purulent keratitis


Introduction to suppurative keratitis Suppurative keratitis is a purulent eye disease caused by infections such as bacteria, fungi or protozoa. It is more common in young and middle-aged adults. It has rapid onset and rapid progress. It is characterized by headache, dizziness, tearing, decreased vision, conjunctival congestion, edema, and corneal wounds. Infiltration or necrosis, even accompanied by different degrees of empyema in the anterior chamber, if not treated in time, will cause corneal perforation, content prolapse, etc., not only can cause blindness, but also affect the appearance due to eyeball atrophy. basic knowledge The proportion of sickness: 0.2% Susceptible people: good for young adults Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: headache


Cause of purulent keratitis


Modern medicine believes that the cause of suppurative keratitis is due to the presence of soil and water in nature, parasitic in the tissues of various organs of the human body, attached to many eye medicines (western medicines), and can produce fluorescein and pyocyanin. Bacilli invade the cornea, ocular trauma, chemical injury and exposed keratitis, causing damage to the corneal epithelium. The motherland medicine believes that it is due to the trauma of the black eye surface, the wind and heat cult poison takes the virtual invasion; the viscera is hot, the liver and gallbladder are blazing, the inflammation is in the eye, the blood is stagnant, the rot is pus, the black eye is ulcerated; the flower bud is white, The disease of the star-shaped barrier has prolonged, and the cult poison has been added, which has worsened, mostly in the late summer and early autumn.


Suppurative keratitis prevention

Patients should be light, nutritious, digestible diet, such as lean meat, eggs, fish, milk, soy products, etc., to avoid spicy spicy food, encourage more foods rich in vitamin A, such as animal liver, carrots, etc. Improve corneal nutrition and promote corneal epithelial regeneration. Chinese medicine believes that the black eye (corneal) disease syndrome is actually hot, and the diet can appropriately increase the food of nourishing yin and reducing fire, clearing the liver and clearing the eye, such as lotus seeds, lilies and pears. For elderly patients, Chinese medicine believes that the spleen and stomach are weak, the transport is weak, and the blood is easy to lose. It is suitable to eat light, warm, and soft products. Avoid eating cold, sticky, and difficult to digest. In addition, the purpose is clear, the most fearful of turbidity, but it is also very important to keep the stool smooth, so it is necessary to rely on diet conditioning to complete, or ear acupuncture points to take the large intestine constipation points, in order to facilitate the convenience, when the diet control can not keep leaking When it is normal, the attending doctor should be informed in time to cure the drug.


Complications of suppurative keratitis Complications

Headache, severe eye pain, accompanied by symptoms of systemic poisoning such as chills and fever.


Suppurative keratitis symptoms common symptoms severe pain, eye pain, tears, visual impairment, keratitis, frontal pain, purulent discharge

At the beginning of inflammation, the eyeballs are painful, the head is severely painful, sometimes it is difficult to sleep at night, shy and tearful, and the eyelids are difficult to open. When barely opened, the tears increase, or the sticky mucopurulent secretions, vision disorder. Look at the eyelids, redness and swelling, the cornea is also red and swollen, grayish white turbidity in the central area of the cornea, central depression, covered with thin fat, the disease is heavier after 1-2 days, the depression is progressively enlarged, and the surface covered gray-white gelatinous tissue thickens. . At this time, if it is not treated in time, the condition will develop to a deeper level and extend to the periphery, which will affect the entire cornea. As the disease progresses rapidly, the patient often shows obvious headache, severe eye pain, and accompanied by symptoms of systemic poisoning such as chills and fever. This disease is one of the acute and serious diseases in eye diseases. It should be treated actively and effectively, otherwise it will affect vision, or cause blindness and regret for life.


Examination of suppurative keratitis

Perform relevant eye exams, especially on the cornea.


Diagnosis and differentiation of suppurative keratitis

Differential diagnosis

Suppurative keratitis: refers to keratitis that causes corneal feeding and ulceration with purulent secretions.

Non-suppurative keratitis: refers to keratitis that does not cause corneal ulcers or ulcers but no purulent secretions.

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