Anxiety disorder in children


Introduction to Child Anxiety Child anxiety disorders are common in school-age children and are more common in girls. These children are often sensitive to unfamiliar environment due to poor academic performance, fear of fear, even fear and uneasiness, crying, criticism of teachers, students' opinions are very sensitive, often worried about being laughed at by others, for the situation that has not happened yet. . Excessive attention and unfounded annoyance. It seems to be excessively anxious about some trivial little things in daily life. When an acute anxiety disorder occurs, the child appears to be overly irritated, anxious, with poor sleep, nightmares, dreams, loss of appetite, heartbeat, shortness of breath, sweating, frequent urination, headache and other symptoms of autonomic dysfunction. . Children often do not dare to sleep alone at night, afraid of darkness, often need to accompany their mothers, often accompanied by nocturnal enuresis. Based on the principle of comprehensive treatment, psychotherapy is the main treatment, supplemented by medication. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.002% Susceptible people: more common in children Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: depression


Causes of childhood anxiety

Child anxiety disorder is closely related to innate quality and acquired environmental factors. These children are sensitive to illness, lack of self-confidence, and have strong self-respecting personality characteristics, which are easy to be nervous and worry. Their parents also often have sensitive and careful behaviors, and their education methods are inappropriate.

Important causes of childhood anxiety disorders are:

1. Some parents are too pleading for children, only knowing that they are "seeking children into a dragon", regardless of whether these requirements exceed the child's mental development, the child's authority in the parents, all day is in a state of tension, over time, it leads to excessive anxiety reaction.

2. Some parents are too fond of children, and they are very accommodating at home, which also makes children unable to estimate themselves correctly. When a child walks out of the family and encounters something unsatisfactory in society or in school, he or she is prone to excessive anxiety.

3. Some teachers have improper educational methods, excessive pursuit of high scores, high school-advanced rate, question sea tactics, etc., too many educational contents, and adopting cramming teaching methods to make children burden too heavy. Can not accept, but also easy to form an excessive anxiety reaction.


Child anxiety prevention

First, don't ask too much for your child

The mood of parents looking for Jackie Chan can be understood, but it should be noted that the children have already invested a lot in preparing for the exam. Even if they fail to achieve the desired results, they can do their best. Don't be jealous of your child, ridicule your sarcasm, or make your face unreasonable. This will make your child feel depressed or confronted with rebellious psychology and aggravate your child's anxiety.

Second, create a good family environment

The foundation of the child's overall quality is the edification of the parents and the subtle influences. In order to cultivate children into self-confident, open-minded, lively and cheerful people, the family environment must be neat, simple, organized and bright; family members must be harmonious, democratic, respectful and help each other.

Third, active guidance

Before the children enter the park, let the children know that the kindergarten is a fun place. There are many small partners playing games together. The teacher aunt will also do a lot of meaningful activities with everyone, and can learn the skills and make the children leave a good job in the kindergarten. Impressions, and generate aspirations and expectations.

Fourth, reduce the strength of parent-child attachment and form a new attachment relationship

In recent years, the incidence of anxiety disorders has risen again and again, causing a great impact on more and more people. Even children are no exception. Separation anxiety is a relatively frequent one, mostly due to excessive weight. Learning pressure and the way education is done, so we have to kill child anxiety in the cradle. However, if your child is already suffering from childhood anxiety disorder, then you don't have to worry about it. Peaceful relief of the tranquilizer can effectively eliminate the child's troubles, stay away from the disease, and live a healthy and happy life!


Child anxiety disorder complications Complications depression

Can be associated with depression, neurasthenia, insomnia, epilepsy and other symptoms.


Children's anxiety symptoms Common symptoms Anxiety Loss of appetite, more dreams, nausea and vomiting, cold, irritability, learning disabilities

The main manifestations of anxiety disorders are anxiety, restless behavior and autonomic nervous system dysfunction. Children of different ages behave differently. Young children are crying and irritated; preschool children can be expressed as fearful, unwilling to leave their parents, crying, restless, accompanied by loss of appetite, vomiting, sleep disorders and bedwetting; school-age children are not concentrated in learning, learning The results are declining, unwilling to interact with classmates and teachers, or conflicts with classmates due to anxiety and irritability, and then refuse to go to school and run away from home. Autonomic nervous system dysfunction is mainly caused by sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system function excitement, such as chest tightness, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, sweating, headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dry mouth, cold limbs, frequent urination, insomnia, and more dreams. Wait.

Clinical typing

According to the onset form, clinical features and course of disease, it can be divided into panic attacks and generalized anxiety disorder. As an acute anxiety attack, the panic attack is short, and it is characterized by sudden intense tension, fear, irritability, and often accompanied by obvious autonomic nervous system dysfunction. Generalized anxiety disorder is extensive persistent anxiety. The degree of anxiety is mild, but it lasts for a long time. Children are nervous, afraid of being questioned by teachers, and afraid of poor grades. They also have autonomic nervous system dysfunction.

Quality anxiety

The nervous system of such children is often underdeveloped and sensitive to subtle changes in the outside world. Some have an anxious performance of the parents themselves, giving the child an "imitation" effect. If parents' anxiety about their children can't be correctly guided, but they also have an anxiety, they may make their children indulge in the trough and not get rid of them, and gradually deteriorate.

Situational anxiety

In the case of an emergency, the childs mentality is unbearable, so I worry that the disaster will come to my head again and again. But the symptoms of this type of child will gradually disappear over time.

Separation anxiety

When children are separated from their relatives, especially their parents, there will be obvious anxiety and loss of past joy. It is mainly characterized by upset, unintentional learning, and even the phenomenon of truancy and running away.

Anticipatory anxiety

Parents expect too much from their children, and their children are afraid of failing to meet the expectations of their parents and worry about being anxious by their parents. On the other hand, the school unilaterally pursues the rate of enrollment, curriculum design, assignments exceed the children's ability to accept, put great pressure on children, and also make children show nervousness such as nervousness and anxiety.

Environmental anxiety

Some families "have a lot of noise, three or six, and every day," so that children live in a contradictory environment and lose the joy they deserve, thus creating anxiety such as timidity, isolation, disharmony, and tension. phenomenon.

Anxiety disorders often seriously affect children's intellectual development, and are prone to depression, loneliness, inferiority and other mental illnesses. Therefore, after parents discover the child's bad mood, they should be scientifically guided to get rid of the child as soon as possible. Parents should pay special attention to creating a good living environment and family atmosphere. This is an important guarantee for children to stay away from anxiety and achieve healthy growth.


Child anxiety disorder check

Sometimes necessary auxiliary examinations can help to rule out organic diseases, such as electrocardiogram, chest X-ray, gastrointestinal angiography, gastroscopy, etc. can help doctors find out the disease.


Diagnosis and diagnosis of childhood anxiety

Anxiety disorders can be diagnosed based on clinical characteristics, onset, duration, and emotional experience of the child.

DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for panic attacks

Extremely scared or uncomfortable for a period of time, the following four symptoms suddenly occurred and peaked within 10 minutes. (1) palpitations, palpitation or increased heart rate; (2) sweating; (3) tremor; (4) shortness of breath or chest tightness; (5) suffocation; (6) chest pain or discomfort; (7) nausea or abdominal discomfort (8) feel dizzy, unstable, top-heavy or dizzy; (9) environmental disintegration (unrealistic) or disintegration (feeling not himself); (10) fear of losing control or going crazy; (11) fear of coming soon Death; (12) paresthesia (numbness or tingling); (13) chills or hot flashes.

DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for generalized anxiety disorder

(1) For most of the past six months or more, there have been excessive anxiety and worry about many events and activities; (2) it is difficult to control yourself not to worry; (3) this anxiety and worry are accompanied by More than one of the following six symptoms: restlessness or nervousness, fatigue, difficulty in concentration, or a sudden blankness, irritation, muscle tension, sleep disturbance; (4) This anxiety and worry are not limited to certain axes I am mentally ill; (5) this disorder is not due to a substance (such as drugs) or general physical conditions (such as direct physiological effects caused by hyperthyroidism), but also excludes mood disorders, psychotic disorders or generalized developmental disorders. Possible.

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