

Introduction to white film penetration The name of the disease. "Ancient and Modern Medicine": "This disease has a liver-deficiency and lungs, so there is a white film invading the black eye. White beads are more red, and the lungs have fire evil." Expelling heat and nourishing yin, clearing eyes and other methods. The use of Zhibai Dihuang Decoction. The white film invades the eye due to inflammation of the lungs or yin deficiency. A rickety disease with a white aponeurosis infiltrating the black eye as the main manifestation. This disease is mostly caused by white eyes, blue and blue, and fire disease. It can also exist at the same time. The lesions can cause the entire black eye to be affected, and the serious consequences are caused by the concomitant lesions such as tightness. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.001% Susceptible people: no specific people Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: conjunctivitis


Cause of leukoplakia

The white film invades the eye due to inflammation of the lungs or yin deficiency. A rickety disease with a white aponeurosis infiltrating the black eye as the main manifestation.

This disease is mostly caused by white eyes, blue and blue, and fire disease. It can also exist at the same time. The lesions can cause the entire black eye to be affected, and the serious consequences are caused by the concomitant lesions such as tightness.


White film penetration prevention


One drink

Alcohol can reduce the body's immunity and speed up the virus, so patients with viral keratitis must quit alcohol and alcoholic beverages;

Second bogey lamb

Because the deep corneal lesions in patients with viral keratitis are immune responses, eating mutton can aggravate this chronic immune response, leading to aggravation of the disease, so patients with viral keratitis should not eat lamb;

Three bogey hot eyes

Because the human cornea is in a cooler environment most of the day (except sleep), if it is suddenly applied to a higher temperature when it is sick, it is tantamount to pouring oil on the fire to cause it to suffer from high temperature and lack of oxygen. ;

Four bogey medication cut corners

The number of anti-viral drugs eye drops should not be reduced in one day. The reason is very simple. It is like using soldiers. This is like smashing a city. It would have required tens of thousands of soldiers. If you only send 10,000 soldiers, you can imagine it.

Five bogey do not hold the lacrimal sac

The eye drops that the patient drops into the eye during the medication will flow into the lacrimal sac, and if the drug is not blocked at this time, the efficacy of the drug will be greatly reduced;

Six bogey banding eye bag

Eyes can increase the temperature of the conjunctival sac, increase secretion, which is conducive to bacterial virus reproduction, and the gauze used may also scratch the cornea;

Seven bogey

This action may cause the patient's ophthalmology eye congestion to aggravate the condition;

Eight bogey

Only after the disease has been cured and stabilized, the patient can stop the drug according to the doctor's advice;

Nine bogey arrest hormone

Some patients feel that hormones are used. When the condition is quickly controlled, the cornea is restored to transparency, vision is improved, and when the effect is satisfactory, they mistakenly believe that their disease has been cured, and they claim to stop the drug, resulting in serious consequences of inflammation. They don't understand that hormone usage is more special and needs to be reduced;

Ten bogey one road to black

Rescue patients who use some kind of antiviral drugs, such as inhibitory antiviral drugs, may be replaced by other types of antiviral drugs under the guidance of a doctor.


Obsidian complication Complications conjunctivitis

The hair is tight and small and other diseases cause serious consequences.


White film invading symptoms Common symptoms Dry mouth and slippery pulse counts photophobia and tears dry eyes

1. Liver and lung heat syndrome: eyelids are uncomfortable, tears are hot, white eyes are red and red, black eyes on the white film have red silk and clips, red tongue, thin yellow fur, pulse number. Clear the liver and diarrhea, retreat to the eyesight.

2. Air-wheel damp-heat syndrome: the lesion is lingering, the eye itching and tears are hot, the white eye is red and red, the black eye film is grayish white and slightly mixed with red blood, and there are bloody inclusions, which can also be seen with red tongue, greasy greasy, pulse or slip. Heat and dehumidification, retreat and eyesight.

3. Yin Huowang certificate: dry eyes in the eye, white eyes and red red are not obvious, black eye white film is thin and the thin red silk is thin. Can also see the cheeks flushing, dry mouth and throat, red tongue and less moss, pulse and count. Nourishing yin and clearing away heat and retreating.


White film intrusion check

Conscious symptoms can be shy and tearful, and the eyeballs are painful.


Diagnosis and differentiation of leukoplakia

1. Climbing the meat: starting from the size of the sputum, the red veins are thick, like a flap, and even gradually climb the black eye.

2. Fire : The deep white part of the white clear is dark red, pushing it still, the tenderness is obvious, it does not invade the black eye, and it is afraid of light and tears.

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