breast pain


Introduction to breast pain After the girl enters puberty, the earliest female feature is breast development. Under normal circumstances, the girl expands the areola at the age of 10, the breast begins to develop and bulge, and the induration occurs under the nipple. This is because the ovaries begin to secrete estrogen, and estrogen acts on the breast. It stimulates the development of breast ducts and fat deposition. In this process, the breast becomes sensitive and may have a slight pain. If it is pressed by external force, the pain will be aggravated. Breast pain is strictly divided into two categories: one is a normal physiological pain before the physiological period, which usually improves after the physiological period, and there will be no swelling or the like. The other type is pathological pain. This type of patient also has different severity of pain due to different lesions. Breast pain is affected by the endocrine of the anterior pituitary, ovarian and adrenal cortex. Specifically, in the first half of the menstrual cycle, the ovary secretes more estrogen, and the mammary gland develops hyperplasia. In the second half of the menstrual cycle, estrogen and progesterone affect the development of the glandular ducts and acinus of the breast. At this time, women feel breast swelling, this physiological change will affect the breast disease in this period when it is confused with the real breast disease, so it is appropriate to check in the first half of the menstrual period. basic knowledge The proportion of sickness: 0.01-0.03% Susceptible people: women Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: Breast hyperplasia Breast cysts Breast lipoma Breast tuberculosis


Causes of breast pain

Malignant lesions (35%):

There is no obvious pain in the breast, but only a side of the armpit or shoulder and back pain, there are also possible malignant lesions, these minor changes should not be easily let go. If the breast has severe persistent burning pain, progressive aggravation, difficult to relieve itself, and accompanied by local tumor rupture and necrosis or surgical wounds and surrounding skin ulceration, it is breast pain in the late stage of malignant lesions. If the pain in the breast is only mild dull or dull pain, the attack has no obvious regularity, only sporadic or burst, some are persistent, and often ignored because the pain is not obvious. It should be noted that such breast pain may also be early breast. The signal of a malignant disease should be given enough attention.

Breast disease (25%):

If the pain in the breast is episode, and often begins with pain in the premenstrual breast or exacerbation of premenstrual pain, it can be relieved or disappeared after the pain. The pain is painful or acupuncture-like, sometimes involving the ipsilateral armpit or shoulder and back. For those with mild to moderate tenderness, consider hyperplastic lesions.

Physiological factors (20%):

Before the pregnancy, postpartum, after sex, after abortion, etc. can cause breast pain.


Breast pain prevention

1, wear a solid bra

In addition to preventing the sagging of the breast, the bra is more important to prevent further compression of the compressed breast nerves and eliminate discomfort. Attentive women will find that those jogging athletes wear a solid bra is the reason for this health.

2, avoid diuretics and other drugs

Diuretics do help to drain fluids from the body and also reduce breast swelling, but this immediate relief comes at a price. Excessive use of diuretics can lead to loss of potassium, disruption of electrolyte balance, and affecting glucose formation.

3, do not eat too salty food

High-salt foods tend to cause the breasts to swell and cause pain. Therefore, women should not eat too salty on weekdays, especially in the 7-10 days before menstruation.

4, hot compress

Hot compress is a traditional Chinese medicine method, which can relieve breast pain by hot pack, hot water bottle or hot bath. If you use cold and hot alternating method, it will be better to eliminate breast discomfort.

5, prevent obesity

For women who are overweight, losing weight will help relieve breast swelling.

6, with castor oil on the chest

Castor oil contains a substance that boosts lymphocyte function and eliminates breast pain.

The specific method is: the castor oil is dripped on the cotton cloth folded into four layers, so that it is covered with castor oil, but not too wet, so as not to drip around. Apply the cloth to the breast, cover with a plastic film, and put on a hot pack. Adjust the heat pack to the heat you can tolerate and apply it for an hour.

7, away from coffee

Whether caffeine can cause breast discomfort has not been confirmed. However, according to medical investigations, many women with breast tenderness and other benign symptoms have significantly improved symptoms after cessation of caffeine. Therefore, you have to quit coffee completely, that is, you must completely die of soda, chocolate, ice cream, tea and caffeine-containing painkillers.

8, do not abuse drugs

Some people eat anti-inflammatory drugs or antibiotics to stop breast pain, which is wrong and dangerous, because breast pain can not use topical steroid anti-inflammatory agents.

9, happy mood

In a good mood, the ovaries maintain normal ovulation, the progesterone secretion is normal, the breast will not be hyperplasia due to the unilateral stimulation of estrogen, and the proliferated mammary gland will gradually recover under the action of progesterone, thus reducing breast pain. The situation happened.

10, important pregnancy breastfeeding

Pregnancy causes sufficient secretion of progesterone, which can effectively protect and repair the breast. Breastfeeding can fully develop the mammary gland and degenerate well after the child is weaned.

11, regular inspection, appropriate exercise

Do a self-examination of the breast every month, regularly go to the professional institution for breast examination, make a proper breast massage every time, and do a 5-minute chest movement every day to prevent breast disease and avoid breast pain caused by breast disease.

12, a harmonious sex life

Harmonious sexual life can regulate endocrine, stimulate progesterone secretion, increase the protection and repair strength of the breast, orgasm stimulation can also accelerate blood circulation, avoiding breast hyperplasia due to poor blood flow.

13, healthy eating habits

Follow the "low-fat and high-fibre" diet principle, eat whole-grain foods, beans and vegetables, control the intake of animal protein, and pay attention to supplement the appropriate trace elements. In Japan, a country with low-fat foods, the proportion of women with breast cancer is only 10% to 15% in the United States. On the one hand, foods with high fat content hinder the excretion of estrogen, and at the same time promote the growth of bacteria in the body and increase the level of estrogen in the body.

Eat at least 30 grams of fiber a day, such as eating more whole wheat bread, carrots, pumpkin, all kinds of fiber will help excrete too much estrogen excreted, thus preventing hormones from stimulating breast tissue, which has a good effect on breast health .

14, intake of vitamins

Foods rich in vitamin C and vitamin B should be taken in the diet. These vitamins help regulate the manufacture of prostaglandin E. At the same time, eat less margarine, because the hydrogenated fat will interfere with the ability of the body's essential fatty acids to convert to Y-linolenic acid, thereby inhibiting the production of prolactin.


Breast pain complications Complications, breast hyperplasia, breast cyst, breast lipoma, breast tuberculosis

Breast hyperplasia, breast lipoma, breast tuberculosis, breast cysts.


Breast pain symptoms Common symptoms Premenstrual breast pain Breast redness and heat pain Breast pain Breast development Early breast hypertrophy Breast or nipple Undeveloped sagging breast

Several physiological breast pains

Premenstrual breast pain

About 2/3 of the women have double breast pain or discomfort before menstruation, the whole breast is full, hard and tender, and the original granule or nodule is more obvious. This is a physiological phenomenon. Most women's pain is not serious and can be tolerated; a small number of sensitive people feel unbearable when they are slightly shaken or collided with their breasts, and even dare not walk, wear clothes, and hold their hands all day long. This is mainly due to the increase of estrogen levels, breast hyperplasia, cell enlargement, and inter-mammary tissue edema in the first to second week before menstruation. After the menstrual cramps, the estrogen level decreased, the above changes disappeared, the breasts also relaxed and soft, the pain suddenly disappeared, and the symptoms were repeated again before the next eclipse. After 40 days of menopause, the breasts have a feeling of bloating, and the severe ones may have a breast and a headache, which lasts throughout the pregnancy. This is because the placenta and villi secrete a large amount of estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, which causes hyperplasia of the breast and enlargement of the breast. It is also a preparation for breastfeeding, which is a physiological phenomenon.

Postpartum breast pain

Three days after delivery, the breasts were full, painful, indurated, and even extended to the axillary part of the breast, accompanied by low fever, mainly due to lymphatic retention of the breast, venous filling and interstitial edema, and poor duct of the breast. Generally, after 7 days of postpartum milk flow, the pain can be resolved. The methods to prevent postpartum breast pain are:

1 In the third trimester of pregnancy, squeeze a small amount of colostrum in the breast to prevent it from staying in the catheter, forming an embolus and blocking the mammary duct;

2 breastfeeding as soon as possible after delivery;

3 hot breasts before breastfeeding, and can do some gentle massage to promote the smooth flow of milk;

4 cold breasts between breastfeeding to reduce congestion;

5 When the sucking power of the baby is insufficient, it can be squeezed with both hands or sucked with a breast pump to assist the milk discharge;

6 available Bupleurum 6 grams, Angelica 12 grams, Wang does not stay 9 grams, leaking 9 grams, 9 grams of turmeric orally, or Jiyuan Shenbao decoction, oral administration 10g. It is very important to properly handle milk deposition, otherwise it can cause mastitis, so you must try your best to do the above. Among them, it is most important to suck out the remaining milk.

Breast pain after sex

Disharmonious sex can also cause breast pain or increase the original pain, which is related to physiological changes in the breast during sex. When a woman enters sexual excitement, the nipple is erected, the surface of the breast is congested, and the whole breast is full and full; during the duration, the areola is congested, the breast is more swollen, and its volume can be increased by 1/4; when it is orgasm, it swells. The pole is reached; during the retreat period, the venous filling of the breast subsides, and its volume gradually shrinks, and it can be restored to its original state after 15 to 30 minutes. If the sexual apathy or the sexual disharmony is not satisfied, the congestion and swelling of the breast will not easily subside, or the incompleteness will disappear. Continuous congestion will cause the breast to swell.

Breast pain after abortion

After abortion, some patients complain of breast pain and can touch the breast lumps. If the symptoms appear a little longer than the flow of people, people often forget or ignore the symptoms related to the flow of people. The flow of people is different from natural childbirth, the latter is the natural process of ripening, and the flow of people is a very abnormal state of human disturbance. After 4 weeks of menopause, the breast begins to swell, plump, and enlarge, and the breast gradually develops. When the pregnancy is suddenly interrupted and the hormone level drops sharply, the newly developed mammary gland suddenly stops growing, the cells become smaller, the acinus disappears, and this aggregation recovery is often incomplete and uneven, like the nascent young leaves are not easy to sallow. It falls off, which can cause breast lumps and breast pain. According to reports, the incidence of mammary gland hyperplasia also rises linearly with the number of induced abortions.

Breast hypertrophic breast pain

Mammary gland hyperplasia is the most common cause of breast pain, and about 80% of breast hyperplasia has different degrees of breast pain. The pain site is often inconsistent with the location of the mass. It is often radiated to the armpits, shoulders and back. It can be affected by factors such as menstruation, mood, and weather changes. There are often spontaneous remissions or irregular paroxysmal episodes. In the breast, the bumps with unclear borders, different sizes, hard and tough texture, and good activity are observed, and some of the masses are granular. This disease accounts for more than 2/3 of breast diseases, occurring in 35 to 45 years old, especially in women who are unmarried, unfertile, breast-feeding, depressed, and sexually dysfunctional.

Breast pain

The pathogenesis of breast pain is similar to that of primary dysmenorrhea and is quite common. It is characterized by only breast pain and no breast lumps, and the pain is severe and long-lasting, such as acupuncture or knife cutting, and some are dull. The pain is indefinite, and the weight of the two sides can be different. It can be radiated to the underarms, shoulders and upper limbs. In severe cases, it is impossible to wear clothes or dare to walk. During the examination, there may be a feeling of hypertrophy or graininess on the outer part of the breast, which may be slightly tender, but no mass. Menopausal women may also have unbearable breast pain, often accompanied by breast fever and discomfort, which is related to the secretion of large amounts of gonadotropins and autonomic disorders in the body.

Mastitis pain

Part of the breast is red, swollen and hot, accompanied by elevated body temperature, often a sign of mastitis. Early antibiotics (such as penicillin or Chinese medicinal dandelion), hot compresses, etc. If the late abscess is formed, it is necessary to cut the drain and drain.

Ovarian neoplastic breast pain

Because ovarian tumors produce a large amount of estrogen, it stimulates breast hyperplasia, causing breast pain. About 20% of patients with ovarian tumors have breast disease, including breast pain and breast cancer. For unexplained breast pain, a gynaecological examination should be performed to determine whether there is an ovarian tumor.

Breast cancer pain

48% of breast cancer patients have different degrees of breast pain, tingling, progressive aggravation, and involve the shoulder and back. Breast cancer accounts for about 13% of the initial symptoms of breast pain. Among them, 6% of patients with breast pain are the only early manifestations, that is, only breast pain and no mass. In the late stage of breast cancer, the pain is severe and unbearable, and it is progressively worse. Breast cancer is more common in women over the age of 50. Therefore, women who are older, have persistent breast pain, fixed parts, and have shoulders should be closely followed up. Don't miss the opportunity of early diagnosis.


Breast pain check

Breast pain is affected by the endocrine of the anterior pituitary, ovarian and adrenal cortex. Specifically, in the first half of the menstrual cycle, the ovary secretes more estrogen, and the mammary gland develops hyperplasia. In the second half of the menstrual cycle, estrogen and progesterone affect the development of the glandular ducts and acinus of the breast. At this time, women feel breast swelling, this physiological change will affect the breast disease in this period when it is confused with the real breast disease, so it is appropriate to check in the first half of the menstrual period.

Check yourself

Self-illumination of the mirror: face the mirror, hands on the hips, observe the shape of the breast. Then, raise your arms over your head and carefully observe whether the shape and contour of the breasts on both sides have changed. Whether the breast skin has redness, rash, superficial vein engorgement, skin folds, orange peel-like changes, etc., observe whether the nipples are in the same On the horizontal line, is there any elevation, retraction, depression, whether there is any secretion from the nipple, and whether the color of the areola changes. Finally, put down both arms, hands on the hips, two elbows effort back, make the chest muscles tight, observe whether the breasts on both sides are equal and symmetrical.

Flat-touch method: lie flat, raise your right arm over the head, and place a small pillow under the right shoulder to flatten the right breast. Put the four fingers of your left hand together and use your fingertips to check for any lumps or other changes in the breast. Use your right hand three fingers (index, middle finger, ring finger) to touch the breast slowly, stably, carefully, and gradually move forward or backward in the left breast, at least three times from the periphery of the breast to the nipple. It can also be checked in the up and down or radial direction, but care should be taken not to miss any parts. At the same time, check the axillary lymph nodes for swelling. Finally, squeeze the nipple between the thumb and forefinger to see if there is any nipple discharge. Seek medical attention if turbid, yellowish or bloody discharge is found.

Shower check method: When showering, it is easier to find breast problems due to moist skin. The method is to slide slowly with the palm of your finger and carefully check the breast and the armpit for a lump.

Female friends in the self-examination of the breast, if abnormal symptoms are found, it is necessary to apply five creams in time to achieve early detection, early diagnosis and early cure.


Diagnosis of breast pain

Breast pain is affected by the endocrine of the anterior pituitary, ovarian and adrenal cortex. Specifically, in the first half of the menstrual cycle, the ovary secretes more estrogen, and the mammary gland develops hyperplasia. In the second half of the menstrual cycle, estrogen and progesterone affect the development of the glandular ducts and acinus of the breast. At this time, women feel breast swelling, this physiological change will affect the breast disease in this period when it is confused with the real breast disease, so it is appropriate to check in the first half of the menstrual period.

Diagnosis can be performed based on clinical manifestations and examinations.

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