Sea urchin stab wound and sea urchin granuloma


Introduction to sea urchin stab wound and sea urchin granuloma The sea urchin is a Phylumechinodermatita, often round or oval, and is contained in a close-fitting shell with a number of movable spines that can damage the human skin. There are many types of sea urchins, all over the world, especially in tropical and frigid waters. Therefore, damage caused by sea urchin spines is a common occupational injury of coastal fishermen. basic knowledge The proportion of sickness: 0.04%-0.07% Susceptible people: good for coastal fishermen Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: facial paralysis


Sea urchin stab and sea urchin granuloma

(1) Causes of the disease

Sea urchins hurt the human skin.

(two) pathogenesis

The thorns are formed by the calcification of a columnar protrusion of connective tissue under the epidermis. Some species have venom glands, and some tropical species also contain neurotoxins.

Many kinds of sea urchins can cause mechanical damage by their spines, or red venom injected into the skin can cause severe pain and inflammatory damage. This kind of spine is very fragile and easy to break. When piercing the skin, its tip often remains. Intradermal, after a few months, can cause local granulomatous reaction in some cases, in some sensitive cases, can induce mesothelioma-like granuloma, or can be caused by epidermal fragments implanted deep in the wound to cause inclusion-like inclusions (inclusion dermoid ).


Sea urchin stab wound and sea urchin granuloma prevention

The cause of this disease is mainly sea urchin stab wounds, so the prevention of this disease is mainly from the cause, and the coastal fishermen should do a good job of labor protection. Safety gloves should be worn primarily during fishing operations to avoid the risk of being stabbed by sea urchins by hand fishing. Secondly, once it is stabbed by sea urchins, it needs to be treated immediately to avoid serious complications caused by toxins entering the blood circulation.


Sea urchin stab wound and sea urchin granuloma complications Complications

Some can have dizziness, weakness, difficulty breathing, facial paralysis, and occasionally death from the body.


Sea urchin stab wound and sea urchin granuloma symptoms common symptoms dyspnea, severe pain, dizziness, granuloma, weakness

Immediately after the stab wound, it caused local severe pain, burning sensation, often accompanied by bleeding. The pain lasted for several hours, and then the localized inflammatory swelling appeared in the local area. It lasted for 1-2 weeks, except for local symptoms. At the same time, dizziness, weakness, difficulty in breathing, facial paralysis, and occasional death from the body can occur.

In addition to the immediate response mentioned above, a delayed reaction may occur locally after 2 to 12 months of stab wounding, manifesting as granulomatous nodular lesions, single or multiple nodules, depending on the number of stab wounds, generally More common in the hand, the nodules are braided, round, 2 to 8 mm in diameter, firm in texture, initially reddish or cyan, and then variable yellow-brown, sometimes the top is crater-like, the surface can be keratinized Subjective pain, occasional tenderness, in addition to nodular lesions, sometimes can be expressed as diffuse dark red infiltrates, more common in the fingers, can appear fusiform deformity, may have focal bone destruction and adjacent joint synovial involvement These two types of delayed damage can be spontaneously absorbed, but often do not heal.


Sea urchin stab wound and sea urchin granuloma

Histopathology: Nodular lesions are mainly characterized by tissue granuloma, epithelioid cells, foreign granuloma reaction, more plasma cells, lymphocytes and neutrophil infiltration, and a few macrophages, including New blood vessels are formed, and birefringent fragments are sometimes found in the lesion area.


Diagnosis and identification of sea urchin stab wound and sea urchin granuloma

The disease usually has a clear sea urchin contact with stab wounds, and characteristic changes can occur after the injury: local severe pain, burning sensation, often accompanied by bleeding. The pain can last for hours. Then, there are different degrees of inflammatory swelling in the local area. Combined with pathological examination: nodular lesions mainly manifested as foreign body granuloma reaction mainly composed of tissue cells and epithelioid cells. There were more plasma cells, lymphocytes and neutrophils infiltration, and a few macrophages were also seen. Therefore, the disease can be clearly defined. To identify, it should be differentiated from poisonous fish poisoning, and there is a certain similarity between the two. The poisonous fish stab has a clear history of contact with the poisonous fish, and after being stabbed, the wound immediately bleeds, and the pain is unbearable, which lasts for several hours, and then there is extensive redness around the wound, which is like cellulitis. Pathological changes are not the same as sea urchins.

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