

Recitation Recitation refers to an infectious disease that occurs in the back. Because the patient reverses the hand and touches the lesion, the name is back-to-back, commonly known as back flower, also known as hands-on. Modern medicine is collectively called purulent infection. Modern medicine believes that the cause of reciting is due to the low disease resistance, diabetes has been lost for a long time, Staphylococcus aureus vainly invades the hair follicles, spreads along the subcutaneous fat column to the subcutaneous tissue, and the infected hair follicles merge with the cortical glands. Forming scorpion venom. The motherland medicine believes that it is due to endogenous heat and dampness, loss of kidney water, yin deficiency and fire, intrinsic fire poison, glory and no cure, against the flesh, yin deficiency, overeating and thick taste, yang qi, float and heat Then the meat is rotted into pus. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.001% Susceptible people: no specific people Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: erysipelas


Reciting cause

Modern medicine believes that the cause of reciting is due to the low disease resistance, diabetes has been lost for a long time, Staphylococcus aureus vainly invades the hair follicles, spreads along the subcutaneous fat column to the subcutaneous tissue, and the infected hair follicles merge with the cortical glands. Forming scorpion venom. The motherland medicine believes that it is due to endogenous heat and dampness, loss of kidney water, yin deficiency and fire, intrinsic fire poison, glory and no cure, against the flesh, yin deficiency, overeating and thick taste, yang qi, float and heat Then the meat is rotted into pus.


Recitation prevention

High stroke 1: insist on sports

Although the back is very painful, you still have to keep exercising, but you need to be careful. This painful part keeps the blood flowing, which is a prerequisite for healing the damaged area.

High stroke 2: cold compress

Wrap the ice in a damp towel or towel and apply it to the painful area, repeating every 2 hours. This treatment has a good effect on acute severe pain. Cold compress can promote blood circulation, thereby relaxing the muscles and eliminating paralysis.

Gao Zhao 3: hot compress

For chronic back pain, hot compresses are more effective than cold compresses. You can use the hot water sprayed from the shower head to point it to the painful part when you take a bath. If you have a bathtub in your home, you can also take a hot bath. These are all ways to treat chronic back pain. In addition, you can use infrared light to illuminate the affected area. It also promotes local blood circulation, which relieves and eliminates back pain.

Gao Zhao 4: Bed treatment

Although exercise is the best way to relieve back pain, it can also relieve pain through some small tools while lying down. You can take the following methods: put your feet up in the flat position, lay the calf flat and use several mats to raise the height, and put a rolled up towel on the underside of the neck, and put a folded sheet under the nest. Helps relieve tension in the back muscles.

Gao Zhao 5: Hyperthermia Ointment

The hyperthermia ointments and ointments sold in pharmacies can greatly promote the blood circulation of the affected parts, because they all contain pepper extracts and other blood stasis components, but only back pain can be used for more than two days. It is important to be careful when using it. Do not let the medicine enter the eyes, and do not shower immediately after applying the ointment. Otherwise, it will not achieve the therapeutic effect, and it may cause the medicine to reach where it should not go, such as mucous membrane. Wait, it will cause discomfort.

Gao Zhao 6: small dose of painkillers

If there is no other way to quickly relieve pain, you can also use medication, take a small dose of painkillers, such as paracetamol or aspirin, which will help maintain normal back activity and avoid back attacks. However, if you want to take large doses, be sure to follow your doctor's advice.

Gao Zhao 7: Massage

For relieving pain in the back, a light to heavy massage method can be used. You can use a tennis ball to roll along the pain area so you can relax your muscles. Massage can activate skin receptors and immediately send a signal to the nervous system to eliminate pain. In addition, massage the affected area with a massage oil containing lavender essence, you can also receive the same effect.

Gao Zhao 8: Correct breathing

The correct breathing method is also a recipe for automatically relaxing the back muscles. Natural deep inhalation and deep exhalation help relieve and eliminate back pain. When you take a deep breath, put your hand on your stomach and feel the depth of your breath through the ups and downs of your stomach. When you feel the back muscles stretch and feel a little painful.

High trick 9: Do not stay in bed for a long time

It is best not to stay in bed for more than 2 days due to back pain. Long-term bed rest can only make the back pain more serious, the back muscles will become more rigid, the human body will decline and the spirit will be weak. The best way is to resume normal activities as soon as possible to make the day's life regular.

Gao Zhao 10: Asking for safety

If the change in posture does not help to eliminate your back pain, if your back pain is getting worse, if you have numbness on your back or sudden muscle weakness, if you have digestive problems, urinary dysfunction or fever, you should go immediately. Hospital treatment. Physical exertion and radioactive pain in the legs or arms should also be treated immediately. In general, if you have a back pain for a week and you still don't see any decline, you should seek medical treatment in time.

High trick 11: reduce your weight

Every kilogram of body weight added to the body is an additional burden for the spine. Excessive weight first affects the excessive stress on the normal physiological curvature of the lumbar spine and the ankle. Therefore, for the health of the spine, the first thing to do is to lose weight and lose weight.

Gao Zhao 12: Self-test

Here is a simple way to test if your body is relaxed. Put a small sofa cushion on the floor, you stand barefoot on the cushion, and now you start running slowly and relaxed on the spot. If your body is in a relaxed state, after a few minutes of running, you will feel that your body is very comfortable and very relaxed; if you are in a state of tension, you will start to shake after running. This test method looks a bit unbelievable, but it is very effective. You may wish to test it for yourself and see if you are truly in a state of physical and mental stress and stress. Experts have emphasized that psychology has a huge impact on people's health, especially on the back of the body.

High Trick 13: Exercise

Dancing is known as the best sport for the back. With the accompaniment of music, the emotions will become relaxed and happy, the muscles will be relaxed, and the cockroaches will be eliminated. In addition to dancing, walking, skiing and swimming are ideal sports for your back. But not all sports are good for the back. Squash, badminton, alpine skiing, golf and tennis are all things that back pain patients should avoid because there are many movements that require sudden turning and twisting. This is the back. Harmful.


Recitation complications Complications

Can cause cervical spine disease, pancreatic disease, biliary inflammation, gastroduodenal ulcer and other complications, and these diseases can cause more serious consequences.


Reciting symptoms Common symptoms Severe pain, purulent crusting, chest pain, diffuse redness of the skin

The typical symptom of reciting is that the back of the lesion is red and swollen, with a hard texture, clear edges, severe pain, strong chills, thirst, upset, nausea and vomiting, sorrow, weakness, and spit after eating. Cough, chest pain. The broken one first oozes yellow and white pus; the secondary peach blossom pus, and then the reddish water, there is a heat, the pain is reduced with the pus, the hard mass disappears, the carrion is off, and the new meat gradually emerges.


Reciting inspection

According to the actual situation of the patient, the inspection items are determined.


Recitation diagnosis

According to Chinese medicine, it belongs to gas stagnation and back pain. It is often caused by the elderly or chronic illness, qi deficiency and less blood. The gas is unable to promote blood circulation, blood flow is not smooth, qi stagnation and blood clotting, and meridian dystrophy, back pain. The clinical features are: back pain after bedtime, night pain, and reduced after activity.

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