Periporitis and multiple sweat gland abscesses


Introduction to inflammation around the sweat hole and multiple sweat gland abscess Perioritis and multiple sweat gland abscesses (periporitisand multiplesweatglandabscesses) are inflammatory skin diseases caused by staphylococcal infection in sweat glands. They are easily confused with rickets, also known as pseudofurunculosis, furunculosis sudoriferous, commonly known as scorpion venom. . The skin lesions are mainly the most solid purple-red hemispherical nodules. They are about the size of soybeans to apricots. They can quickly purify and become soft, rupture, and discharge yellow-green sticky pus. The symptoms are like rickets, but there is no pus. It often appears in batches and the pain is lighter. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.005% - 0.009% Susceptible people: good for children and women Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: sepsis


The inflammation around the sweat hole and the cause of multiple sweat gland abscess

(1) Causes of the disease

The disease is caused by Staphylococcus aureus.

(two) pathogenesis

Excessive sweating in summer, the cuticle of the epidermis is immersed and swollen by sweat, blocking the sweat tube, and the sweat excretion is blocked, which is conducive to bacterial reproduction and easy to form sweat gland purulent infection.


Periwinkle inflammation and prevention of multiple sweat gland abscess

1. In the units prone to pyoderma (such as some factories, agricultural machinery stations, primary schools, etc.), extensive publicity and education on the prevention and treatment of suppurative skin diseases, regular preventive inspections, as far as possible to eliminate all factors.

2. Pay attention to skin hygiene, strengthen physical exercise and increase skin resistance.

3. Maintain the integrity of skin function. For skin diseases, especially pruritic skin diseases, timely treatment should be carried out to prevent skin damage and avoid irritation such as scratching and skin friction.

4. Clothes, towels, basins, etc. are prohibited from public use to prevent contact with infection. The patient should be properly isolated. The dressings and contact materials used by the patient should be strictly disinfected or burned. During the illness, it is forbidden to use the liquid to clean the skin lesions. Wash the affected area with tap water to prevent extension.

5. When you are sick, you should ban alcohol or spicy food, and eat less food.


Periwinkle inflammation and multiple sweat gland abscess complications Complications sepsis

Severe patients may be associated with nearby lymphadenitis, high fever, and even sepsis.


Periwinkle inflammation and multiple sweat gland abscess symptoms Common symptoms Nodule pust abscess Septic scar

The skin lesions are mainly the most solid purple-red hemispherical nodules. They are about the size of soybeans to apricots. They can quickly purify and become soft, rupture, and discharge yellow-green sticky pus. Symptoms like rickets, but no pus, often in batches. Appears, the pain is lighter.

Skin lesions are distributed throughout the body, but the head, forehead hairline, neck, buttocks, etc. are mostly in the summer hot and humid season, easy to relapse, often followed by red sputum or accompanied by red scorpion, cool Time to reduce or subsidize, severe patients may be associated with nearby lymphadenitis, high fever, and even lead to sepsis, more common in malnutrition, weakness, low resistance or sweating in children and summer puerperium women.

Before or at the same time as typical nodules, shallow pustules can be published. These pustules occur in the sweat hole and contain S. pyogenes, called periporitis staphylogenes. It gradually disappeared.


Examination of inflammation around the sweat hole and multiple sweat gland abscess

Histopathological dermis has a clear abscess around the sweat gland, with polymorphonuclear granulocytes in the center, epithelial-like cells and monocytes at the periphery, and Gram-Weigett staining to form a cluster of Gram-positive cocci.


Diagnosis and differentiation of inflammation around the sweat hole and multiple sweat gland abscess

Diagnostic criteria

1. According to the skin lesions, most of the solid purple-red hemispherical nodules, such as the size of soybeans to apricots, can quickly purify and soften, rupture, discharge yellow-green sticky pus, symptoms like rickets, but no pus, Histopathology: clear abscess around the deep sweat gland of the dermis, polymorphonuclear granulocyte accumulation in the center, epithelial-like cells and monocytes at the margin, Gram-Weigett staining can be seen as a cluster of Gram-positive cocci, which can be diagnosed.

2. Chinese medicine pathogenesis and syndrome differentiation

(1) Pathogenesis: Chinese medicine believes that this disease is mostly endogenous damp heat, and it is caused by heat and stagnation on the skin.

(2) Dialectical analysis: The majority of the swollen heads and abscesses with tenderness and swelling, and syndrome differentiation belong to heat and dampness.

Differential diagnosis

Mainly identified with rickets, rickets skin lesions and hair follicles consistent, inflammatory infiltration and pain, prominent yellow pus at the center of the nodules, and the season is not obvious, the disease has no central pus, no tenderness, dome, not involved Hair follicles.

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