Three high disease


Introduction to the three high symptoms "Three high symptoms" refers to high blood pressure, high blood sugar (diabetes) and hyperlipidemia. They are rich diseases derived from modern society and may exist alone or in association with each other. For example, people with diabetes can easily develop high blood pressure or hyperlipidemia at the same time, and high blood fat is the main factor in the formation and development of arteriosclerosis. The poor elasticity of blood vessels in patients with arteriosclerosis increases the blood pressure. Therefore, any of these three diseases may form a "three high disease" in the later stage. Hypertension is one of the most common epidemics in the modern era. Early hypertensive patients can present symptoms such as headache, dizziness, tinnitus, palpitations, vertigo, inattention, memory loss, numbness of hands and feet, fatigue, and irritability. Mostly due to advanced neurological dysfunction, its severity can not be consistent with the increase in blood pressure. The most common hyperglycemia is diabetes. Hyperlipidemia refers to excessive blood cholesterol or triglyceride or low density lipoprotein cholesterol, which modern medicine calls dyslipidemia. basic knowledge The proportion of the disease: the incidence rate of the elderly over 60 years old can reach 50% Susceptible people: no special people Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: Diabetes


Cause of three high symptoms


Due to long-term dietary habits, there are too many lipids and too much alcohol in the diet. At the same time, there is no reasonable exercise to promote the metabolism of lipid alcohols, resulting in the increase of lipid alcohols in the body, doping in the blood, blocking the capillaries, and over time, the lipid alcohols are easily released from the body. The mineral ions combine to form a thrombus. The thrombus is easily deposited at the corners of the blood vessels, or at the neck of the bottle, and is calcified. At the same time, more and more blood clots reduce the diameter of blood vessels. In order to maintain sufficient blood supply, the heart increases blood pressure and causes high blood pressure. If the blood pressure is too high, it may cause the blood vessels to crack, resulting in hemorrhagic cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. If the blood supply is insufficient due to occlusion, it is an ischemic cardio-cerebral vascular disease.


Three high disease prevention

High blood pressure

First, keep your mood comfortable and avoid big joys and sorrows. When people are in emotional swings and have great joys and sorrows, the sympathetic nerves will be excited, the heartbeat will be accelerated, the peripheral vascular resistance will increase, and the diastolic blood pressure will rise significantly. Such repeated, high blood pressure will cause hypertension.

Second, life must be regular. Regular life is very important for preventing high blood pressure. Make a combination of work and rest, maintain adequate sleep every day, and have 1 to 2 hours of activity time during the day.

The third is a reasonable diet to avoid obesity. A reasonable diet refers to a high-fiber, low-salt and low-fat diet. Eat more fruits, vegetables, and grains to avoid obesity. Strictly control the amount of salt, 4 to 6 grams per day is appropriate. Calcium has the effect of lowering blood pressure. Eat more foods with higher calcium, such as milk, shrimp, radish, honey, etc.

The fourth is to actively participate in sports. Appropriate exercise, can relax the muscles, and ventilate blood, have a positive effect on the prevention of hypertension. According to their respective situations, you can choose aerobic exercise such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming. Every exercise should pay attention to the amount of exercise, step by step, and hold it with a constant effect.

In addition, according to their own hobby characteristics. Listening to beautiful music often makes you feel comfortable and relax your body and mind, so as to avoid raising your blood pressure due to excessive stress. If you have hypertension, if you are not self-regulating treatment, you should go to the hospital in time to control hypertension through rational use of drugs.


The key to preventing diabetes is to "get more to eat less, exercise less, and relax mentally."

More understanding, that is, know more about diabetes, understand more about its harm, and understand more about its preventive measures;

Eat less, is to let the total calorie intake less, not only the staple food should be eaten less, but also non-staple food, especially high-calorie non-staple food to eat less, to eat scientifically and rationally, do not eat and eat;

Diligent, always maintain a certain amount of exercise. On the basis of diet control, plus exercise, the body will not be overweight, not obese, the chance of getting diabetes will be reduced, and weight control is an important one;

Mental relaxation means self-psychological adjustment, and a good attitude has a positive effect on preventing diabetes. These four points hope that everyone can actually do it and persist for a long time, diabetes will not come to "inflict" you.


First, rationally adjust the diet structure, limit the intake of foods rich in fat and cholesterol, use low-fat foods (vegetable oil, yogurt, etc.) to increase the intake of vitamins (fruits, vegetables, bread and cereals, etc.).

The second is to improve the way of life:

(1) Lose weight, obesity is excess fat;

(2) Quit smoking. Nicotine and carbon monoxide in tobacco can cause and aggravate the occurrence and development of arteriosclerosis;

(3) Control drinking. A small amount of alcohol is good for the body, and drinking too much is harmful. The wine is high in calories, and it is more fat and more obese;

(4) Perform aerobic exercise (jogging, etc.)

Third, when the diet structure and lifestyle change are reasonably adjusted, and high blood lipids cannot be effectively controlled, it is necessary to take a hypolipidemic drug reasonably and control the blood lipids in a normal range.


Three high disease complications Complications diabetes

Among the top ten causes of death among Chinese people, the mortality rate associated with metabolic diseases is as high as 35.7%, and the number of deaths associated with three highs also accounts for 27% of the total number of deaths.

With the improvement of living standards and the change of life rhythm, the "three high symptoms" (ie, high blood pressure, high blood sugar and high blood fat) called "rich disease" are like "the old Wang Xietang Qianyan, flying into the homes of ordinary people." "In particular, the common diseases of middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old, the number of people dying from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases every year in the world is as high as 15 million, ranking first in all causes of death." Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have become the "top killer" with the highest cause of death in human beings, and it is also the "silent and fierce" of people's health!

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have the characteristics of high incidence, high disability rate, high mortality, high recurrence rate and many complications, which is characterized by four highs and one more. At present, there are more than 270 million people with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in China. !

Hyperlipidemia can cause vascular embolism; high blood pressure can cause cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral vascular rupture; hyperglycemia can cause diabetes.

The World Health Organization has clearly stated that the first line of defense against cardiovascular disease is to reduce the "three highs" and control the "three highs."


Symptoms of three high symptoms common symptoms polyuria and polydipsia palpitations memory impairment inattention vertigo dizziness fundus changes tinnitus atherosclerosis

(a) high blood pressure

Hypertension is one of the most common epidemics in the modern era. Early hypertensive patients can present symptoms such as headache, dizziness, tinnitus, palpitations, vertigo, inattention, memory loss, numbness of hands and feet, fatigue, and irritability. Mostly due to advanced neurological dysfunction, its severity can not be consistent with the increase in blood pressure.

Later blood pressure often continues at a high level, accompanied by damage to the brain, heart, kidney and other organs. These organ damage can be caused by direct damage to high blood pressure, or indirectly by accelerating the development of atherosclerotic disease. The early stages of damage to these organs can be asymptomatic, leading to dysfunction and even failure.

(two) high blood sugar

The most common hyperglycemia is diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic, life-long disease. It is a common disease that seriously endangers human health. Because of the relative or absolute deficiency of insulin, the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, proteins and other nutrients in the body is abnormal. The disease can cause a variety of complications, can cause systemic diseases in severe cases, causing disability, blindness, and even death. The symptoms of diabetes are three more and one less, namely, polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, and weight loss. Patients with hyperglycemia should pay attention to controlling diet, low sugar and low salt, and strengthen exercise. If blood glucose is high after a while, it should also consider using hypoglycemic drugs.

(three) high blood lipids

Hyperlipidemia refers to excessive blood cholesterol or triglyceride or low density lipoprotein cholesterol, which modern medicine calls dyslipidemia. If the blood lipids are too much, it is easy to cause "blood thickening", depositing on the blood vessel wall, gradually forming atherosclerosis, gradually blocking the blood vessels, making the blood flow slow, and the blood flow is interrupted in severe cases.

If this happens in the heart, it will cause coronary heart disease; if there is a stroke in the brain, if the blood vessels in the fundus are blocked, it will lead to vision loss and blindness; if it occurs in the kidney, it will cause renal arteriosclerosis and renal failure. In the lower limbs, limb necrosis and ulceration may occur. In addition, hyperlipidemia can cause high blood pressure, induce gallstones, pancreatitis, and aggravate diseases such as hepatitis and Alzheimer's disease. To lower blood fat, you can eat more vitamin C tablets, ginkgo soft capsules, liquid calcium and other substances.


Three high disease examination

Hyperlipidemia test

1. Determination of blood lipid profile Complete set including fasting TC, TG, LDL-C, HDL-C.

2. To determine the presence or absence of chylomicrons in plasma, a simple method is to place the plasma in a refrigerator at 4 ° C overnight, and then observe whether the plasma has a "creamy" top layer.

3. Plasma low density lipoprotein (LDL-C) concentration can be calculated using the Friedewald formula: LDL-C (mg / dl) = TC - (HDL - C + TG / 5) or LDL - C (mmol / L) = TC-(HDL-C+TG/2.2). If the plasma triglyceride concentration is within 4.5 mmoL/L, the LDL-C concentration is calculated using this formula and the results are reliable. If the plasma triacylglycerol concentration exceeds 4.5 mmoL/L, this formula cannot be applied because the calculated LDL-C concentration will be significantly lower than the actual value. The plasma cholesterol level may vary by ±10% within 1 to 2 weeks, and the laboratory variation is allowed to be within 3%. At least 2 records of blood specimen examination should be made before judging whether there is hyperlipidemia or deciding on prevention and treatment measures. .

Other auxiliary inspections:

1. Special examination about lipid metabolism

(1) Apolipoprotein assay: Determination of plasma Apo B and Apo AI levels is important for predicting the risk of coronary heart disease.

(2) In vivo lipoprotein metabolism test: In addition, gene DNA mutation analysis, lipoprotein-receptor interaction, and lipoprotein lipase and hepatic lipase, cholesterol lipase, and synthetase can be measured.

2. Other tests for familial mixed hyperlipidemia and familial hypertriglyceridemia in the presence of insulin resistance, elevated plasma insulin levels, clinically manifested as impaired glucose tolerance; type III hyperlipoproteinemia often combined Diabetes; familial mixed hyperlipidemia may be associated with hyperuricemia; patients with type III hyperlipoproteinemia may be associated with hypothyroidism.

Examination of hypertension:

1. Blood pressure is measured once a day in the morning and evening of the first 3 days of admission. The blood pressure of the left and right arms and the lower limbs should be measured for the first time. The blood pressure should be measured 1 or 2 times daily or daily. Note the presence or absence of vascular murmurs in the kidney and abdomen.

2. Check the fundus as early as possible.

3. When there are conditions, 24h ambulatory blood pressure can be measured, and blood pressure levels and diurnal changes can be observed. In normal people, blood pressure is higher than nocturnal blood pressure, and it is a double-to-valley long handle-like change. The 24h ambulatory blood pressure measurement can reflect the correlation between blood pressure load level, circadian rhythm and the degree of damage of target organs such as heart, brain and kidney, and can be used to evaluate the effect of antihypertensive treatment.

4. Renal function test, blood cholesterol, triglyceride, lipoprotein and other blood lipids, blood sugar, potassium, sodium, chlorine, etc.; if necessary, urine catecholamine, vanillin mandelic acid (VMA), aldosterone, 17 ketosteroids, 17 hydroxysteroids, plasma renin activity, and the like.

5. Early cardiac X-ray examination and electrocardiogram, kidney map, heart and kidney ultrasound examination; if necessary, ECG exercise load test, kidney scan, intravenous pyelography, renal angiography.

6. According to the results of the examination, determine the severity of hypertension and its degree of target organ damage, for reference treatment options.


Three high diagnosis diagnosis

Diagnostic criteria for hypertension

In 1999, the World Health Organization/International Union of Hypertension (WHO/ISH) classified hypertension into:

Ideal blood pressure 120/80mmHg

Normal high value 130~139/85~89mmHg

Grade 1 hypertension (mild) 140~159/90~99mmHg

Grade 2 hypertension (moderate) 160~179/100~109mmHg

Grade 3 hypertension (severe) 180/110mmHg

Diagnostic criteria for hyperglycemia

Random blood glucose 11.1mmol / L, fasting blood glucose 7.0mmol / L (usually at least 8 hours without calorie intake), combined with polydipsia, polyphagia, polyuria, weight loss and other symptoms can be diagnosed as diabetes. Often divided into type 1 insulin dependent type 2 and type 2 non-insulin dependent type.

Diagnostic criteria for hyperlipidemia

Blood lipids mainly refer to cholesterol and triglycerides in serum. Whether it is elevated cholesterol, or increased triglyceride levels, or both, are collectively referred to as hyperlipidemia.

According to the results of serum total cholesterol, triglyceride and high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, hyperlipidemia is divided into the following four types.

(1) Hypercholesterolemia: The serum total cholesterol content is increased, exceeding 572 mmol/L, and the triglyceride content is normal, that is, triglyceride <1.70 mmol/L.

(2) hypertriglyceridemia: serum triglyceride content increased, more than 1.70 mmol / liter, and total cholesterol content is normal, that is, total cholesterol < 5.72 mmol / liter.

(3) Mixed hyperlipidemia: serum total cholesterol and triglyceride levels are increased, that is, total cholesterol exceeds 572 mmol/L, and triglyceride exceeds 1.70 mmol/L.

(4) Low-density lipoproteinemia: serum high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-cholesterol) content decreased, <9.0 mmol/L.

Differential diagnosis

Hypertension, hyperglycemia (diabetes) and hyperlipidemia were identified.

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