Extraocular myopathy and amblyopia


Introduction to extraocular muscle disease and amblyopia Extraocular muscle disease and amblyopia: there is no organic lesion inside and outside the eye, and the corrected visual acuity is not normal (below 0.9). It is called amblyopia. Amblyopia is closely related to strabismus. Monocular deviation can cause amblyopia and amblyopia. It can also form strabismus. Prevention of amblyopia should start from prenatal and postnatal care, prohibit marriage of close relatives, avoid congenital cataract caused by genetic factors, use forceps carefully during childbirth, create a good learning environment, train children to read correctly, write posture, regularly check eyesight, during pregnancy, Prevention of the occurrence of various infectious diseases, such as rubella, polio, etc. may cause fetal lens development to be affected, obstetric workers should first do a good job in perinatal maternal health education and perinatal pregnant women check and treatment work, early decision to produce In order to protect the safety and health of pregnant women and infants, the production of forceps should be used. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.005% (the prevalence rate in the youth population is about 2%-4%) Susceptible people: infants and young children Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: Amblyopia


Extraocular muscle disease and amblyopia

Vision is a developmental sensory function. When born, it is not functionally relative to amblyopia. It develops into normal vision through appropriate visual stimulation. If it is during visual development, it may not be due to strabismus, refractive error, congenital cataract, etc. To make the visual cells fully stimulated, the visual development is affected, and abblyopia may occur. For example, in infants or early childhood, if the image received at one glance is blurred, it will conflict with the clear image accepted by the other eye. Developed into a weak position, because the brain separately associates visual stimuli from both eyes, if the images on both sides are different, the brain will choose a clear image, suppressing blurred or contradictory new, even if the eye has good eyesight, another eye "Not used" results in abnormal vision development of the eye. Therefore, the amblyopic eye is also called "lazy eye", and the definition of amblyopia is not completely consistent. It can be considered that amblyopia is in visual development. During the period, due to various reasons, the effective stimulation of visual cells is insufficient, resulting in correction of normal children below normal age, general ophthalmology The macular fovea is not detected. The amblyopia is usually unilateral or bilateral. The prevalence rate in the adolescent population is about 2%-4%. It is a treatable visually impaired disease. It can be visually detected in young children. It is found that if it is found early, treatment and recovery, if it can start treatment before the age of 5, the effect is best; after 10 years old, the effect is relatively poor.


Extraocular muscle disease and amblyopia prevention

Prevention of amblyopia should start from prenatal and postnatal care, prohibit marriage of close relatives, avoid congenital cataract caused by genetic factors, use forceps carefully during childbirth, create a good learning environment, train children to read correctly, write posture, regularly check eyesight, during pregnancy, Prevention of the occurrence of various infectious diseases, such as rubella, polio, etc. may cause fetal lens development to be affected, obstetric workers should first do a good job in perinatal maternal health education and perinatal pregnant women check and treatment work, early decision to produce In order to protect the safety and health of pregnant women and infants, the production of forceps should be used.


Extraocular muscle disease and amblyopia complications Complications amblyopia

The biggest harm of amblyopia is that the child not only has low vision in both eyes or monocular, but also has perfect binocular visual function. There is no fine stereoscopic vision. Experts believe that the harm of amblyopia is greater than myopia, because children with simple myopia are far-sighted and close to see. The visual cells and nerves can also be stimulated by external objects without declining, while the amblyopia is different. Because the visual cells and nerves are not stimulated by the accurate stimulation of external objects for a long time, the distance vision is less than 0.8. If not controlled in time, Vision will be permanently lowered and become monocular vision. In the long run, the burden of healthy eyes will inevitably increase, and the eyesight of healthy eyes will gradually decline. Therefore, for the patients, amblyopia will affect life, study and work for a lifetime. The stereoscopic vision is blurred, so that the orientation and distance of the object cannot be accurately determined.


Extraocular muscle disease and amblyopia symptoms Common symptoms Sudden after heavy drinking... Alternate use of both eyes deprivation amblyopia anisometropic amblyopia strabismus to distinguish red and green colors from reading small characters and difficult to identify colors

1, strabismic amblyopia in children with common strabismus may occur amblyopia, because the eyes can not simultaneously focus on the same object, because the child's brain is relatively easy to adjust and not fit, it will suppress a relatively blurred image obtained at a glance, interfere with the brain Visual development causes the visual acuity of the fundus to decrease, that is, amblyopia occurs. When the degree of deviation of the eyes is small, the detection is difficult to find, but the degree of strabismus is small, and severe amblyopia may occur, which should not be ignored clinically.

2, refractive amblyopia, anisometropia can lead to amblyopia, the eye with lower refractive error provides a relatively clear retinal image, the brain selects the image of the eye, and suppresses the blur of another eye with high refractive error. For example, the child with amblyopia needs special vigilance for children with asymmetrical hyperopia, because the adjustment of the eyes is equivalent, only one eye can be focused at the same time, and the eyes with high farsightedness cannot be clearly focused. Being suppressed, the severity of refractive weakness is not much different from that of strabismus.

3. The main cause of form deprivation and occlusion amblyopia is opacity or opacity of the refractive medium of the eyeball, such as cataracts, corneal scars, etc., which limits the full visual perception input and disturbs visual development, even after the opaque medium is removed. Amblyopia may still exist, and the incidence of occult amblyopia is relatively low, generally occurring in the cover of normal eyes.


Examination of extraocular muscle disease and amblyopia

Visual inspection is an important way to detect amblyopia or strabismus in children. Congenital eye diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, and retinoblastoma can also be found. Regular examinations can be early detection and early treatment or correction. Visual function tests are performed within a few months after birth. It can be done, and the eye examination can be performed again around 3 years old.

1, amblyopia detection

(1) Infants born shortly: The overall health of the baby's eyes can be detected by means of corneal reflection, red light reflection, pupillary detection, and fundus examination (sometimes can be done).

(2) Infants to 2 years of age: can check the visual function, can not be checked with eye chart, can cover the eyes alternately, pay attention to the reaction of the child, if there is no amblyopia, cover one eye, the other eye can maintain the center of attention, and the head position is basically If you don't move, if you have a weak eye, when the healthy eye is covered, you will show rebellious behavior. If you must resist the sound, or move your head, you can also observe the eye movement by moving an interesting gaze target (such as a key ring). ), to observe whether the eye moves with the target, you can also use the priority viewing method, visual electrophysiological examination, to evaluate the visual function.

(3) 2 years old to 4 years old and 5 years old: The graphic eye chart can be used to detect the vision of children aged 2 or 3. At the age of 3, most children can use the E-type eye chart. When testing, they should completely cover one eye. After that, Vision should be tested once for each child. The visual acuity of this age child may not reach 1.0, but as long as it reaches 0.5 and the binocular vision is equal, the vision development is normal.

(4) After 4, 5 years old: You can use the letter type or "E" type eye chart. The method of finding amblyopia in this age group is also photorefraction. The computerized photo optometry can be detected under the small armpit and found. Refractive error, strabismus, anisometropia, turbidity of refractive medium, etc.

2, strabismus examination.

3, red light reflection (Brucher test) about 1m away from the testee, use the ophthalmoscope to observe the color of the retinal reflection of both eyes (under the dilated pupil), if there is turbidity of the refractive medium, the red reflection has a black shadow; In white, it is possible to detect changes in fundus dysplasia, potential intraocular damage, cataracts, and tumors.

4, pupillary reflection pupil abnormalities, suggesting neurological diseases or other intraocular damage.


Diagnosis of extraocular muscle disease and amblyopia

Amblyopia and myopia are not a disease at all. Myopia is caused by excessive regulation of muscle ciliary muscles or heredity caused by eye tension. It is far from clear, and it is far from clear. Seeing clear eye disease, correcting vision after wearing glasses Restoration is normal, and amblyopia is a kind of visual function developmental delay, disorder, often accompanied by strabismus, high refractive error, and can not be corrected to normal eye disease by wearing mirror vision. The two diseases are essentially different.

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