clear cell sweat gland adenoma


Introduction to transparent cell sweat gland adenoma Clearcellhidendenoma (clearcellhidradenoma), also known as nodularhidrodenoma, clear cell small sweat gland adenoma (eccrinesweetglandadonomaoftheclear cell type), solid cystic adenoma (solidcystichidradenoma) and small sweat gland end adenoma (eccrineacrospiroma). basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.03% Susceptible people: no specific population Mode of infection: non-infectious complication:


Transparent cell sweat gland adenoma etiology

(1) Causes of the disease

The cause is still unknown.

(two) pathogenesis

The pathogenesis is still unclear.


Transparent cell sweat gland adenoma prevention

There is no effective preventive measure for this disease. Early detection and early diagnosis are the key to the prevention and treatment of this disease.


Transparent cell sweat gland adenoma complications Complication


Transparent cell sweat gland adenoma symptoms common symptoms nodules

Transparent cell sweat adenoma is a single solid or cystic nodule, even early bulging skin mass, diameter 5 ~ 30mm, flesh or light color damage, can be lobulated, dome-shaped nodules, often ulcers, damage There is no need for a good hair, it can occur in the armpits, arms, thighs, head and genitals, but the most common is the head, about 20% of patients have tenderness, this disease is more common in patients 20 to 50 years old, usually female patients 2 times for men.


Examination of transparent cell sweat gland adenoma

Histopathology: This tumor has obvious boundaries and may have an envelope, consisting of lobulated masses, located in the dermis and extending into the subcutaneous tissue. In the lobulated mass, there are often tubular cavities of different sizes, and the tubular lumen is lined with cubes. The ductal cells or columnar secretory cells, the secretory cells occasionally indicate the active secretion of the decapitated secretion. The solid part of the tumor can be seen as two types of cells, one is a polygonal cell, the nucleus is round, there is a slightly basophilic cytoplasm, and some cells are present. Spindle-shaped, with long nucleus, another cell is usually round, cytoplasm is extremely transparent, the cell membrane is clearly visible, the nucleus is dark and small, and the ratio of the two is quite different in different tumors. There are also transitional cells between the two types. Clear cells contain a considerable amount of glycogen, but there is a considerable amount of PAS-positive, amylase-resistant material, keratinocytes forming keratinized beads in some tumors, and clustered squamous cells in other tumors. The small lumens are arranged, and the lumen is lined with a very clear eosinophilic membrane, so it is like a small sweat duct.


Diagnosis and identification of transparent cell sweat gland adenoma

According to the clinical manifestations, the characteristics of skin lesions and histopathological features can be diagnosed.

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