Mold sugarcane poisoning in children


Introduction to pediatric mildew cane poisoning Mildewed bagassepoisoning is a central nervous system toxic disease caused by the consumption of moldy sugar cane. It occurs mostly in the northern part of China from February to March. The sugar cane produced in the south is harvested in November and shipped to the north. Warehouses, mantles and other places are piled up for winter, and some are mildewed in the spring of the second year. The pathogen is Rhizoctonia solani, and the toxin produced mainly damages the central nervous system. basic knowledge Sickness ratio: 0.0001% Susceptible people: children Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: convulsion in children, coma, respiratory failure


Causes of mildew cane poisoning in children

(1) Causes of the disease

Edible moldy sugar cane causes central nervous system poisoning, the pathogen is fungi, there are monochobacteria, Fusarium, a few are root fungi, hairy fungi, green fungus, curved fungus and arachidal fungus, etc. These fungi produce neurotropic toxins , causing damage to the central nervous system.

(two) pathogenesis

The fungus breeds in sugar cane to metamorphose it to produce neurotoxin, which causes the loss of nerve myelin, degeneration, necrosis, atrophy, cerebral vasodilation, congestion, acute brain edema caused by brain edema, but also midbrain, vestibule The signs of focal lesions such as the system, pyramidal tract and extrapyramidal system are mainly irreparable lesions in the base segment, which are characterized by atypical torsion spasm and hand and foot pulsation or a mixed type of the two. The nucleus is the most, followed by the caudate nucleus and the hypothalamus.

In addition, the patient's lungs, kidneys, liver and heart also have parenchymal cells, tissue congestion, and bleeding changes.


Prevention of mildew cane poisoning in children

1. Strengthen health promotion and strengthen market management.

2. Let people know that the sugarcane section is brown, with sauer and sour taste, and the white chorizo is mycelium.

3. Do not buy, do not sell and do not eat spoiled sugar cane.


Complications of pediatric mildew cane poisoning Complications, convulsions, coma, respiratory failure

Convulsions, coma, respiratory failure, severe cases of children often have serious neurological sequelae, such as spastic paralysis, language disorders, incontinence and so on.


Symptoms of mildew cane poisoning in children Symptoms Common symptoms Abdominal pain, nausea, gait, diarrhea, fingertips, epilepsy, epilepsy, epilepsy, convulsions, dizziness, fainting

1. Latency: The shortest time is only 10 minutes, and the incidence is more than 2 to 48 hours after eating, with an average of less than 5 hours.

2, symptoms: the first symptoms are nausea, vomiting, followed by convulsions, coma, as well as headache, dizziness, diplopia, eye gaze, gait sputum, abdominal pain, diarrhea, sweating and so on.

3, physical signs: children with mental sputum, neck resistance, lethargy or coma, limb muscle tension, sputum reflexes, sputum sputum positive, Pap smear and Brinell sign positive, finger nose test, knee test and closed eyes difficult Positive signs.

4, severe poisoning: mainly showing deep coma and status epilepticus.


Pediatric mildew cane poisoning inspection

There are no specific findings in laboratory tests.

1. Cerebrospinal fluid examination: The cerebrospinal fluid is normal, or there are few abnormal changes, such as the normal or increased total number of white blood cells.

2. Blood test: 40% to 50% of patients have abnormal liver function.

If necessary, you should do B-ultrasound, electrocardiogram, brain CT and other examinations.

1. EEG examination: shows mild to moderate abnormalities.

2. CT examination: In the middle, severe poisoning can be seen in bilateral globus pallidus, shell nucleus, caudate nucleus, low density area and hemorrhage in the lenticular nucleus, and diffuse brain atrophy in the later stage.


Diagnosis and identification of pediatric mildew and sugarcane poisoning

The medical history is one of the important clues of diagnosis. There is a history of eating sugar cane, especially in the spring, when sugar cane is stored in a winter, it is extremely susceptible to mildew, and there are neurological symptoms such as convulsions, coma, increased muscle tension in the limbs or pathological brain signs. Basically can be diagnosed.

1. Organophosphorus poisoning: In addition to the symptoms of the nervous system, the sick child also has dilated pupils and increased secretions.

2. Central nervous system infection: fever, headache and vomiting history, brain signs, but cerebrospinal fluid examination has specific changes.

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