gyrus cranial skin


Introduction to cerebral gyrus The cerebral regurgitation (cutisverticisgyrata) is a skin-relaxing deformity that occurs in the skull skin. It is characterized by overgrowth of the skull and becomes most wrinkles, like a cerebral gyrus. basic knowledge Sickness ratio: 0.0001% Susceptible people: more common in men Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: neurofibromatosis, acromegaly, leukemia, systemic mucinous edema


Cerebral palsy

(1) Causes of the disease

It can be divided into primary and secondary. The former is mostly congenital development defects, such as pachydermoperiostosis, which is often associated with local inflammatory diseases, neurofibromatosis, hernia, trauma or other proliferative diseases. , acromegaly, leukemia, small head idiots, mucinous edema, accompanied by minor illness and other diseases.

(two) pathogenesis

The pathogenesis is still not clear, the skin is loose and deformed for the skull skin, and the cranial skin is overgrown, becoming most wrinkles, like a cerebral gyrus.


Cerebral gyrus prevention

There are generally no effective preventive measures.


Cerebral gyrus Complications neurofibroma acromegaly leukemia systemic mucinous edema

Secondary cerebral palsy is often associated with local inflammatory diseases, neurofibromatosis, hernia, trauma or other proliferative diseases, acromegaly, leukemia, small head idiots, mucinous edema, dysplasia, etc. .


Cerebral gyrus symptoms common symptoms cerebral skin relaxation wrinkles dry skin

The number of cranial skin formation is not equal to strip wrinkles, like the cerebral gyrus, each wrinkle is about 1cm wide, more common in men, but on the top of the head, but the hair is normal.


Examination of cerebral gyrus

More common in men, it occurs on the top of the head, but the hair is normal. The number of cranial skin formation varies from strip wrinkles to cerebral gyrus, and each fold is about 1 cm wide.


Diagnosis and differentiation of cerebral gyrus

According to the clinical manifestations, the characteristics of skin lesions and histopathological features can be diagnosed.

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