Glaucoma due to dilated lens


Introduction to glaucoma caused by lens expansion Glaucomaassociated with intumescentcataract caused by swelling of the lens refers to glaucoma that occurs when the cataract of the senile cataract is inflated or the opacity of the lens is turbid. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.0025% Susceptible people: no special people Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: cataract, anterior chamber hemorrhage, glaucoma caused by lens dislocation


Causes of glaucoma caused by lens expansion

(1) Causes of the disease

The cataract can be age-related due to the enlargement of the cataract into the expansion phase of the lens. It can also be a traumatic cataract caused by an eyeball contusion or a penetrating injury.

(two) pathogenesis

As the swelling volume of the lens increases, the anteroposterior diameter increases, the iris of the lens moves forward, the anterior chamber becomes shallow, the angle of the anterior chamber becomes narrower and even closed, and on the other hand, due to the advancement of the lens, the physiological pupillary block is aggravated, resulting in the posterior chamber. The pressure is higher than that of the anterior chamber, and the iris of the peripheral part of the bulging is pushed forward, so that the peripheral iris is closely attached to the trabecular surface, and the intraocular pressure is caused by the block angle.


Glaucoma prevention caused by lens expansion

According to different symptoms, there are different dietary requirements, ask the doctor specifically, and set different dietary standards for specific diseases.


Glaucoma complications due to lens expansion Complications of glaucoma caused by lens dislocation of anterior chamber of cataract

Traumatic cataract can cause other complications such as lens dislocation and anterior chamber hemorrhage.


Symptoms of glaucoma caused by lens expansion Common symptoms Nausea congestion Eye pain Increased lens opacity

The clinical manifestations of glaucoma caused by lens swelling are very similar to those of primary acute angle-closure glaucoma with cataract, elevated intraocular pressure, mixed conjunctival hyperemia, corneal edema, anterior chamber shallow, dilated pupil, iris keratoscopy Can be found in different degrees of angle closure, such as long duration of disease, high intraocular pressure, permanent corneal adhesions can occur, glaucoma caused by swelling of senile cataract lens is mostly monocular, with a history of long-term vision loss, lens opacity And the phenomenon of water splitting, the anterior chamber depth of both eyes, the width of the angle of the atrium is asymmetric, and the angle-angle glaucoma stimulation test of the contralateral eye is negative, etc., after the trauma, the lens capsule is ruptured, and the absorbing turbidity of the aqueous humor occurs. When glaucoma caused by swelling of the lens occurs, the depth of the anterior chamber and the width of the anterior chamber are also significantly different.


Examination of glaucoma caused by lens expansion

B-ultrasound can measure the thickness of the lens and the distance between the equatorial part of the lens and the ciliary body, and clarify the anatomical relationship between the lens-ciliary body and the lens-iris.


Diagnosis and diagnosis of glaucoma caused by lens expansion

Glaucoma caused by swelling of the lens after trauma has obvious history of trauma and cataract. The first symptoms of senile cataract expansion are visual loss and diagnosis of cataract. Symptoms such as eye pain, nausea and vomiting gradually increase, and intraocular pressure rises. No glaucoma episodes, clinical examination can be found in the conjunctival mixed hyperemia, corneal edema, anterior chamber shallow, dilated pupils, lens opacity, immature or near maturity, high intraocular pressure, generally higher than 30mmHg (4.0kPa) .

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