omental tumor


Omental tumor introduction TumorsoftheOmentum can be divided into primary and secondary types. Primary omental tumors are rare, and malignancy accounts for about 1/3. Stout et al. encountered 8 small benign tumors in 50 years, including 3 cases of lipoma, 3 cases of leiomyoma, and 2 cases of neurofibroma. basic knowledge Sickness ratio: 0.0006%-0.001% Susceptible people: no specific population Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: anemia constipation


Omental tumor etiology

Primary (35%):

Such as smooth muscle, rhabdomyosarcoma, liposarcoma, vascular epithelioma, fibrosarcoma and mucinous adenocarcinoma, benign tumors include lipoma, leiomyoma, hemangioma and neurofibroma.

Secondary (35%):

Mostly caused by intra-abdominal malignant tumors (such as gastrointestinal bowel, peritoneum, retroperitoneal tissue or uterus, ovarian and other malignant tumors), the most common from gastric cancer and ovarian malignant tumors, omental teratoma occasionally encountered Most of them are dermoid cysts.


Omental tumor prevention

There are no special and effective preventive measures, and some adjustments can be made in the diet:

1. Maintain an ideal weight.

2. Ingest a variety of foods.

3. The diet includes a variety of vegetables and fruits.

4. Ingest more high-fiber foods (such as whole grain cereals, beans, vegetables, and fruits).

5. Reduce total fat intake.

6. Limit the intake of alcoholic beverages.

7. Limit the intake of marinated, smoked, and nitrite-containing foods.


Omental tumor complications Complications anemia constipation

Extensive metastasis in the late stage is often secondary to tumors, which can be accompanied by systemic wasting, anemia or cachexia.

1. Secondary tumors, also known as metastatic tumors, secondary tumors. As the tumor continues to grow, the tumor cells will transfer to the tumor away from the tumor through the blood and lymph. The tumor thus formed is called a secondary tumor.

2. In a certain volume of circulating blood, red blood cell count, hemoglobin volume and hematocrit are lower than the normal standard called anemia. Among them, hemoglobin is the most important, adult males are less than 120g / L (12.0g / dl), adult females are less than 110g / L (11.0 / dl), generally can be considered anemia.

3. Cachexia refers to syndromes in which body weight is gradually reduced and muscles are gradually depleted. Symptoms include anorexia, long-term nausea, constipation, weakness of the limbs, depression, and changes in body shape.


Omental tumor symptoms Common symptoms Abdominal distension malignant non-blood ascites weight loss abdomen gradually swell

The primary tumor is characterized by a gradual enlargement of the abdomen, a swelling of the abdomen, and a common symptom of a small tumor. When the tumor is large, most of the patients have abdominal pain, fullness, and dysfunction of the digestive tract, and secondary tumors often For surgical exploration of other organ lesions or with advanced recurrent tumors, malignant tumors may be associated with systemic wasting, anemia or cachexia, or bloody or non-blood ascites, and mass may be found on the body.


Omental tumor examination

Clinical physical examination: the abdomen gradually expands, can be swollen and lumps, common symptoms of small tumors, when the tumor is large, most patients have abdominal pain, fullness, and dysfunction of the digestive tract.

Laboratory examination: The X-ray showed that the intestine was mostly on the posterior or lateral side of the tumor, and it was obviously inflated. CT examination is more clear than X-ray examination, and the specific location, size and pathological nature of the tumor can be found. According to the above characteristics, it can be distinguished from malignant tumor.


Omental tumor diagnosis


Diagnosis can be based on the cause, symptoms and related tests.

Differential diagnosis

Identification of diseases such as rectal tumors, small bowel tumors, and cecal tumors.

1. Rectal tumor: changes in bowel habits (such as increased stool frequency or diarrhea, constipation), blood in the stool (easy to be confused with sputum) or black, stool deformation, thinning; urgency and heavy (after resuscitation still want to solve), intermittent abdomen Colic; unexplained anemia, weight loss, lack of energy, loss of appetite.

2. Intestinal tumor: refers to the tumor that occurs in the small intestine intestine from the duodenum to the ileocecal valve.

3. The main symptoms of cecal tumors are: stool blood, often the main symptoms of rectal cancer; anemia, upper abdominal discomfort, nausea; abdominal cramps and blocks. Pain in the upper abdomen or lower abdomen, often with unexplained diarrhea. The stool closed and the diarrhea alternated, and the stool was jam-colored. Often the main symptoms of colon cancer in the upper stage, the stool is always normal, the timing, the bowel habits change, there is an anal heavy fall feeling, the feeling of urgency and urgency, the stool is not clean, the perineal area is painful.

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