small acanthosis


Introduction to small rickets Trichostatus sinensis (trichostasisspinulosa) is also known as blackhead acne, and the cause is not yet clear. It is thought to be caused by abnormal development of congenital hair papilla. The clinical manifestations of this disease are not significantly diagnosed, and young and middle-aged people are not uncommon. basic knowledge Sickness ratio: 0.05% Susceptible people: no special people Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: pruritus


Cause of small thorny rickets


It is not clear that it is thought to be caused by abnormal development of congenital hair nipples. It is also advocated that the horns of the hair follicles are excessively keratinized, causing the hair follicles to be blocked, causing the growth of hair growth to stagnate or fall off during the growing period.


The pathogenesis is still unclear.


Prevention of small rickets

Pay attention to rest, work and rest, and orderly life.


Small rickets complication Complications pruritus

Abnormal hair, hair nipple atrophy.


Symptoms of small echinococcosis common symptoms horn plug blackhead acne pimples

Tmhostasis spinuIosa is characterized by clusters of pubescens embedded in keratinized hair follicles, forming high-black thorny papules that are easily confused with keratinization and blackheads in acne . Small echinococcosis occurs in men. More common in adults.

The rash is multiple and can occur in any part, but is characteristically distributed in the sebaceous gland-rich area such as the face (especially the nasal back) and the upper part of the trunk (especially the scapular area). The scalp, neck and upper arms can also be affected. The rash is a black papule less than 1 mm. It is characterized by a gray-black bulge in the center of the enlarged hair follicle, which looks like blackheads or keratotic papules. A cluster of bristles can be seen with a magnifying glass. There are 5 to 50 unmyelinated bristles in the middle of the same follicular horn, which are easy to remove. Often combined with folliculitis, pigmentation around the hair follicle. Usually there is no subjective symptoms, and when the skin is rough, it may be itchy.

For cases that cannot be diagnosed, the small dentate or acne extractor can be used to extract the hair follicle horn plug. After the potassium hydroxide dissolves the keratin, microscopic observation is a bundle of medullary bristles, the number is variable, several to several dozen Not waiting. Each bristles have the same thickness and the roots are sharp and have no nipples. Under the electron microscope, the hairs are gathered into a bundle, the thickness is not equal, and the color is different. Part of the hairy skin disappeared or the keratinization was abnormal, and the dermal papilla atrophied.


Examination of small rickets

Under the electron microscope, the hairs are gathered into a bundle, the thickness is different, the color is different, some hairs are lost or keratinized, and the nipples are atrophied.

After the black embolic material was dissolved in 10% potassium hydroxide, it was examined under the microscope as a bundle of medulla-free bristles. The number was variable, ranging from several to several tens of tens, the hair thickness was consistent, and the roots were sharp and without dermal papilla.


Diagnosis and identification of small rickets

According to the clinical manifestations, the microscopic examination of the characteristics of a bundle of medullary bristles can be diagnosed.

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