Menorrhagia in children


Introduction to children's menstruation Children's menorrhagia includes several meanings, such as menstrual blood volume and long bleeding time (>7 days) (menorrhagia), frequent menstruation (<20 days) (polymenorrhea) frequent and irregular or combined menstrual blood volume ( Menometrorrhagia), the latter mostly belongs to anovulatory functional uterine bleeding. Menstrual flow is a symptom, not an independent disease. The standard is not uniform, such as menstrual volume more than 80ml, 150ml or more than 2g hemoglobin after each stroke. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.001% Susceptible people: children Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: anemia, uterine fibroids


Children with multiple causes of menstruation

(1) Causes of the disease

Often caused by endometrial maturation or shedding irregularity or female, progesterone ratio is improper, uterine fibroids, uterine infection, hypothyroidism, bleeding disorders, etc. can cause this disease.

(two) pathogenesis

Uterine disease

(1) Uterine fibroids: When the uterine muscle wall intermuscular fibroids enlarge the uterine cavity, the endometrial detachment area is enlarged and the uterine contractile function is reduced, so that the amount of menstrual blood is increased, and the uterine submucosal fibroids, in addition to the above effects, also affect The contraction of the endometrial blood vessels increases the amount of bleeding, but the disease is rare in adolescence.

(2) Uterine infection: After an abortion after an illegal pregnancy, or when the uterus is infected due to unclean sex, the amount of menstrual blood increases.

2. Systemic diseases

(1) Primary hypothyroidism: uterine mucus edema, more menstrual bleeding.

(2) Hematological diseases: thrombocytopenia, leukemia, aplastic anemia and other platelets decreased, when thrombus agglutination is blocked, menstrual volume increases, vascular hemophilia, abnormal factor VIII, platelet aggregation and thrombosis abnormalities, menstrual time More bleeding.

(3) After chemotherapy for malignant tumors, when the platelets are reduced, the amount of bleeding during menstruation is large.


Pediatric menstruation prevention

Precocious puberty in children can be completely prevented. Parents should pay attention to the following points when helping children to treat:

Do not take too much protein intake, because overnutrition is one of the main causes of precocious puberty. To prevent the occurrence of precocious puberty, parents should also pay less attention to children to eat beef, lamb, do not let children develop the habit of eating foreign fast food.


Pediatric menstrual complications Complications anemia uterine fibroids

Anemia can occur, which can be associated with blood diseases, malignant tumors, and uterine fibroids.


Children with menstrual symptoms, common symptoms, pale and flustered, dizziness, menstrual bleeding, edema

1. The method of judging the amount of bleeding during menstrual bleeding is as follows:

(1) Menstrual period total bleeding more than 150ml: measuring the weight of the blood pad, minus the weight before the blood is the amount of bleeding, menstrual period, a total of more than 150ml bleeding, is a menorrhagia.

(2) Hemoglobin reduction: Hemoglobin is measured before menstruation and after menstruation. If hemoglobin is reduced by more than 2g after menstruation, it is more than menstruation.

(3) anemia: every time after menstruation, pale, systemic weakness, even dizziness, palpitation and other anemia symptoms, suggesting more menstrual blood.

2. The manifestations of the primary disease such as blood diseases, malignant tumors, uterine fibroids, mucous edema and short stature.


Pediatric menstrual examination

1. Blood picture: The amount of hemoglobin and red blood cell count decreased. If there is a white blood cell count and a significant increase in neutrophils, abnormalities such as thrombocytopenia can be found in blood diseases.

2. Blood test: T3, T4 examination, coagulation function, blood coagulation factor, prothrombin and other tests should be performed.

Abdominal B-ultrasound can be seen in uterine fibroids, uterine inflammation.


Pediatric menstruation and more diagnostic identification

According to the clinical manifestations can be diagnosed as menorrhagia, but at the same time should be diagnosed, especially the cause of systemic disease or uterine disease.

A variety of etiological differential diagnosis that causes menorrhagia, relying on laboratory and auxiliary examinations.

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