mental illness


Introduction to mental illness Psychosis refers to severe psychological disorders. Psychological activities such as cognitive, emotional, will, and behavioral behaviors of patients can have persistent and obvious abnormalities. It is difficult for normal learning, work, life, and action behaviors to be understood by ordinary people. Under the control of the mind, there are suicidal or attacking actions that hurt others. The treatment of mental illness mainly adopts drug treatment, behavioral therapy, work therapy, entertainment therapy, psychotherapy and various aspects to eliminate or alleviate various obstacles of the patient. In addition, diet therapy is also a very good choice. Pay attention to mental health, create good environmental conditions, and cultivate strong and balanced personality and good living habits. Actively prevent and treat physical illnesses in a timely manner. The implementation of prenatal and postnatal care, the elimination of close relatives, etc., are all powerful measures to prevent the occurrence of mental illness. basic knowledge Sickness ratio: 0.1% Susceptible people: no special people Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: anxiety disorder depression paranoia


Cause of psychosis

Genetic factors (25%):

Genetic factors play a role in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. The genetic studies on schizophrenia mainly include: 1 family survey found that the prevalence among relatives is about 10 times higher than that of the general population, and the closer the blood relationship with the patient, the higher the prevalence. 2 twin studies have found that monozygotic twins are about 4-6 times more common than twins. 3 foster child surveys also suggest a clear genetic predisposition. 4 cytogenetics and molecular genetics research has so far lacked consistent results. The genetic pattern of schizophrenia is not yet certain. Some people think that schizophrenia is polygenic. That is, the inheritance of schizophrenia is caused by the accumulation of multiple genes, and has a genetic threshold beyond which the disease appears. Others believe that the schizophrenia family, like the diabetes family, is the result of a combination of genetic susceptibility and environmental factors. Whether the hereditary nature of schizophrenia is manifested depends on the influence of environmental factors on the patient.

Personality and psychosocial factors (25%):

Some patients with schizophrenia have special personality, such as loneliness, less words, shyness, sensitivity, indulging in fantasy, etc. This personality deviates from normal and is called split personality disorder. Mednick et al (1987) proposed that the main factors affecting the development of schizophrenia in patients with partial schizophrenic personality are perinatal injury, instability in childhood and lack of parental care. A community survey near New York in the United States found that the prevalence of schizophrenia was nine times higher in the lower social class. According to the survey of 12 regions in China, the prevalence of schizophrenia was 1.016% in the population with low economic level, which was significantly higher than that in the population with high economic level of 0.475%, which may be related to poor material life, psychological burden and psychosocial stress.

Age factor (25%):

During the adolescence, the secretion system develops gradually, the autonomic nervous system is unstable, the mood is fluctuating, and it is sensitive to external stress factors. Schizophrenia is prone to this period and may be related to endocrine changes.


Psychiatric prevention

Pay attention to mental health, create good environmental conditions, and cultivate strong and balanced personality and good living habits. Actively prevent and treat physical illnesses in a timely manner. The implementation of prenatal and postnatal care, the elimination of close relatives, etc., are all powerful measures to prevent the occurrence of mental illness. Mental health content is rich, mainly pay attention to the following points:

1. Cultivate and educate children from childhood, so that children develop a cheerful, optimistic, loyal, civilized, polite, and reasonable temperament. Don't be too fond of love, and ask your child to constantly overcome the timid, selfish, and victorious bad personality to enhance the ability to adapt to the social environment.

2. In social life, we must correctly deal with the relationship between study, work, love, marriage, family and neighbors, encounter problems correctly, deal with calmly, do not use emotions, encounter contradictions that are difficult to solve or can't figure out, can find leadership, Help friends or relatives to fight for conflicts, solve problems in a timely manner, relieve depression, eliminate troubles as soon as possible, don't worry about things, don't worry about the whole day. If you don't regret, don't be jealous, think high, look far, lest the spirit suffer.

3. In addition to work and labor, learn more about science and culture, break away from feudal superstition, strengthen political and current affairs, constantly improve political and ideological consciousness, establish a correct outlook on life, and develop a new socialist trend of "five stresses, four beauty, three loves." Appropriate participation in cultural and sports activities, abstain from smoking and alcohol and other bad habits. Do not gamble, do not listen to yellow songs, do not read yellow novels, obey the law, and strive to become a person who contributes to the construction of Sihua. In this way, you can feel comfortable and broad-minded, and enhance the immunity of the body and spirit.


Psychotic complications Complications anxiety disorder depression paranoia

Mental illness

The victim's delusion: This is one of the most common symptoms of all mental patients. Most patients adopt a patient and evasive attitude. A few patients will also be first to be strong and take the initiative to attack his imaginary enemy. In this regard, the most important thing is to find out the patient's delusional object, that is, the patient thinks who is going to harm him. If the patient's delusion is a family member, try to keep the family away from the patient, at least not let him alone with the patient.

Depression: Psychiatric patients may experience depression and even pessimism during different periods of the disease. It is particularly important to note that a significant proportion of patients who succeed in suicide commit suicide during the recovery period of the disease. After the patient's symptoms of psychosis were eliminated, the patient's illness was burdened with heavy thoughts, and he could not correctly treat the practical problems of further studies, employment, marriage, etc., and felt that there was no way to go, so he chose to be suicidal. In this regard, family members must prevent problems before they occur, and should first discover the psychological distress of the patients and promptly guide them.

Extremely excited: the patient's mental symptoms are characterized by severe mental disorders, disorganized speech, and lack of purpose. These patients may also be self-injured or injured. Since the patient's excitement is persistent, the family has sufficient mental preparation and is generally easier to prevent. Family members should keep their dangerous tools such as knives, scissors, fire, gas, etc., but the most fundamental method is to use large doses of drugs with strong sedative effects to control the excitement of patients.

Drug-induced anxiety: One of the side effects of antipsychotic drugs is that it may cause the patient's inexplicable anxiety, ignorance, and flustered, sweating, and fear. These performances are mostly paroxysmal, most occur from afternoon to evening, and some patients appear in the second to third days after the long-acting needle. This regularity of time helps the family to judge whether the patient's anxiety is caused by drugs.


Psychiatric Symptoms Common Symptoms Disorders of Depression Depressive Behavior and Emotional Abnormal Illusion Speech Disorderly Mental Dependence Neurotic Personality Suffering Delusional Paroxysmal Laughter Personality Change

1. Depression: manifested as significant and lasting emotional depression, depression and pessimism. The lighter is unhappy, unpleasant, and less interested. The heavy ones are unhappy, pessimistic and desperate, and they are as good as life. Depressive mood in typical patients has a morning rhythm of light rhythm changes. On the basis of low mood, patients will have a lower self-evaluation, resulting in uselessness, hopelessness, helplessness and worthlessness, often accompanied by self-blame and self-blame. In severe cases, there are sinful delusions and suspected delusions. Some patients may There is an illusion.

2, schizophrenia: schizophrenia is a group of severe psychiatric diseases of unknown etiology, mostly in young or slow-onset or subacute onset, clinically often manifested as different symptoms of the syndrome, involving perception, thinking, emotion and Many obstacles such as behavior and uncoordinated mental activities. The patient is generally conscious and the intelligence is basically normal, but some patients will suffer cognitive function damage during the disease process. The course of the disease is generally delayed, recurrent, aggravated or worsened. Some patients eventually experience depression and mental disability, but some patients can be cured or basically healed after treatment.

3. Paranoid mental disorder: Also known as persistent paranoid disorder, it is a group of mental disorders with systemic delusion as the main symptom and unknown cause. If there is hallucination, it will be short-lived and not prominent. In the absence of delusions, there are no obvious other psychological anomalies.

4, mental retardation: also known as mental retardation, or mental dysplasia, is a common developmental disorder in children. Mental retardation is mainly manifested in social adaptability, learning ability and self-care ability; its speech, attention, memory, understanding, insight, abstract thinking, imagination, etc., mental activity ability is obviously behind the same age children. Mental retardation is the basis for diagnosis.

5, paranoia: also known as delusional disorder, is a psychiatric diagnosis, which means "has one or more non-grotesque delusions, and there are no other psychotic symptoms." Paranoid patients have no history of schizophrenia and no apparent illusion. However, depending on the specific type, tactile and olfactory hallucinations may occur. Despite these hallucinations, delusional sexual disorders are usually well-behaved and do not trigger bizarre behavior.


Psychiatric examination

In response to the examination and diagnosis of mental illness, experts have proposed the diagnostic criteria for RDC: at least two of the following during the active period, can be diagnosed as schizophrenia, with one, treated as a suspected case.

1. Thinking is broadcast, thinking is inserted, and thinking is taken.

2. Being dominated (or affected) delusions, other weird delusions, or multiple delusions.

3, physical delusions, exaggerated delusions, imaginary or other delusions, but not accompanied by the victim or defamatory content, and lasted more than a week.

4, any type of delusion, with any form of hallucination, and lasts more than a week, this is also the diagnostic criteria for mental illness.

5. Continue to comment on the auditory hallucinations of the patient's behavior or thoughts, or conversational auditory hallucinations of more than two people.

6. Speech-like auditory hallucinations that are inconsistent with the patient's mood.

7. Any form of illusion that exists throughout the day and lasts for a few days, or intermittently lasts for more than a month.

8. A significant form of thinking disorder with a passivated or uncomfortable expression, or with any type of delusion or hallucination, or with significant behavioral disorders.


Diagnostic diagnosis of mental illness

For the diagnosis of mental illness, doctors mainly use the method of "listening to their words and watching their actions". By observing the patient's behavior and communicating with the patient, the doctor understands the patient's inner world's thoughts, and thus judges the patient's thinking, cognitive ability, and self-knowledge, etc., in judging the patient's condition. In addition, doctors sometimes ask patients to do some biochemical tests or X-ray, MRI and other tests. By examining some biochemical indicators in the patient's blood and imaging the brain, it is helpful to judge the patient's condition. of.

Chinese medicine has recorded more than 2,000 years of mental illness. In the book "The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classics", the normal human spirits are attributed to the heart, saying: "The heart, the official of the monarch, the gods are out." The heart is not only the host's spiritual activities, but also the people's internal organs, said : "Heart, the Lord of the Five Internal Organs, and the Spirit of the House." Symptoms of Yangming's madness: "The disease is even abandoning clothes and going, climbing and singing, or not eating for a few days, Yu Yu went to the house, wherever he is, it is not what it is," ....... Lying, face red and hot, glimpse and rumors." Both are ancient people's observation records of infectious toxic mental patients. And "Lingshu. Meridian" said: "Sprinkle and chill, the number of good sorrows, black, the patient to the wicked and the fire, the sound of the wood is shocked, the heart is moving, the closed door is closed. "Approximating the persecution delusions and hallucinations of modern psychiatry.

As a branch of clinical medicine, psychiatry mainly studies the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and development of various diseases, as well as treatment and prevention. Since the 1950s, with the development of social economy and science, the great achievements of molecular biology have enabled the rapid development of basic medicine, especially neurophysiology, neurobiochemistry, neuroimmunity, psychopharmacology and medical genetics. At the same time, due to the importance of social environment and social psychological factors on mental illness and behavioral problems, the theoretical research and medical practice of the essence of mental illness will be promoted, and the research scope of this discipline will be expanded.

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