Infantile fibrous hamartoma


Introduction to infantile fiber hamartoma Fibroushamartomaofinfancy is a fibrous hyperplasia that occurs in children under 2 years of age and is a solid nodule in a single dermis or subcutaneous tissue. The cause is still unclear, and the more easily accepted hypothesis is that hamartoma is the local tissue that reverses and falls off during embryonic development and is surrounded by normal tissues. This part of the tissue grows slowly and may not grow for a certain period of time. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.001% Susceptible people: children Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: fibrosarcoma


Infant fiber hamartoma


The cause is still unclear, and the more easily accepted hypothesis is that hamartoma is the local tissue that reverses and falls off during embryonic development and is surrounded by normal tissues. This part of the tissue grows slowly and may not grow for a certain period of time.


Infant fiber hamartoma prevention

Early detection, early diagnosis, and early treatment are important for preventing this disease. Regular checkups should be made during pregnancy, while increasing the intake of vitamin foods to provide sufficient vitamins to ensure the child's growth and development needs.


Infant fiber hamartoma complications Complications fibrosarcoma

The disease is a benign lesion, which is a local tissue that is inverted and detached during embryonic development, surrounded by normal tissues, and this part of the tissue grows slowly. Therefore, there is no malignant change in this disease, so there is generally no complication. Some large tumors can compress local tissues, causing pain and numbness. Compression of blood vessels can cause insufficient blood supply in the area under control of the blood vessels, and even skin bruising.


Infant fiber hamartoma symptoms Common symptoms Unexplained fever nodular persistent pain

A solid nodule in a single dermis or subcutaneous tissue, most nodules less than 5 cm, can move or adhere to muscle or sarcolemma. Usually occurs in the shoulders, upper arms or ankles, followed by limbs, pubic and scrotum. Damage develops slowly or quickly. According to the clinical manifestations, the characteristics of skin lesions and histopathological features can be diagnosed. A faster onset of hamartoma requires consideration of timely findings and surgical treatment.


Examination of infantile fiber hamartoma

General physical examination: A solid nodular lesion located in the dermal tissue can be found to move or adhere to the muscle or sarcolemma. It occurs mostly in the shoulders, upper arms or ankles, followed by limbs, pubic bones and scrotum.

Pathological examination: diagnosis depends on pathological examination, histopathological results: in the mucinous matrix, see fibrous tissue with less cells and immature spindle cells.


Diagnosis and diagnosis of infantile fiber hamartoma

According to the clinical manifestations, the characteristics of skin lesions and histopathological features can be diagnosed.

Differential diagnosis:

: Inflammation often extends to subcutaneous tissue due to the acute suppurative infection of individual hair follicles and their sebaceous glands caused by the invasion of S. aureus from hair follicles or sweat glands.

Amyloidosis: In addition to skin papules, nodules, cyanosis, usually combined with multiple organ lesions, leading to proteinuria, hematuria or nephrotic syndrome, cardiac hypertrophy, heart enlargement, conduction block, splenomegaly, tongue hypertrophy Intestinal motor function abnormalities, etc.

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