postpartum rheumatism


Introduction to postpartum rheumatism Postpartum rheumatism (also known as "wind cold", "water sensation", "wine sense"), is the time after postpartum or artificial abortion, feel cold, dampness, injury to joints, tendons, muscles, skin and other tissues The disease caused by acid and joint pain and pain is the main manifestation of the disease. The disease is mainly caused by pain, wind, cold, and fatigue of the whole body muscles and joints, but the joints and muscles are not red and swollen. At present, there is no specific treatment for this disease in Western medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine has a good effect on this disease. However, most of the current clinical treatments for this disease use Yiqi Fudu, nourishing blood and other drugs, it is difficult to cure the disease. In the case of severe postpartum rheumatism or a long course of disease, involving a wide range or deep invasion of disease and evil, the general treatment can not achieve the effect of eradication. Postpartum rheumatism diet, not only eat nutritious, but also a reasonable mix, nutritional balance, is beneficial to the physical and mental health of postpartum rheumatism patients. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.35% Susceptible people: good for postpartum women Mode of infection: non-infectious complication:


Postpartum rheumatism

The following conditions are likely to get this disease:

1. Postpartum rheumatism caused by wind or cold water in women during childbirth. Symptoms are long-term joint pain. When the hand touches cold water, the pain is obvious.

2, in cold areas, people often work in cold environments, cold evil into the body, long-term cold limbs, pain, rigidity, limited mobility, walking difficulties, old cold leg disease.

3, some people in the crowd are particularly afraid of cold, afraid of the wind, can not eat cold food, cold drinks; summer can not wear shorts, women can not wear skirts and so on. This type of person is a debilitating body, so it is particularly easy to get cold. Suffering from the cold syndrome, the constitution is more virtual, often forming a vicious circle.

4, daily life is blown by the wind, rain, long-term wet or cool; wet sleep or blow fan, air conditioning can cause cold disease; fatigue and warm-up exercise, cold and cold intrusion, the formation of various pain symptoms; summer The hot day table is wide open and cold, and the cold air enters into various pain, acid and sleepy symptoms. After the sweat, the epidermis is opened and cool, so that the cold air enters, hindering the operation of blood and blood, leading to painful symptoms; if the mood is not good, it will cause coldness and enthusiasm. It can be dirty, and the vernacular says that "the gas is cold" is serious.

Postpartum blood deficiency, weak feeling, rheumatism, cold and heat are the external factors of this disease.

The ways in which rheumatism and cold evil invade the human body are:

1, sweating after the birth, but not warm, feel the evil of the cold.

2. The house where the mother is living is damp and cold.

3, maternal feelings of door and window aisle through the wind of the invasion.

4, maternal premature fatigue or use cold water laundry.

5, maternal premature sexual intercourse.

6, maternal rain and wet. Women's postpartum hemorrhage due to injury to the palace, leading to blood emptiness, major gas damage, meridians, blood vessels muscles and bones emptiness, if the external evils take advantage of the virtual, people will make the muscles, joints sore and heavy, afraid of the wind and cold, resulting in the disease .


Postpartum rheumatoid prevention

Nursing points

1, daily life: pay attention to keep warm, can not let the cold wind directly blow the body, do not touch cold water; avoid moisture, avoid excessive fatigue.

2, diet nursed back to health: eat more easily digestible and nutritious food, fasting cold food and cold drinks, fasting spicy and fatty food.

3, appropriate exercise: such as slow walking, doing exercises, punching, etc., to enhance the body's resistance; often to the sun outdoors.

4, emotional care: maintain physical and mental pleasure, avoid stress, anxiety, irritability, depression.

5. Treat under the guidance of a doctor.

1 Avoid the house tide; because the new mother is sitting in the moon, the house is more shaded, no sunlight, cold and damp, it will bring great harm to the new mother's body.

2 Avoid premature fatigue; after the new mother is born, the body needs to recuperate well. If you work too early, or even tired, you may have buried many hidden dangers. When the new mother washes her clothes with cold water while sitting on the moon, she may have pain in her hands and joints and suffer from severe rheumatism.

3 taboo bath water cool; clinical research found that in the summer, when the new mother is taking a bath, if the cold is cool, the bath water is relatively cool, the body and the cool water "close contact", so that the already very weak body is stimulated by the cold, The body can't resist the cold water attack, it is easy to have joint pain and postpartum rheumatism. After bathing, the hair does not dry, and immediately goes to sleep, which is also the main way to cause postpartum rheumatism.

4 environment

The new mother can't live in a damp and cold environment. It is best to choose a sunny room. The sun in the room should be sufficient. The new mother can get more sun in the room, open the window in time, and should not be less than 1 hour per day in winter. . The room should be hygienic, the air is fresh, and the ventilation is good. Even in the winter, there must be a certain time to open the window and keep the air fresh, but be sure to avoid letting the new mother be directly blown by the wind. There is no heating in the south in winter, and air conditioning can be used appropriately to adjust the indoor temperature. If the room is hot in summer, you can blow the fan in the opposite direction of the wall, let the wind bounce back, and let the indoor air circulate, but be careful not to blow the air conditioner's air-conditioning directly to the new mother and baby.

5 diet

The new mother's diet should pay special attention to the nutritional balance and reasonable mix. After eating some high-protein, low-fat foods, mix with vegetables and fruits; mix with alfalfa, coarse and fine grain; in addition to normal eating, you should also drink soup to supplement the water consumption of milk production. Avoid eating some spicy and cold foods. These irritating foods are very harmful to the weak mother's postpartum body. Drink some lighter soups, such as white fungus soup, yam soup, etc., to help warm up. In winter, you can cut the fruit and use boiling water to prevent it from being too cold. Avoid eating chilled fruits in the summer and eat some warm fruits such as grapes, longan, and cherries.

6 keep warm

Whether it is natural childbirth or cesarean section, the new mother is generally more likely to sweat after giving birth. At this time, it is necessary to blow off the heat, the best way is to cool naturally. If it is at night, pay attention to the warmth of the new mother, and prevent the new mother from getting cold after the temperature in the night is lowered. The indoor temperature should be kept at 18°C-22°C in winter and 24°C-26°C in summer. After the clothes on the new mother are wet, they should be replaced in time. Especially in the cold and humid early winter season, the new mother must pay attention to keep warm, indoors should be warm and dry, if the temperature changes, we must pay attention to add clothes.

7 rest

The new mother consumes a lot of physical strength during childbirth. It is recommended to rest for 24 hours to ensure adequate sleep after childbirth and appropriate activities the next day. At the time of the activity, the new mother should avoid excessive exertion, and can properly exercise the body and not be in a state of excessive fatigue. In the month, it is forbidden to engage in heavy physical labor, especially activities that excessively increase abdominal pressure, such as long-term or heavy loads.


Postpartum rheumatic complications Complication

The postpartum wind treatment is improper. Most of the late stage turns into severe rheumatism and rheumatoid diseases. Rheumatism is caused by wind and evil, and it penetrates the bone surface, causing blood circulation to be blocked, resulting in bone and muscle malnutrition, joint deformation and muscle atrophy. The joints are dry and necrotic, and the internal circulation is not smooth. The rheumatoid metabolites are stored in the joint cavity or the sputum is not discharged. The edema or edema, active joint fluid, metabolic disorder, and some patients develop into a class. Rheumatism, long-term rheumatism invades the human body, occupying the body, affecting the circulation of blood, causing the body's blood vessels to lose nutrients and deformation, and some body muscle tissue shrinks, and the heavy ones directly invade the internal organs, causing viscera disease, leading to the decline of visceral function, blood running Powerless, lack of support for the limbs, dry bones and muscles, forming a serious rheumatoid. One of the main causes of refractory winds after birth, such as wind into the kidneys, can lead to a decline in kidney function.


Postpartum rheumatic symptoms Common symptoms Aversion to cold, dizziness, joint pain, eyelid pain, fear of postpartum low back pain

Gust, aversion to cold, muscle and joint pain throughout the body.

Some patients are often accompanied by headache, dizziness, bad wind, eyelid pain, dry eyes and tears. Other patients have a sense of wind in the joints and muscles, that is, when there is a cool breeze, there is a cool breeze drilled to the bones. The feeling is that a serious patient must be wrapped in a thick quilt or a cotton coat to feel comfortable even during the heat season. It should be noted that such patients have blood tests to check rheumatoid factor, anti-O, and erythrocyte sedimentation results are mostly normal. Such patients are ineffective with anti-rheumatic drugs, indicating that the disease is not only a rheumatic disease, but also related to postpartum blood deficiency, wind and cold dampness blood, so it is called "postpartum rheumatism."

Symptom characteristics

1. The pain of the patient becomes symmetry, and at the same time, the same joint of the bilateral limbs is invaded, causing great pain to the patient.

2, rheumatoid arthritis patients in the joint pain, but also prone to joint swelling, swelling symptoms, tenderness around the joints.

3. Pain can occur at the same time in multiple joints. At the same time, the skin may be accompanied by ring erythema or subcutaneous nodules. After the pain subsides, the joint stiffness or deformity joint function can be restored.

4, the duration of pain is generally 12-72 hours, the longest is only 3 weeks and more than the large joints such as knee and elbow shoulder joints, pain is easy to transform, with the characteristics of migration.

TCM mechanism

1, the body of blood deficiency (virtual standard cold).

2, the body yang deficiency blood flow into the kidney (expressed as back pain, lower limbs cold, lower limb pain).

3, the spleen and stomach are weak, the camp is not afraid of the wind and cold.

4, liver stagnation and blood deficiency, airflow, tears into the two yang, yang can not be comfortable.

5, kidney yin deficiency.

6, blood stasis (not good lochia. Stinging on the body).

7, sweating.

8, misuse of the thermal method (mox moxibustion, steaming) caused by the evil heat into the veins.

9, the real cold.

Four types

1. Wind-breaking blood type: The clinical manifestations are muscle and joint pain of the body. It is indefinite, spontaneously sweating, and the symptoms are aggravated, accompanied by headache, dizziness, pain in the eyebrows and bones, and the wind is aggravated. The mouth is not dry, does not like drinking water, the tongue is light and white, and the pulse is floating.

2, cold coagulation pulse type: clinical manifestations of limb muscle and joint pain more severe and cold, chills and fear of cold, the symptoms of cold aggravation, the symptoms are relieved after being heated, the tongue is pale white, the pulse string is tight.

3, wet stagnation blood type: clinical manifestations of limb muscles and joints acid cumbersome numbness, but the site is relatively fixed. The tongue is slightly fat, the moss is greasy, and the pulse is slow;

4, cold and hot miscellaneous type: clinical manifestations of limb joint muscles cold and hot pain, the uncertainties, or fear of cold and chills, but not touch the cold, dry mouth; like drinking water, upset, insomnia, dry stool, yellow urine, red tongue, moss The number of thin yellow veins. This type is characterized by a false cold outside and a real heat inside. Postpartum rheumatism, also known as "monthly disease", is generally difficult to treat - some patients can be converted to rheumatoid disease, and most patients can bring illness for life, some people can start from 35 years old, with bone hyperplasia, to patients Brings great pain. Therefore, early treatment of postpartum rheumatism is very important.


Postpartum rheumatism check

Laboratory examination: ESR, rheumatoid factor, immunoglobulin are normal, some patients may have an increase in anti-O, X-ray is mostly normal, and more than 40 years old or chronic disease, more common bone hyperplasia.


Diagnosis of postpartum rheumatism

Diagnostic criteria

Women of childbearing age feel postpartum rheumatism after postpartum or artificial abortion and improper confinement of the confinement. It is easy to suffer from postpartum rheumatism. This disease is characterized by limbs, joints, soreness, numbness, fear of wind and cold. The main diagnostic points are:

1. Feel the history of external evils after childbirth or after abortion;

2, the patient's performance is the body, joints, muscle pain, soreness, numbness, discomfort, heavy, sweating, fear of cold, cold (increased rainy days, sunny and warm relief), accompanied by headache, eyelid pain, etc., no redness in the affected area , no deformation, no face, no fatigue, insomnia, dreams, irritability, etc.;

3, laboratory examination: erythrocyte sedimentation rate, rheumatoid factor, immunoglobulin are normal, some patients may have an increase in anti-O, X-ray is mostly normal, and more than 40 years old or chronic disease, more common bone hyperplasia;

4, the clinical use of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory analgesics and hormone therapy can not be alleviated.

Differential diagnosis

It is differentiated from rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis.

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