Escherichia coli enteritis in children


Introduction to Pediatric Escherichia Coli Pediatric E. coli enteritis: occurs in the hot season, mostly from May to August, and can be popular in neonatal rooms, nurseries and even wards. Malnourished children, artificially fed children or changing diets are more likely to develop disease. The incubation period is 1 to 2 days, and the onset is more urgent. The clinical manifestations are similar to cholera. Generally, there is no fever or low fever. Most of the diarrhea is watery stools. The amount is large and there is odor. Under the microscope, no white blood cells and red blood cells are examined. There are often moderate or severe isotonic or hypotonic dehydration. It is a self-limiting disease with a course of 4 to 7 days. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.3% Susceptible people: children Mode of infection: digestive tract spread Complications: diarrhea


Pediatric E. coli enteritis cause

Bacterial infection (20%):

Pathogenic bacteria of bacterial enteritis are most common with dysentery bacilli, followed by Campylobacter jejuni and Salmonella.

Viral infection (20%):

In viral gastroenteritis, rotavirus is the main cause of infantile diarrhea, and Norwalk virus is the main cause of epidemic viral gastroenteritis in adults and older children.

Parasitic infections (15%):

Enteritis caused by parasites is more common in E. histolytica.

Fungal infections (15%):

Fungal enteritis is most caused by Candida albicans.

Other factors (10%):

Irregular rest and excessive mental stress are also a cause of the disease.


Pediatric E.coli enteritis prevention

First, pay attention to home hygiene, loading screens, fighting flies, cockroaches, and pay attention to keep the environment clean.

Second, avoid eating cold and unclean food.

Third, the children's food utensils pay attention to safety and cleanliness.

4. Segregate the patient and handle its excretion carefully.


Pediatric E. coli enteritis complications Complications, diarrhea

Bleeding is the most common local complication.


Pediatric Escherichia coli intestine symptoms Common symptoms Diarrhea Low fever diarrhea is watery with sticky... Fecal pus and blood

Toxigenic Escherichia coli enteritis

The incubation period is 1 to 2 days, and the onset is more urgent. The clinical manifestations are similar to cholera. Generally, there is no fever or low fever. Most of the diarrhea is watery stools. The amount is large and there is odor. Under the microscope, no white blood cells and red blood cells are examined. There are often moderate or severe isotonic or hypotonic dehydration. It is a self-limiting disease with a course of 4 to 7 days.

Invasive E.coli enteritis

The incubation period is 18-24 hours, the onset is urgent, the diarrhea is frequent, the stool is sticky, with pus and blood, often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, high fever, abdominal pain and urgency, and may have severe symptoms of poisoning or even shock.

Hemorrhagic E.coli enteritis

The number of stools increased, starting with a yellow watery stool, then turning into blood and water, with a special odor, stools have a large number of red blood cells, often without white blood cells. With abdominal pain, individual cases may be associated with hemolytic uremic syndrome and thrombocytopenic purpura.

Adhesive Escherichia coli enteritis

More common in infants and young children, fever, diarrhea, stool is yellow stream water.


Pediatric E. coli enteritis examination


Most of the clinical lesions in the rectum and sigmoid colon are valuable for sigmoidoscopy. For patients with chronic or suspected whole colon, fiberoptic colonoscopy should be performed.

Radiological tincture examination

In the acute phase, it is generally not suitable for tincture examination. Special attention is given to the possibility of severe ulcerative colitis inducing intestinal dilatation and perforation during barium enema.


Diagnosis and identification of children with Escherichia coli enteritis


Its pathological manifestations include hyperemia, edema, and mucus secretion in the gastrointestinal mucosa, sometimes accompanied by bleeding and erosion. In China, the incidence rate is higher in summer and autumn, and there is no gender difference. The general incubation period is 12-36 hours. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are the main symptoms of acute gastroenteritis.

Differential diagnosis

Chronic enteritis refers to chronic inflammatory diseases of the intestine. The cause of the disease may be microbial infections such as bacteria, mold, viruses, protozoa, etc., and may also be caused by allergies, allergies and the like. The clinical manifestations are long-term chronic or recurrent abdominal pain, diarrhea and dyspepsia. In severe cases, there may be mucus or watery stools.

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