breast cyst


Introduction to breast cyst Breast cysts, also known as milk deposits, are caused by a poor discharge of milk from a gland leaf during lactation, resulting in the accumulation of milk in the milk. The main clinical manifestation is the intraductal mass, which is often misdiagnosed as a breast tumor. Clinically, the common breast dysplasia, inflammation, tumor compression, breast gland or lobular duct epithelial shedding or other substances obstruct the catheter, the milk is discharged poorly and stagnated in the catheter, causing the catheter to expand to form a cyst, the cyst can continue Infection leads to acute mastitis or breast abscess. If there is no secondary infection, it can exist for a long time. The contents of the capsule become thicker, and the water in the capsule can be absorbed over time, and the cyst becomes hard. The wall of the cyst is composed of a thin layer of fibrous tissue, the inner surface is lined with a thin layer of epithelial cells, and some areas even fall off. The inside of the capsule is a light red amorphous structure material and a foam-like cell that phagocytizes milk. A large number of single cells are visible in the interstitial space around the cyst. Infiltration of nuclear cells, epithelial cells, multinucleated giant cells, lymphocytes and plasma cells, small duct dilatation and glandular lobules in lactation can also be seen. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.001% Susceptible people: women Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: breast cancer


Causes of breast cysts

Body factor (30%):

Women with high breast density and firm texture are prone to breast cancer. In addition, adolescent breast abnormal hypertrophy, excessive breast care when underage, or in order to maintain breast fullness and beauty in the breast filled with some inappropriate substances for breast reconstruction, etc., is also one of the causes of breast cancer.

Dietary factors (30%):

A young woman drinks 3 to 6 times a week, and each time she takes 250 ml of beer or 185 ml of hard alcohol, her risk of developing breast cancer will increase by 30% to 60%. Studies have shown that a high-fat, low-fiber diet can increase the incidence of breast cancer by more than four times. According to the survey, introverted personality and early life are not happy, which is an important factor leading to cancer. Women who are particularly obese above the waist, have similar waist and hips, or are very thin before menopause.

Hormone factor (25%):

According to research, women who are not breast-feeding are 1.5 times more likely to develop breast cancer than women who are breast-feeding. According to relevant information, women who have never given birth are 30% more likely to develop breast cancer than women who have already given birth. The relative risk of breast cancer in gestational age-bearing people over 35 years old is the premature birth of a child under 30 years old. ~ 4 times.

Genetic factors (15%):

According to the data, there is a family history of cancer, especially if the parents and sisters are breast cancer patients, the possibility of breast cancer is about 30% higher than other people. According to research, cystic hyperplasia of the breast, simple hyperplasia of the breast, breast fibroma and other diseases may deteriorate into cancer.


Breast cyst prevention

1, the prevention of breast cysts should pay more attention to the diet. Patients with breast cysts change their diet, eat less fatty foods, prevent obesity from using estrogen-containing drugs, prohibit contraceptives and estrogen-containing beauty products, and do not eat hormone-fed chicken, cattle, pigs, and fish. and many more.

2, pay attention to maintain the law of life, pay attention to work and rest, more exercise, prevent obesity. Enhance your body's immunity. The regulation of life can be adjusted to endocrine disorders, maintaining a smooth stool will reduce breast pain. Do not use hormone-containing health products for a long time.

3, emotional reasons are likely to cause breast cysts to induce, so in normal life must pay attention to, to maintain a happy mood, to avoid mood swings, but also not long-term depression, especially in the early menstrual period should pay more attention.


Breast cyst complications Complications

Women with fibrocysts have a 2 to 4 times higher chance of getting breast cancer than normal people. Therefore, women who have had fibrous cysts must strengthen self-examination and go back to the hospital every year for follow-up examinations.


Breast cyst symptoms Common symptoms Persistent chest pain... Premenstrual breast pain Breast lumps Breast pain

The initial symptoms are usually breast masses, which are more common on one side. The peripheral part of the breast outside the areola area is round or elliptical. The boundary is clear, the surface is smooth, slightly active, and the cystic nature of the cyst is slightly tender. In 2~3cm, the lymph nodes are generally swollen in the innocent area. Young women find breasts with clearer breast borders during or after breastfeeding, and complain that they have had mastitis during lactation and examined the more marginal parts outside the areola area. To the clear boundary, the activity, smooth surface of the mass, should consider the possibility of breast cysts, with the help of B-ultrasound can be diagnosed o should be differentiated from breast cyst disease, breast adenoma, breast cancer.

Breast cyst - type

There are many types of breast cysts, but they are rare in clinical practice, such as secretory cysts, blue-top cysts, pseudocysts, and intraductal papilloma. The most common are breast cysts and simple cysts.

First, simple cyst

Most common in breast cysts. The age of onset is between 30 and 50 years old, and is rare in prepubertal and postmenopausal. Its cause is endocrine disorders.

Mainly estrogen increased and progesterone decreased or even lacked, so that the mammary duct epithelial hyperplasia, increased cells, leading to duct elongation and distortion, blood flow disorders and tube wall necrosis, the formation of cysts. After that, the wall of the tube is atrophied, tissue necrosis and hemorrhage can cause inflammation. Malignant changes can also occur in the wall of the capsule. Therefore, it must be brought to the attention. Most of the patients inadvertently licked the breast mass, which was round or oval, with clear boundaries, active, and cystic. Breast pain before menstruation. The cyst gradually increases with the change of the menstrual cycle. Bilateral and multiple features are characteristic. It grows rapidly and the contents of the capsule are bloody.

Second, the accumulation of cysts

Also known as milk retention cysts. The age of onset is 20-40 years old. It is more likely to occur during pregnancy, lactation, especially after weaning. The etiology and pathological features are: any cause of milk duct obstruction, such as inflammatory irritation, surgical injury, resulting in narrowing or occlusion of the lactiferous duct, milk accumulation in the adjacent acinar and terminal milk duct, acinar necrosis, fusion with each other Cysts of varying sizes resemble a ball.

The cysts are single or multi-room, ranging in size from a few millimeters to a few centimeters. The inside of the capsule is a thick cheese-like or thinner milk. The clinical manifestations are mainly breast masses, some with redness of the skin, burning sensation or mild pain. The mass can be large or small (narrowing after breastfeeding or massage) and gradually increasing. Do not increase after stopping breastfeeding.


Examination of breast cysts

1, a number of fine needle puncture cytology examination : for the diagnosis of epithelial hyperplasia has greater value, combined with X-ray fluoroscopy positioning biopsy, the diagnosis rate is very good, but for the case of suspected cancer, the final diagnosis depends on tissue section.

2, B-type ultrasound: the correct rate of diagnosis of breast mass is about 90%, ultrasound shows no uniform hypoechoic area of hyperplasia, and there is no echogenic cyst. B-ultrasound is convenient and no trauma for breast hyperplasia. Due to the high level of detection technology, it should be combined with clinical diagnosis.

3, infrared thermal image inspection: According to the normal human body, infrared radiation and breast malignant tumor tissue value-added fast, metabolically strong, blood is more abundant than normal, so it can produce stronger infrared radiation than the four sides of normal tissue, with infrared heat Imaging techniques turn the temperature difference on the surface of the breast into a visible image.

4, mammography examination: cysts should be round, elliptical density and breast tissue similar or increased block shadow, its internal density is uniform, the edges are smooth, and the four sides of the tissue boundary clean, occasionally An egg-like patchy calcification can be seen.


Diagnosis and differentiation of breast cysts

clinical diagnosis

The initial symptoms are usually breast masses, which are more common on one side. The peripheral part of the breast outside the areola area is round or elliptical. The boundary is clear, the surface is smooth, slightly active, and the cystic nature of the cyst is slightly tender. In 2~3cm, the lymph nodes are generally swollen in the innocent area. Young women find breasts with clearer breast borders during or after breastfeeding, and complain that they have had mastitis during lactation and examined the more marginal parts outside the areola area. To the clear boundary, the activity, smooth surface of the mass, should consider the possibility of breast cysts, with the help of B-ultrasound can be diagnosed o should be differentiated from breast cyst disease, breast adenoma, breast cancer.

Judgment method

Breast self-examination is best arranged 3 to 7 days after the end of menstruation, because at this time the breast congestion is small, soft, it is easier to touch the mass. You should first check whether the bilateral breasts are symmetrical, the shape is abnormal, the skin has no inflammatory changes and orange peel-like edema, then use the left hand to check the right breast and the right hand to check the left breast. Use your finger to point your abdomen and press it on the breast. The order of touch starts from the upper quadrant of the breast, followed by the inner lower, the outer lower, the outer upper quadrant, the areola area, and finally the tail.

Do not grasp by hand when touching, otherwise it is easy to mistake the normal breast tissue for a lump. Then squeeze the nipple with your fingers to see if there is any abnormal discharge. Finally, use the left and right hands to cross the underarm and the clavicular lymph nodes to see if there is swelling and redness and swelling.

If you touch the uneven tissue block, it is patchy or granular, and it has a sense of elasticity. The size can vary from a few millimeters to 1 centimeter. It is likely to be a normal breast lobule. It is usually larger before menstruation and narrows after menstruation. Sometimes it hurts, don't treat it as a tumor.

If your age is under 30 years old, the mass is round or oval, the boundary is clear, the surface is smooth, the activity is large, the mass is painless and tender, and there is no obvious relationship with the menstrual cycle, it is likely to be breast fibroad gland. tumor. If the lumps are single-sided, sac sexy, and the activity is not as large as fibroadenomas, the mass may be a cyst of the breast.

If your age is over 35 years old, the bumps that are touched are round or irregular, the texture is hard, the surface of the mass is not smooth, the activity is poor, and it adheres to the skin and surrounding tissues. The mass grows rapidly, and the ipsilateral axillary lymph nodes have If you are swollen, you should pay attention to it and you are more likely to have breast cancer.

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