ovarian cyst torsion


Introduction to ovarian cyst pedicle torsion Ovarian cyst pedicle torsion refers to the distortion of the blood vessels supplying ovarian cysts, causing ischemia and even necrosis of ovarian cysts, causing severe abdominal pain. For one of the gynecological acute abdomen, about 10% of ovarian cysts have pedicle torsion. It occurs in tumors with long, medium-sized, moderately active, and center-of-gravity (such as cystic teratoma, mucinous and serous cystadenoma, which are most prone to pedicle torsion), and often occurs in sudden changes in body position. Time, early pregnancy or postpartum. basic knowledge Sickness ratio: 0.0012% Susceptible people: women Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: abdominal pain, irregular menstruation


Ovarian cyst pedicle torsion cause

First, bad habits

Due to the increase of social pressure, many female patients have doubled their efforts in their work, often staying up late, working overtime, eating irregularly, having poor bowel movements, lack of exercise, and other bad habits in life. The ground is declining and the immunity is declining, so that the body can not withstand tremendous pressure. The ovarian tissue will gradually ovulate abnormally, but the menstruation has problems, leading to the emergence of infertility.

Second, endocrine disorders

The ovary is the most important organ for cultivating and producing eggs. If there is a problem with the ovary, it will cause more menstruation, so that the egg can not stay in the ovary normally, resulting in precocious puberty. Therefore, ovarian cysts appear. The chances will also increase, and in severe cases there will be a possibility of malignant transformation.

Third, the living environment is poor

The paint smell in the newly renovated house is not completely distributed, or it is prone to produce harmful gases when it is used in chemical plants for a long time. When absorbed by the human body, it will affect the normal growth of egg cells and induce ovarian cysts. Appearance.

Fourth, body cell acidification

The cells inside the body tissue gradually become acidic, destroying the normal cell tissue structure, making the cell's activity weakened, making the cells inside the ovary unable to survive, thus separating or mutating, accelerating the growth rate of the cells, thereby forming ovarian cysts.


Ovarian cyst pedicle torsion prevention

1. Ovarian cysts belong to a kind of tumor. The acidified environment in the ovary is conducive to the growth of the tumor. Therefore, it is common to eat some alkaline foods (zucchini, bamboo shoots, kelp, tomato) to neutralize these acidic environments, which can effectively reduce cysts. The speed of proliferation.

2, to maintain a good mentality, female patients to maintain a good attitude to face the disease, the treatment of the disease has a good effect.


Ovarian cyst pedicle torsion complications Complications, abdominal pain, irregular menstruation

1. Abdominal thickening, intra-abdominal mass

This is the most common phenomenon in patients. The patient noticed that his clothes or belts appeared to be small, only to pay attention to the increase of the abdomen, or to accidentally notice in the morning, so he found a mass in the abdomen by the abdomen, and the abdominal distension was uncomfortable.

2. Abdominal pain

If the tumor has no complications, there is very little pain. Therefore, patients with ovarian tumors feel abdominal pain, especially in those who suddenly occur, multiple tumor pedicles are reversed, or even caused by cyst rupture, bleeding or infection. In addition, malignant cysts cause abdominal pain and leg pain, and the pain often causes the patient to see an emergency.

3. Menstrual disorders

One side of the ovary or even bilateral ovarian cysts, because it does not destroy all normal ovarian tissue, it does not cause menstrual disorders. Some uterine bleeding is not endocrine, or the ovarian cyst changes the pelvic vascular distribution, causing endometrial congestion; or due to direct transfer of ovarian malignant cysts to the endometrium. Menstrual disorders that occur as a result of endocrine tumors often involve other secretions.


Ovarian cyst pedicle torsion symptoms Common symptoms Uterine rupture signs can be touched by the abdomen... Abdominal pain on one side of the lower abdomen

1. Abdominal thickening, intra-abdominal mass

This is the most common phenomenon in patients. The patient noticed that his clothes or belts appeared to be small, only to pay attention to the increase of the abdomen, or to accidentally notice in the morning, so he found a mass in the abdomen by the abdomen, and the abdominal distension was uncomfortable.

2. Abdominal pain

If the tumor has no complications, there is very little pain. Therefore, patients with ovarian tumors feel abdominal pain, especially in those who suddenly occur, multiple tumor pedicles are reversed, or even caused by cyst rupture, bleeding or infection. In addition, malignant cysts cause abdominal pain and leg pain, and the pain often causes the patient to see an emergency.

3. Menstrual disorders

One side of the ovary or even bilateral ovarian cysts, because it does not destroy all normal ovarian tissue, it does not cause menstrual disorders. Some uterine bleeding is not endocrine, or the ovarian cyst changes the pelvic vascular distribution, causing endometrial congestion; or due to direct transfer of ovarian malignant cysts to the endometrium. Menstrual disorders that occur as a result of endocrine tumors often involve other secretions.

4. Compression symptoms

Huge ovarian cysts can cause difficulty in breathing and palpitations due to compression of the diaphragm. Ovarian cysts with large amounts of ascites can also cause this symptom; however, some patients with ovarian cysts have difficulty breathing due to unilateral or bilateral pleural effusion. And often combined with ascites.


Ovarian cyst pedicle torsion examination

First, ultrasound examination, ovarian cyst ultrasound examination can detect the location, size, shape and nature of the tumor, suggesting that the cystic or solid tumor, benign or malignant, and other diseases, the diagnosis of ovarian tumors is of great significance. The clinical diagnosis rate of ultrasound examination was 90%. However, solid tumors with a diameter of 1 to 2 cm are not easily detected.

Second, cervical mucus examination and vaginal cell examination, estrogen makes the cervical mucus thin, long drawing, and the appearance of fern-like crystals, the more obvious and thicker the fern-like crystal, suggesting that the estrogen effect is more significant. If there is a row of ellipsoids on the smear, it suggests that it has been affected by progesterone on the basis of estrogenic effects. The percentage of cells in the table, middle and bottom layers, and the higher the percentage of surface cells, the higher the level of estrogen.

Third, the basic body temperature test, the basal body temperature refers to the body temperature measured when the body has not performed any activity after a long sleep, and is the body temperature when the basic life activity state is maintained. Because the body temperature center is extremely sensitive to progesterone, the corpus luteum is formed after ovulation. Generally, the body temperature rises 2-3 days after ovulation, and a few rise on ovulation day. If there is no ovulation, the body temperature continues to the basal body temperature.

Fourth, radiology diagnosis. Radiological diagnosis is assisted by abdominal plain film, intravenous pyelography, swallowing examination, lymphography and other diagnostics.

5. Cytological examination. By sputum puncture, ascites is taken for cytological examination. In laparoscopy or laparotomy, aspiration can be performed at the uterine rectal recess. This has a high accuracy in the diagnosis of malignant ovarian cysts.


Ovarian cyst pedicle torsion diagnosis

According to the history of the tumor, the sudden onset of abdominal pain, the pelvic touch of the mass and the tenderness of the uterine pedicle is not difficult to make a diagnosis.

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