Conjunctival sucking nematode in children


Introduction to conjunctival sucking nematode in children Conjunctival thelaziasis (conjunctivalthelaziasis) is an eye disease caused by the laxeda nematode (thelaziacallipaeda) in the eyes of human beings. This insect is mainly parasitic in the eyes of animals such as dogs and cats. People are only accidentally infected by the insects. Eye disease. The parasitic part of the insect is special, only in the conjunctival sac in the eye, and sometimes it can crawl on the surface of the eye. Because the worm is distributed in many countries in Asia, it is also known as the oriental eye worm, and the disease is also known as oriental ocular disease. basic knowledge Sickness ratio: 0.0001% Susceptible people: children Mode of transmission: media animal communication Complications: glaucoma


Causes of conjunctival sucking nematode in children

(1) Causes of the disease

Adults are small, light red in the conjunctival sac of the human eye, translucent, milky white after removal, the skin of the worm has fine horizontal stripes, the female is 6.2 to 20.0 mm long, and the male is 4.5 to 15.0 mm long. The ventral surface is curled and the larvae are 350m414m long. The females produce larvae in the final host eyelid. The larvae can be sucked by the flies and develop into infected larvae in the blood cavity of the fly for 2~4 weeks. When eating the eye secretions of another host, the larva breaks through the maggots and enters the conjunctival sac of the host. The mature larvae enter the eye from the infected larvae to develop into adults, and the females produce larvae for about 2 months.

In China, many parasitic dogs, cats in the conjunctival sac, through flies as an intermediate host and vector transmission, the disease is more common in infants and young children, feeding dogs, cats, and the baby's own personal and environmental health, eliminating flies and reducing Contact with livestock can reduce the incidence of disease.

(two) pathogenesis

The disease is an animal-derived disease. The pathogen is a nematode, which is transmitted by the vector animal. The insect body is adsorbed in the conjunctival sac by its oral sac, and the worm body is adsorbed. When exercising, the surface skin and the male spurt are produced. Mechanical damage, chemical stimulation of the body's metabolites, can cause damage to the eye.


Conjunctival sucking nematode prevention in children

Pay attention to personal hygiene and environmental hygiene, especially children's eye health, less contact with dogs, cats, etc., to prevent flies.


Pediatric conjunctival sucking nematode complications Complications glaucoma

Can be secondary bacterial infection, secondary glaucoma, corneal opacity and the formation of corneal thin sputum.


Symptoms of conjunctival sucking nematode in children Common symptoms Conjunctival congestion, eye pain, photophobia and tearing corneal opacity

Patients have foreign body sensation, photophobia, tearing, increased secretions, and sometimes eye pain, but vision is generally barrier-free, the body is removed, the symptoms can disappear on their own, such as sputum eyes, causing secondary bacterial infections can aggravate symptoms, The parasitic parasitic in the anterior chamber of the eye can cause eyelid edema, conjunctival hyperemia, inflammatory reaction and formation of small ulcer surface. The patient consciously has filaments floating in front of the eyes; moderate congestion of the ciliary body, turbid aqueous humor, dilated pupils, decreased vision, Increased intraocular pressure, and then cause secondary glaucoma, such as involvement of the lacrimal canal, can cause upper and lower punctal valgus, can form granuloma under the conjunctiva and sacral conjunctiva, severe fibrous hyperplasia due to tissue damage, scar formation, cornea Turbidity and cerebral palsy, usually monocular infection, only a few patients with binocular infection, no abnormalities in the whole body examination, conjunctival congestion in the eye examination, secretions, milky white linear worms in the conjunctival sac, spot tetracaine After that, the conjunctiva of the upper and lower domes is fully exposed, and the nematodes are taken out.


Examination of conjunctival sucking nematode in children

Concurrent bacterial infections may have elevated peripheral blood.

If necessary, you can do X-ray chest X-ray examination.


Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of conjunctival sucking nematode in children

According to the patient's complaints and symptoms, the history of contact between livestock and flies, careful examination of the eye, removal of the worm from the affected area, microscopic identification of the adult morphology and identification of the species, can establish a diagnosis.

It can be distinguished from myiasis based on the history of exposure to livestock and the characteristics of the worm.

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