by endocrine and other causes, and severe calcium deficiency, which may lead to night terrors. The pathological cause of the attack. This requires going to the hospital to ask a doctor for treatment.


Night terror prevention

About 3% of children, males are slightly more than females, can occur in any period of children, but more common in 5-7 years old. Less common after puberty.

1, the quality of sleep directly affects the development of the child's body and brain. Good work habits and sleep hygiene (including not lighting when sleeping, indoor air circulation, sleeping posture, not eating too much before going to bed, etc.) can promote normal brain development and get adequate rest.

2. Help your child relax. Excluding physical and physical factors, parents should try to avoid those things that may cause night terrors, and objectively relieve the child's stress. At the same time, in the way of telling stories and playing games, the children are given targeted psychological counseling, so that they can relieve anxiety, relax their body and mind, and cultivate their strong will and cheerful personality. After going to bed, the family will talk with the children kindly, or listen to a piece of relaxing music together, and often let the child fall asleep happily. This is a good way to avoid night terrors.

3, moderately increase the amount of exercise in the day, not only can enhance physical fitness, but also promote the balance of brain neurotransmitters. Moreover, the child's activities during the day are more and more tired, and it is easy to sleep deeper at night to improve the quality of sleep.


Night terror complications Complications, insomnia, depression

Long-term lack of sleep can cause many neurological, mental and sub-health symptoms. Such as irritability, depression, alertness and decreased mobility, autonomic dysfunction, digestive dysfunction, etc.; even reduce immune function, affecting physical health and work efficiency, and reducing the quality of life.


Night terror symptoms common symptoms irritability, shortness of breath, frequent, awakening, heart rate, illusion

Children suddenly screamed in their sleep, crying with horrified expressions and movements, direct eyes, hands and feet, rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, sweating, dilated pupils and other autonomic nervous symptoms. It usually occurs in a short time after sleep at night, and each episode lasts about 1-10 minutes. It is difficult to wake up, and the consciousness is in a state of paralysis. After waking up, I am conscious and disorientated. I can't tell the content of the dream. I can't recall the episode.


Night terror check

The disease often occurs in childhood, often due to environmental factors, and a small part is a pathological cause. Once the night terror is caused by pathological reasons, the inspection items that need to be done are:

1. CT and MRI examinations.

2. Blood routine, blood electrolytes, blood sugar, urea nitrogen.

3. ECG, abdominal B ultrasound, chest penetration.


Night terror diagnosis

The patient screamed repeatedly from sleep, accompanied by intense anxiety, physical activity, and autonomic hyperactivity (such as tachycardia, shortness of breath, and sweating). Lack of response to other people's attempts to calm the night's episodes, followed by at least a few minutes of disorientation and continuous movement. Forgetting afterwards, even if you can remember, it is very limited. Elimination of febrile seizures caused by organic diseases (such as dementia, brain tumors, epilepsy, etc.) also need to rule out febrile seizures and seizures.

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