Invasive papillary adenocarcinoma of the digits


Invasive fingertip papillary adenocarcinoma Invasive digital papillary adenocarcinoma (aggressive digital papillary adenocarcinoma), a single nodule, ulceration and hemorrhage, pathological mitotic and focal necrosis. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.003% Susceptible people: no specific population Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: lung metastases


Invasive fingertip papillary adenocarcinoma

(1) Causes of the disease

The cause is still unknown.

(two) pathogenesis

The pathogenesis is still unclear.


Invasive finger papillary adenocarcinoma prevention

There is no effective preventive measure for this disease. Early detection and early diagnosis are the key to the prevention and treatment of this disease.


Invasive finger papillary adenocarcinoma Complications

Lung metastases.


Invasive finger papillary gland cancerous symptoms Common symptoms Large nodules between the big toe and the two toes

It is a single nodule, which can cause ulcers and hemorrhage. It often invades the joint cavity between the nail bed and the distal finger (toe). Most of them occur in patients around 50 years old, 50% can relapse, 50% or less. Metastases occur, especially lung metastases, so all patients should have a chest radiograph.


Invasive finger papillary adenocarcinoma

Histopathology: It is characterized by the formation of a small nipple that extends into a large cystic cavity; in addition, it can be seen that the physical nests and tubes of polygonal cells infiltrate the surrounding dermis and subcutaneous tissue, and the nucleus is evacuated from the chromatin and small The nucleolus to the vesicular nucleus and nucleoli were prominent, showing pathological mitotic figures and focal necrosis.


Diagnosis and differentiation of invasive finger papillary adenocarcinoma

According to the clinical manifestations, the characteristics of skin lesions and histopathological features can be diagnosed.

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