benign gastric tumor


Introduction to benign gastric tumors Benign tumors of the stomach account for about 3% of gastric tumors, and are classified into two types according to their sources. One is adenoma or polypoid adenoma derived from mucosal epithelial tissue of the gastric wall. Another type of leiomyomas originating from the mesenchymal tissue of the stomach wall, fibroids, neurofibromas, lipomas, hemangioma, and the like. Benign tumors are rare and usually do not include gastric polyps, which account for about 3% of gastric tumors. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.0003%-0.0005% Susceptible people: no specific population Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: dysphagia, pyloric obstruction, edema, intussusception, peritonitis, gastric leiomyomas, neurofibroma


Causes of benign gastric tumors

Stem cells have various proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. In most cases, the characteristics of proto-oncogenes are not expressed, and no carcinogens are formed, so they cannot develop into gastric cancer cells. Proto-oncogenes with a family history of gastric cancer may be more easily expressed, which is a genetic factor. In addition to genetic and other intrinsic factors, there are many external carcinogenic factors, such as the various non-genetic factors faced by the above-mentioned high-risk groups, can also directly induce or long-term destruction of the gastric mucosal barrier, making cancer-promoting substances more susceptible to stem cell oncogene expression or genes. Mutation to produce carcinogens, so that the new immature primordial cells can not differentiate into normal function of gastric mucosal epithelial cells, but become non-normal cells with poor degrees of differentiation and uncontrolled growth. If the body's immune monitoring function is normal, it can often remove a small number of abnormal cells, but when the long-term mental state is poor, the endocrine system is abnormal and the immune function is long-term low, or the abnormal cells escape the immune monitoring of the body due to some unknown reason, then the abnormality The cells eventually develop into gastric cancer cells whose body cannot control their growth, completing the canceration process.


Gastric benign tumor prevention

Pay attention to food hygiene, avoid or reduce the intake of substances that may cause damage to the stomach, and early detection of early treatment to prevent malignant transformation.


Gastric benign tumor complications Complications dysphagia pyloric obstruction edema intussusception peritonitis gastric leiomyomas neurofibroma

1. Benign tumors near the cardia may present with symptoms of dysphagia.

2. Benign tumors in the pyloric area may have pyloric obstruction or pyloric obstruction or pedicled adenoma slide into the pyloric canal and duodenum, most of which are self-relieving, a few may have congestion, edema, and even intussusception, necrosis, Peritonitis occurs after perforation.

3. If the tumor shows ulcers, stomach upset, pain, and even bleeding may occur.

4. Leiomyoma and neurofibroma can cause acute major bleeding.


Symptoms of benign tumors of the stomach Common symptoms Sore dysphagia in the stomach, swallowing acid and nausea

Benign tumors are rare, usually do not include gastric polyps, accounting for about 3% of gastric tumors, can be divided into two categories:

1. Polypoid adenoma or adenoma,

2, mesenchymal tissue tumors:

1) Polypoid adenoma - Epithelial tissue from the gastric mucosa, the tumor has a clinical cancer rate of up to 1/3 or more. If the tumor is larger than 2 cm, the malignant transformation should be considered.

2) Mesenchymal tumors - there are leiomyomas, nerve tissue tumors, fibroids, lipomas, hemangioma, etc., the most common of which is leiomyomas, which can be found in any part of the stomach.

Benign tumors of the stomach rarely show symptoms, and some symptoms occur after complications or malignant tumor growth, so they are easily overlooked. Common complications include benign tumors near the cardia. Symptoms of dysphagia; benign tumors in the pyloric area Pyloric obstruction or pyloric obstruction or pedicled adenoma can be slipped into the pyloric canal and duodenum. Most of the self-remission can occur. A few can have congestion, edema, and even intussusception, necrosis, perforation and peritonitis, such as tumor. Table existing ulcers, stomach upset, pain, and even bleeding, leiomyomas and neurofibroma can occur acute bleeding.

However, X-ray barium examination can not identify the benign and malignant tumors, especially the early malignant tumors. Therefore, the examination of gastroscopy is particularly important. Under the gastroscope, the polypoid lesions are spherical, single or multiple, pedicle or wide. Base, if the surface of the adenocarcinoma has nodules, erosion, ulcers or cauliflower-like changes, the color is paler than the surrounding mucosa, the broad base and the surrounding gastric mucosa are more hypertrophic, most of them are malignant, and leiomyomas are the most common in mesenchymal tumors. Often smaller, with obvious boundaries, no invasion to surrounding tissues, local resection can be treated.


Examination of benign gastric tumors

1 When the meal is examined, the shape of the stomach is visible, and the semi-circular shape of the edge is filled with the shadow of the defect, but the surrounding mucosa and gastric motility are normal.

2 gastroscopy and biopsy can confirm the diagnosis.


Diagnosis and differentiation of benign gastric tumors

It is difficult to diagnose the benign tumor of the stomach by clinical symptoms. X-ray barium examination shows that there is a rounded filling defect in the stomach, and the tumor appears to have a shadow when it is ulcerated.

Differential diagnosis

1. Gastric cancer.

2. Gastric ulcer bleeding.

3. Simple polyps in the stomach.

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