

Introduction to bronchial stones The most common symptoms of bronchial stones are persistent and severe cough, usually lasting for several years. Common treatments can not be relieved. If there is a lung infection, it will be accompanied by a large amount of purulent sputum. The hemoptysis is caused by the lesion directly eroding the blood vessels or eroding the affected part of the bronchus. Due to the formation of granulation tissue, unlike bronchial dilatation, hemoptysis is rare and fatal. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.001% Susceptible people: no specific population Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: bronchiectasis obstructive emphysema


Causes of bronchial stones

1. Foreign matter attracts or infects secretions to form the core of the stone, which is deposited by calcium salts and gradually forms stones.

2. The hilar lymph node calcification or intrapulmonary calcification erodes the bronchus and enters the bronchial cavity. It is most common in clinical practice.

3. The bronchial cartilage falls into the bronchial cavity and forms.


Bronchial stone disease prevention

1, maintain a good family environment, indoor air circulation is fresh, have a certain humidity, control and eliminate all kinds of harmful gases and smoke, quit smoking habits, pay attention to keep warm.

2, strengthen physical exercise, enhance physical fitness, improve the resistance of the respiratory tract, prevent upper respiratory tract infections, avoid inhaling harmful substances and allergens, can prevent or reduce the occurrence of this disease.

3. In the climate change and cold season, pay attention to timely add and subtract clothes to avoid catching colds and prevent influenza. Pay attention to the changes in the condition and master the law of the disease so that measures can be taken in advance. If the patient has difficulty breathing, lips, nails purple, lower limbs edema, delirium, lethargy, should be promptly sent to hospital for treatment.


Bronchial complication Complications, bronchiectasis, obstructive emphysema

Bronchiectasis, obstructive emphysema.


Symptoms of bronchial stones common symptoms purulent chronic cough

The most common symptoms are prolonged and severe cough, usually lasting for several years. Common treatments can not be relieved. If there is a lung infection, it will be accompanied by a large amount of purulent sputum. The hemoptysis is caused by the lesion directly eroding the blood vessels or eroding the affected part of the bronchus. Caused by granulation tissue, unlike bronchial dilatation, hemoptysis is rare and fatal. Bronchial sounds can be heard after bronchial stones are blocked, and chronic cough and sputum can be found. Severe can cause obstructive pneumonia, atelectasis, secondary bronchiectasis. A physical examination can show the corresponding signs.


Examination of bronchial stones

1. X-ray chest bronchial stones show enlarged hilar, multi-site calcification, with distal atelectasis or interstitial consolidation. The calcification point shift was observed in comparison with the previous chest radiograph.

2. CT is helpful for the display of stones, and can accurately determine the location of calcification in the bronchus, as well as dilated bronchus, obstructive pneumonia, and atelectasis at the distal end of the obstruction.

3. Bronchoscopy can show bronchial stones themselves, granulomatous tissue or bronchoconstriction; can also identify calcification caused by bronchial tumors.


Diagnosis and diagnosis of bronchial stones


Diagnosis can be based on medical history, clinical symptoms, and laboratory tests.

Differential diagnosis

It is distinguished from stones in other parts.

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