Mud snails - solar dermatitis


Introduction to mud snail-solar dermatitis Mud snail-solar dermatitis is an inflammatory reaction that occurs in the skin after excessive consumption of mud snails by patients. It usually occurs within 3 to 4 days of exposure to sun exposure after exposure to mud snails. More women than men, children and young people are prone to hair, often related to physical fitness. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.003% Susceptible people: children and youth are prone to Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: headache, abdominal pain, diarrhea


Mud snail - the cause of solar dermatitis

(1) Causes of the disease

It is not clear that the mud snail is a small shellfish with omnivorous seafood. It is a mollusk door, a gastropod, a side cavity, often on the beach, and swallowing algae sediment.

(two) pathogenesis

The mud snail may contain some kind of light-sensitive substance, which accumulates in the human body after eating. After intense sunlight exposure, it causes photochemical reaction in the body and causes disease. The red fluorescence similar to porphyrin can often be detected in the urine of the patient.


Mud snail - solar dermatitis prevention

Strengthen health publicity and education, pay attention to food hygiene, should avoid excessive consumption of mud snails, should be fully washed and pickled before eating, prepare food, do not drink fresh mud snail soup, do not eat its internal organs, only eat mud snail meat, but Sunlight must still be avoided after eating.


Mud snail-solar dermatitis complications Complications, headache, abdominal pain, diarrhea

Sometimes you can have fever, dizziness, headache, general malaise, loss of appetite, abdominal pain or diarrhea.


Mud snail - solar dermatitis symptoms common symptoms itching appetite weakening pimples fatigue skin damage after sun exposure face flushing red belly pain diarrhea ants walking nervous

In the exposed parts of the skin, flushing, full-fledged diffuse edema, bright surface, visible papules and blister of varying sizes, clarified or containing blood and ecchymosis, erosion, necrosis or ulceration, often symmetrically distributed, with head, face and There are many places on the back of the hands and feet. The ecchymoses are easy to see on the nose and the back. After about two weeks, the fainting gradually subsides. After the ulcers heal, the atrophic scars can be left behind. The nails lose their luster and are gray-brown. The patient's lips and mucous membranes are red and swollen, consciously burning, itching and tenderness. The fingers and nails are more prominent. In addition, the patient may have a sense of tension, numbness or ants. The systemic symptoms are generally not obvious, but sometimes they can be feverish. , dizziness, headache, general malaise, loss of appetite, abdominal pain or diarrhea.


Mud snail - inspection of solar dermatitis

Eosinophilia and increased blood iron, erythrocyte sedimentation rate accelerated, and some patients showed a positive reaction with urinary porphyrin.


Diagnosis and identification of mud snail-solar dermatitis


According to the patient's excessive consumption of mud snails and intense sun exposure history, the rash is multi-shaped, with redness and ecchymoses as prominent, symmetric distribution, which occurs in the exposed parts of the head, face and back of the hands and feet. Women are more common and the diagnosis is not difficult. .

Differential diagnosis

The disease should be differentiated from the following skin diseases:

1. Sunburn local skin redness and blisters, but rarely occur significant ecchymosis, no history of eating mud snails, often in the sun for hours or more than ten hours after the rash.

2. In addition to rash, niacin deficiency has prominent glossitis and diarrhea, as well as nervous system symptoms such as irritability, depression, fantasies, movement disorders and loss of orientation, etc., no history of eating snails, more common in men.

3. Phototoxic drug eruption has a clear history of medication, no history of taking mud snails, regardless of gender and age.

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