addicted to Internet


Introduction to Internet Addiction Internet addiction, also known as network overuse or pathological network use. It refers to a phenomenon of obvious social and psychological damage caused by excessive use of the network. Its main features are: spending a lot of time on the Internet in an uncontrolled manner, must increase the time on the Internet to get a sense of satisfaction, not having an abnormal emotional experience when surfing the Internet, academic failure, poor job performance or deteriorating interpersonal relationships, lying to others to conceal oneself The degree of obsession with the Internet, repeated episodes of symptoms, etc. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.001% Susceptible people: no special people Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: obsessive-compulsive disorder


Internet addiction cause

Social environment (10%):

Including the emergence of Internet cafes, the popularity of online games, the comparison between classmates, etc.; with the advent of high technology, the network has gradually entered our lives, in addition to meeting our normal work, study, communication, developers are always Not forgetting the development of games and entertainment projects, so there are thrilling online games, passionate porn movies and interesting online chats, which satisfy the psychological needs of young people. In view of the weak willpower of young people and their good at group activities, they will imitate each other more and compare, and many adults will have internet addiction and affect children. Therefore, youth internet addiction has a close relationship with the social environment.

Family education (20%):

Including family environment and education methods; family education is an important factor leading to internet addiction among young people. On the one hand, due to the influence of family environment, many parents are busy with work, have no time to take care of children, or parents are netizens, which breeds children online. The desires; in addition, many parents who have been afflicted with Internet addiction, snoring and domestic violence, or simply give up education for their children, and finally missed the best time to quit Internet addiction, ruining their children's studies.

Missing satisfaction (30%):

Including academic failure, loneliness, interpersonal obstacles, etc.; most people with internet addiction will have academic failure, which leads to psychological emptiness, lack of self-confidence, and a sense of loneliness for a long time. The teenagers who have experienced these situations, in order to satisfy their own heart, It is usually chosen to escape, and it is easiest to rediscover the lost self and the fulfilling sense of accomplishment in the virtual world of the network.

Physiology and personality (10%):

Mainly including personality characteristics and physiological characteristics; the high-risk population of Internet addiction is mostly 12-18 years old, mostly male, male to female ratio is 2:1, and the children of this period, their cerebral cortex development is imperfect, the consciousness is also compared Weaken, understand poor judgment, and have poor self-control ability. Most of them are in adolescence, they have serious rebellious feelings, they are full of curiosity about new things, seeking excitement, thrills and romance to meet the needs of life at this stage. After the emergence of the Internet, online games, pornography and chats correspond to teenagers. Psychological needs, naturally, Internet addiction.

Internet addiction theory

Compared with the addictive behavior of material dependence, the excessive use of the network is not affected by any ingested substances, and it is the most simple behavioral addiction. Therefore, the formation of its dependence state is mainly caused by psychological mechanism. Theories of excessive network use mainly include three theories: psychological theory, sociological theory and physiological theory.

1. Psychology theory

(1) Theory of Reinforcement. In the process of surfing the Internet, I experienced spiritual satisfaction and pleasure, surfing the Internet the shift of attention from reality forgetting the troubles in life, and a series of conditioning reinforces the online behavior.

(2) Theory of Inadequate-Personality. As can be seen from the case studies, many IAD patients have problems that they cannot solve in real life. Some people are not good at test scores, and they are always laughed at; some people are extremely introverted and feel extremely uncomfortable when interacting with others; some people have bad feelings with their spouses, and there are cracks; some people look ugly and are ashamed to see people. They often close themselves; some are in the lower layers of society and yearn for the upper classes of society. Through the case analysis method, the people who have already suffered from excessive network use are analyzed, and their personality characteristics are summarized as: sensitive, alert, inclined to abstract thinking, disobedient to social norms, introverted, vulnerable, and poorly adapted to the environment. Strong dependence, like to be alone, and feel difficult in interpersonal relationships. Large and medium-sized students who lack a sense of well-being or have a strong conflict with their parental methods of parenting are most likely to become prisoners of the Internet. Of course, not all talents with these characteristics are prone to overuse of the network, but have one or more of them.

2. The theory of sociology

There are mainly Theory of Social Learning. This view was first proposed by American criminologist Sutherland E in 1939. He believes that addiction is the product of individual learning, and the closest social subjects of the individual, such as family and friends, have the greatest impact on their behavior.

3. Physiology theory

The theory holds that there is a happy center in the human brain, and whenever the network is over-users, it will stimulate the brain to chemically stimulate the release of dopamine, which will make people feel happy. If the stimulus is recurrent, the brain strengthens its own chemical reaction and produces addictive behavior (Nora Volco). Studies have shown that the level of effective dopamine in the brain of addicts is lower than that of ordinary people, and the Internet has the effect of increasing brain dopamine levels.


Internet addiction prevention

To solve the problem of internet addiction among adolescents, we must take precautions and implement the principle of prevention. To prevent the occurrence of adolescent Internet addiction syndrome, it requires the efforts and cooperation of society, schools and families. It mainly includes the following aspects: social governance; school education; family care.

Social governance

(1) Building a youth website. At present, a website dedicated to young people can be established to attract young people's "eyeballs" through services. The characteristics of such a website should be clear and positive. If you can make good use of existing websites, you can effectively integrate network resources, save education costs, and enhance educational effectiveness.

(2) Promote the excellent culture of the Chinese nation on the Internet. Inherit and carry forward the excellent culture of the Chinese nation up and down 5,000 years, take its essence, go to its dregs, and make our demands for the younger generation. The Internet is a world in which various cultures conflict and integrate. We must guide young people to make good use of the excellent cultural achievements of human society, and to enhance the "immunity" of young people and eliminate the invisible infiltration of Western ideology on the Internet. This is the network. An important task for young workers in the era.

(3) Construct a theoretical and practical normative system of network ethics. Network ethics is a moral value and behavioral norm that regulates the special interests of people, people and society in the specialized field of computer information networks. The network morality of young people stems from the moral system in social life and is different from the actual morality. We should strengthen the research and discussion on network ethics, clarify the rights, clothing and responsibilities among various network subjects, and the basic principles of network ethics, construct and standardize network ethics, and create a good moral environment for young people to enter the network society. .

(4) Promote network legislation. The punishment provisions on computer crimes in the current law should be revised and improved, and the work of network legislation should be promoted. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the network legal education of young people and help young people form correct value judgment skills.

(5) Build an educational network system for family, school, and social interaction. As far as the family is concerned, parents should be familiar with computers and the Internet, learn about the websites and online habits that children often visit, and use the experience of adults to help children get rid of online junk. As far as schools are concerned, one should be able to adapt to the educational needs of the Internet age. From the perspective of society, it is necessary to strengthen the management and training of network practitioners and establish a sound social supervision mechanism. Only when the three work together can organic combination prevent the occurrence of Internet addiction.

school education

We must start from the roots and start from developing a good psychological quality and a healthy personality. Ideological and political education with the good ideological quality, political quality, moral quality and psychological quality as the overall goal must play a role in this issue.

(1) Adjust educational goals. Efforts should be made to construct a comprehensive target system based on the ideological quality, political quality, moral quality, psychological quality and aesthetic quality that respects the development of students' personality; among them, respecting and satisfying students' personality development requirements and cultivating a healthy personality are Foundation and core.

(2) Reforming the content of education. Strengthen the education of life outlook; strengthen life education; fill the gaps in frustration education and sad education; strengthen the education of responsibility awareness;

(3) Optimize the psychological environment. Vigorously develop campus culture; strive to build harmonious interpersonal relationships; cultivate young people's social interaction skills; cultivate young people's sense of success; teach young people how to adjust themselves.

Family care

(1) Establish a good parent-child relationship. Parents are always in a very important position in the process of their children's growth. The quality of parent-child communication often determines the path of children's growth. Good parent-child relationship helps to develop a healthy personality and good social adaptability.

(2) Establish a scientific parenting style. Studies have shown that adolescent Internet addiction is closely related to family education, and parenting style affects the child's personality formation.

(3) Improve family functions and social support. The study found that Internet addiction adolescents often have a lack or deficiency of father function during their growth, and the social support experienced by Internet addiction teenagers is low. Therefore, improving family relationships, improving family functions, and improving the support of other social roles (such as schools, government, etc.) for these young people is beneficial to prevent the occurrence of Internet addiction among adolescents.


Internet addiction complications Complications obsessive-compulsive disorder

No special complications.


Internet addiction symptoms Common symptoms Forced personality disorder behavior and emotional abnormality Compulsive sexual behavior is lost in life

Overuse of the Internet as a form of behavioral addiction, although not having a clear biological basis, has similar composition and performance as traditional drug addiction, and has similar characteristics. In terms of symptom performance, the network over-user is mainly represented by an involuntary long-term forced use of the network. Over-the-network users often spend a lot of time and effort on the Internet to continuously chat, browse, and play, resulting in damage to their health, and various behavioral abnormalities, psychological disorders, personality disorders, and sympathetic dysfunction. Typical manifestations of the disease include: low mood, no feeling of pleasure or loss of interest, sleep disturbance, circadian clock disorder, decreased diet and weight loss (weight), lack of energy, slowness of movement, decreased self-evaluation, decreased ability, slow thinking, Suicidal ideation and behavior, reduced social activities, heavy smoking, alcohol and drug abuse.

The main features summarized by Kimberly Young include the following five:

1. Salience: The thinking, emotions and behaviors of over-network users are controlled by the Internet. Internet access becomes its main activity, and it will experience a strong desire when it is unable to access the Internet.

2, Mood Modification: If you stop using it may produce emotional experience such as irritability, anxiety and nervousness.

3, Tolerance (Tolerance): Internet users must gradually increase the time and input of the Internet, in order to obtain the satisfaction that has existed before.

4, Withdrawal Reaction (Withdrawal Symptoms): In the case of not being able to access the Internet, there will be emotional experiences such as irritability.

5. Conflict: The excessive use of the network may lead to conflicts between the network's over-users and the surrounding environment, such as indifference with family and friends, decreased work and academic performance, and conflicts with other activities of the network's excessive users. Learning, work, social activities and other hobbies; the contradictory mentality of the over-users of the Internet on addictive behavior: aware of the danger of excessive Internet access and reluctance to give up all kinds of spiritual satisfaction brought by the Internet.

Network overuse type

Armstrong (2001) gave a more comprehensive description of the over-utilization of the network, thinking that the network over-user has a lot of behavior and impulsive control problems. Research indicates that network users with different personal traits are attracted by different network features and different types of network overuse. A network overuse patient can be a pure type or a mixture of several types, and the actual situation is more mixed patients. According to the different clinical manifestations, there are mainly the following types. In the classification, the word "addiction" is generally used.

1, network-addiction (cyber-sexual addiction)

That is, online porn addiction refers to chat rooms and online pornography that are addicted to adult topics. Those who are addicted to other aspects of life are more likely to fall into it, and middle age is the main age group that is easily caught in it. Psychologist Yankee said: "Online porn addiction is like taking cocaine."

2, network relationship addiction (cyber-relational addiction)

Refers to indulging in making friends through online chat or pornography. Internet chat addiction means that individuals are fascinated by online chat, and in order to eliminate the irritability after the network, they continue to extend the time on the Internet, thereby obtaining satisfaction, resulting in work, study, interpersonal relationships and even employment opportunities, virtual space network chat Or replace the real-life friends and family with the interpersonal relationship of the online community. In particular, some people with social disabilities, broken love, and lonely people prefer to find comfort on the Internet. People who have long-term online chat and make friends consciously and unconsciously "alienize" the way of communication: on the one hand, they are masters of network communication, and talk with netizens; on the other hand, they are silent in real life and close the inner world.

3. Network compulsions (net compulsions)

Refers to an impenetrable impulse to be fascinated by online gambling, online trading or auctions, shopping. The attraction of the Internet in some respects is that it is fascinating like gambling. Skinner discovered the complexity of compulsive Internet access through e-mail. The principle is that everyone is willing to repeat the act of being praised. People are always immersed in the joy and expectation of the upcoming victory, which makes people more intoxicated by online shopping or gambling.

4, information collection addiction (information overload)

Refers to compulsive browsing of web pages to find and collect information. Roaming or searching for information on the Internet because of fear of insufficient information. Its characteristics are three: 1 Internet craving and impulsiveness; 2 is difficult to get out of the network after the Internet; 3 when the network is used, the spirit is more exciting. China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) (2005) in the survey of "the main purpose of users accessing the Internet", only 6.2% of the respondents answered the need for work, and the answer to the information accounted for 46.1%, ranking first in the survey. Bit. However, the variety of network information, the huge number, the quality of the uneven, so that many people feel that facing the vast information of the sea often feels helpless, become very blind, can only passively receive. Some "net worms" once sighed: "We searched for information online, but ignored the search for real information. Although we browsed the Internet for dozens of times more information than before, the information we could use was only 1/ 10, but can remember to live even a few dozen - not to ...." - people who often browse the information online unrestrained, they will compulsively collect and view useless, irrelevant information from the Internet data. People who have forced information to collect addiction are generally those with compulsive personality defects. The Internet is no longer quick and convenient, but psychologically confused and painful. Therefore, the French information expert Rosnay called for information dieting like a lunch.

5, computer addiction (computer addiction)

Refers to the unstoppable long-term obsession with computer games or computer programmers who have repeatedly indulged in the design of various programs. The most typical of these is online game addiction and internet intrusion addiction. (1) Online games are virtual objects of real life with the help of advanced props such as digital, electronic, network, creative, scriptwriter, art, and music. Some people with poor adjustment mechanisms will choose to escape from stress and hide into virtual online games, temporarily forgetting the "role rules" in life. Here they are the rivers and lakes, but the heroic fighters, and sometimes the monsters. A game fan commented: "In online games, 'people' create game life - no chance to return to the archives, no clear predictions, every choice will be an eternal history, every 'person' Influencing his 'people', every 'person' is influenced by his 'person'..." The video game is similar to gambling, because the result of the game is always unpredictable, but it makes people want to stop. Secondly, the simple game is rewarded every time you pass a level. It is a virtual online reward. It is a combination of physical objects and satisfying lust, such as allowing the winner to watch some pornographic photos or get them. Gambling and so on. Such a means of strengthening, for those who are curious and eager to win, is extremely likely to cause excessive network use. (2) The most typical example of network intrusion addiction is that hackers break through other people's websites. For most hackers, they break the website not for money, but for personal curiosity and a sense of accomplishment. At present, the characteristics of hacking technology and hacking programs are becoming more and more obvious. For general hacking activities, it is not necessary to master superb computer knowledge. With the help of various hacking software, you can peek at other people's data and sneak through the network. Others tamper with data and attack other people's networks. The hacking software can not only be downloaded free of charge on the hacker's webpage, but also can be purchased at a low price by unscrupulous merchants. This has enabled more and more middle school students to quickly enter the ranks of hackers. Network intrusion addiction is characterized by increasingly younger and more generalized.


Internet addiction check

You should do a psychological examination. Through psychological counseling, a good doctor-patient relationship is established between psychologists and Internet addicts. In doing so, we can understand and support the addicts mentally, mobilize their enthusiasm, and establish the confidence of healing; the psychologist will analyze the "electronic heroin" in an accurate, vivid, professional and intimate language according to the addict's obsession. The harm, the causes, processes and treatment of Internet addiction, gradually help patients get rid of Internet addiction syndrome.


Internet addiction diagnosis

According to "Diagnosis Standards for Internet Addiction", Internet addiction is divided into online game addiction, online porn addiction, network relationship addiction, network information addiction, and online transaction addiction. The standard defines the diagnosis and treatment of Internet addiction.

First, there is a strong desire or impulse to use the network.

Second, when reducing or stopping the Internet, there will be withdrawal reactions such as discomfort, irritability, irritability, inattention, sleep disorders, etc.; the above withdrawal reactions can be through the use of other similar electronic media, such as televisions, handheld game consoles, etc. To ease.

3. At least one of the following five articles:

To increase the level of time and effort to use the network in order to achieve satisfaction.

It is difficult to control the start, end and duration of the use of the network, and it has not been successful after many efforts.

Stubborn use of the network regardless of its apparently harmful consequences, even if it is known that the hazards of network use are still difficult to stop.

Reduce or abandon other interests, entertainment or social activities due to the use of the network.

The Internet will be used as a way to evade problems or alleviate bad emotions.

The standard of the Internet addiction is that the average daily continuous Internet access reaches or exceeds 6 hours, and the symptom standard has reached or exceeded 3 months.

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