Free Living Amoeba Infection


Introduction to free life amoeba infection Infections caused by free-living amoeba include primary amoebic blight encephalitis (primaryamebicmebubgo-encepha-litis), Acanthamoeba (Acanthamoeba) with the main pathogen of the genus Naegleriafowleri ) three forms of granulomatous amoebic encephalitis and keratitis. In healthy people, eye infections such as iritis and keratitis are often caused by the use of contact lenses (especially when wearing eyepieces while swimming). Early tearing, foreign body sensation as the main symptom, matrix infiltrating plaque, epithelial cell involvement of dendritic lesions without obvious corneal ulcer formation, characterized by corneal annular infiltration in the late stage. Amoeba protozoa can be found by corneal spasm or biopsy pathology or culture. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.005% Susceptible people: no specific population Mode of infection: fecal mouth spread Complications: keratitis


Free life of amoeba infection

There are many kinds of free-living amoeba in nature, some of which are potential pathogens that can invade the central nervous system, eyes and skin of the human body, causing serious damage or even death, with the resistance of Amphobacillus Naegleria and Acanthamoeba are more common.


Free life amoeba infection prevention

The prevention of this disease is to strengthen health education and public swimming pool management. It is recommended to wash and preserve contact lenses with benzalkonium chloride preservative saline and thiomersal and EDTA solutions. Do not wear contact lenses when swimming.


Free life amoeba infection complications Complications keratitis

The granulomatous change is its pathological feature. The amebic skin damage caused by Acanthamoeba is mainly chronic ulcer. 75% of AIDS patients have this complication. Because the Acanthamoeba cyst is resistant to dryness, it can float with the dust. From the pollution of the cornea to chronic or subacute keratitis and ulcers, patients with foreign body sensation, photophobia, tearing, blurred vision and other symptoms, repeated attacks can cause corneal ulcers or even corneal perforation, in recent years with contact lenses The use of amoebic keratitis has gradually increased.


Free life, amoebic infection symptoms, common symptoms, flatulence, diarrhea, high fever, jaundice, abdominal pain, chills, nausea

Most infected people are asymptomatic, but they can be expelled from the feces for a long time. Symptoms due to tissue violations include intermittent diarrhea and constipation, flatulence and spastic abdominal pain. There may be tenderness in the liver and ascending colon, and the stool contains mucus and blood.

Amoebic dysentery is common in the tropics but not in temperate regions. It is characterized by frequent episodes of liquid or semi-liquid diarrhea, which often contain blood, mucus and live trophozoites. Abdominal signs range from mild tenderness to marked abdominal pain with symptoms of high heat and systemic poisoning. The liver that is sore and swollen is often accompanied by amoebic colitis. Between recurrences, symptoms can be reduced to recurrent abdominal cramps and diarrhea or soft stools, but weakness and anemia continue to persist. Symptoms of subacute appendicitis may also occur, and surgery on such patients may cause peritonitis.

The symptoms of chronic infection are similar to those of inflammatory bowel disease, which are characterized by intermittent non-dysentery-like diarrhea with abdominal pain, mucus, abdominal flatulence and weight loss. Chronic infections can also cause tenderness in the ascending colon and cecum areas, and lumps or ring-like lesions similar to cancer (amebic tumors).

Metastatic amebiasis originates in the colon and can involve any organ, but a single liver abscess in the right lobe of the liver is most common. It can occur in previously asymptomatic patients, males are more common than females (7:1 to 9:1), and can be unconsciously developed. Symptoms include pain or discomfort in the liver area, which can be exacerbated by activity, sometimes painful and right shoulder; intermittent heat, sweating, chills; nausea, vomiting, weakness and weight loss. Astragalus is not common, and if it is, it is only mild jaundice. The abscess can be worn through the underarm space, the right pleural cavity, the right lung and other nearby organs. Skin lesions caused by direct infection of trophozoites are sometimes seen, occurring in the perianal and buttocks as well as traumatic or surgical wounds.


Free life examination of amoeba infection

Asked about the history of the disease combined with pathogen examination, through the cerebrospinal fluid or lesion tissue smear showed increased neutrophil count, visible trophozoites in the wet film, can also take cerebrospinal fluid, eye excretion, corneal scraping or biopsy lesions The corneal coating is cultured on an agar plate with E. coli, and trophozoites or cysts are generally visible for 3-7 days.

Serological diagnosis can be used in indirect hemagglutination test, indirect fluorescent antibody test, etc., but generally can not make early diagnosis. In recent years, some people have begun to use PCR technology to detect amoeba DNA in patient secretion or use DNA probe for diagnosis.


Free life diagnosis of amebic infection


Diagnosis can be based on medical history, clinical symptoms, and laboratory tests.

Differential diagnosis

Hepatic amebiasis and amoebic abscess must be differentiated from other liver infections such as bacterial liver abscesses and infectious hepatic hydatid cysts.

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