

Introduction to dermatitis Glans dermatitis refers to the simultaneous infection of foreskin and glans, which belongs to the category of Chinese medicine hemorrhoids. The generalized acne is a general term for the external genital sores. There are many names due to different parts of the disease. Occurred in the lower part of the urethra, the name is the lower jaw, which occurs in the upper part of the penis, called , which occurs in the glans, and the foreskin is swollen, called cuffs. Almost all patients have phimosis or prepuce that is too long. Between the glans and the long foreskin, the shed epithelial cells, glandular secretions, and smegmatis form a warm, moist bacterial culture medium that can cause inflammation once the bacteria enter. If the disease is found, in the affected area, the foreskin is inverted and washed with 1:5000 potassium permanganate solution, then the antibiotic ointment is applied, and the antibiotic is applied appropriately, and it is cured within a few days. If it is more serious, it needs to be effectively treated under the guidance of a doctor. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 10% Susceptible people: male Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: sexual dysfunction male infertility


Cause of dermatitis

External genital hygiene infection (20%):

The secretion of sebaceous glands in young male foreskins is often strong. If you do not pay attention to frequent cleaning, the liquid secreted by the foreskin sebaceous glands will accumulate under the foreskin, forming a smegma like bean curd. Sectopic scale is a good medium for bacteria. If it is not removed in time, it will cause bacterial infection.

The foreskin is too long (15%):

In this case, smegma is difficult to remove, and if dermatitis is to be cured, circumcision should be performed.

Masturbation injury (5%):

Young males have a strong desire. In the absence of sexual partners, masturbation is a common thing. If the masturbation is rude, it will cause damage to the foreskin. Because masturbation is highly excited and the damage is relatively small, it may not be easy to detect. However, the damage on the foreskin is susceptible to bacterial contamination, which induces dermatitis. The foreskin is often inflamed, which can lead to foreskin adhesion, urethral stomatitis, urethral stricture, and can also cause urinary tract infections. Therefore, usually pay attention to reproductive organs hygiene, men with long foreskin or phimosis should do circumcision in time.

Scraping drugs (10%):

In addition, there are some glans penile diseases, some patients buy drugs themselves, simply apply. Or external washing, often with high concentration of potassium permanganate solution leading to dermatitis, as well as some patients with genital warts, toothpaste, alcohol, and some unnamed health care products and medicines bought in pharmacies. Most of these drugs are highly corrosive, leading to drug dermatitis. The consequences are terrible. It is often very difficult to handle.

Unclean sexual intercourse (28%):

For example, male candidal balanitis is related to sexual contact. Anyone who has sexual intercourse with a woman with candida vaginitis is easily infected. Secondly, it is in contact with indirect objects, such as other people's underwear, bath towels, baths, etc. The foreskin is too long, and Candida proliferates in the inner part of the foreskin, the coronary sulcus and the glans. It has been found that males with sexual contact with patients with Candida vaginitis have a genital infection of 69.4%, while women with Candida vaginitis have a detection rate of Candida on their husband's penis. Times.


Foreskin prevention

Foreskin is completely preventable, usually pay attention to develop good hygiene habits, for the foreskin is too long, phimosis (the foreskin can not be flipped) circumcision, etc., have a good preventive effect.

First, pay attention to local hygiene, daily cleaning and foreskin, such as the foreskin is too long to be treated in time, if necessary, for circumcision, timely cleaning of smegma is necessary.

Second, a couple suffering from sexual organ diseases should suspend sexual life, timely treatment, such as trichomoniasis or Candida albicans infection should be treated at the same time.

Third, often clean the foreskin and penis head, keep the foreskin cavity clean and dry. Avoid unclean sexual intercourse and cleanse yourself.

Fourth, if the formation of ulcers or erosions should be changed in time, change the drug twice a day to avoid discomfort.

5. Avoid acute use of corticosteroids for acute dermatitis to avoid more serious infections.


Complication of dermatitis Complications, sexual dysfunction, male infertility

The hazards of dermatitis are as follows:

1. Can lead to sexual dysfunction: the head of the foreskin is in the sensitive period, and the inflammation of the head makes it easy to premature ejaculation in sexual life, which can lead to impotence in the long run.

2. Can lead to male infertility: due to the long-term stimulation of proinflammatory factors to regulate the sperm and sexual response of the reproductive system, and the hidden inflammatory secretions in the foreskin enter the vagina together with semen during sexual intercourse, reducing the quality of semen and destroying Through the egg cells, the male infertility occurs.

3. Harmful to the reproductive system health: Foreskin balanitis easily lead to prostatitis, orchitis, epididymitis has been vas deferens and other organs of inflammation. If it is not treated in time, it will cause great harm to reproductive health.

4. Lead to urinary system diseases: foreskin balanitis is also easy to cause ascending infection of the urinary system, generally more common in cystitis, nephritis, pyelonephritis, etc., especially chronic balanitis long-term treatment is most likely to cause urinary system diseases, improper treatment of acute disease can be Crisis life.

5. Leading to dry occlusive balanitis: dry foreskin balanitis is a serious pathological injury of foreskin balanitis, destroying the physiological structure of the foreskin glans, affecting sexual life and aesthetics, and is also a common factor in premature ejaculation .


Foreskin symptoms symptoms Common symptoms Foreskin ulcer foreskin long glans itching wrapper itch wrapper with small red dot foreskin pain foreskin cracking foreskin white secretions penis glans rubber swollen foreskin white

Clinical manifestation

First, acute superficial glans foreskin: local redness at the beginning, red and swollen skin of the penis, burning and itching of the glans. Open the foreskin can be seen with congestion and erosion, with exudate and even bleeding. Small ulcers and milky white stench secretions can be seen after secondary infection.

Second, the ring-shaped ulcer glans dermatitis: erythema can be seen on the glans foreskin, gradually expanding into a ring shape, forming an ulcer surface.

Third, Candida albicans glans dermatitis: erythema visible on the foreskin glans, smooth surface and herpes simplex, the edge is clear, there is erosion and exudation in acute attacks.

Fourth, trichomonas glans dermatitis: glans from the pimples and erythema gradually enlarged, the edge is clear, small spots on the erythema visible small blisters, and finally formed a erosion surface.


Inspection of dermatitis

1. Candida balanitis: Candida can be found by microscopic examination and culture of the lesion.

2. The amoeba or trichomoniasis can be found in the secretion of amoeba and trichomoniasis infection.


Diagnosis of dermatitis

Difference from sexually transmitted diseases

Some people think that as long as there is a problem with the genitals, it is a sexually transmitted disease. In fact, as long as the husband and wife have no history of unclean sexual intercourse, the husband's penis glans appears ulceration, erosion and other inflammatory manifestations, should consider non-sexually ill diseases, do not be ashamed to see a doctor.

Common genital lesions are:

1, balanitis: its symptoms are manifested as brown skin, edema and erosion of the glans foreskin, and even bleeding. If accompanied by bacterial infection, there will be unclear erythema in the foreskin, milky white exudate, and pus smell, and can form ulcers. It is very important to use Miaoshan Yanyanling to treat this situation. Keeping the external genital clean is a good way to prevent this disease.

2, penile cancer: the lesion began to appear induration, and gradually increased, the surface is uneven and nodular, hard texture. In addition, a small number of patients with glaucoma smashed red, the texture is hard, long-term unhealed.

3, fixed erythema drug eruption: caused by drugs, which are most commonly caused by sulfa drugs such as compound sulfamethoxazole, followed by tetracycline and antipyretic and analgesic drugs. After the drug rash occurs, there is often a burning and itching sensation. After smashing, it feels pain. After proper rest and treatment, it can be cured in about three weeks.

4, contact dermatitis: mostly occurs in the glans of the penis, which is caused by topical drugs, vaginal suppositories, contraceptives and deodorants, or some soaps, causing local skin flushing, causing small papules, and even blisters , erosive and exudate, etc., patients often feel local skin itching.

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